Kevin Whitelaw, MD
Emergency Medicine
School of Medicine
Publications (7)
Top publication keywords:
AfricaDisease OutbreaksAccidentsCraniocerebral TraumaRetinal HemorrhageStudentsEncephalopathy, Bovine SpongiformTeachingDisastersImplosive TherapyPoliticsAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeMeat ProductsDrug CostsDrugs, Generic
Update on abusive head trauma.
Current opinion in pediatrics 2015 Shaahinfar A, Whitelaw KD, Mansour KM -
A diplomat's sobering trip.
U.S. news & world report 2005 Whitelaw K -
In death's shadow.
U.S. news & world report 2003 Whitelaw K -
Just the medicine. Cheaper AIDS drugs.
U.S. news & world report 2001 Whitelaw K -
In Africa, a scourge beyond imagining.
U.S. news & world report 2000 Whitelaw K -
Sacré boeuf, it's mad cow. A beef scare in France.
U.S. news & world report 2000 Whitelaw K -
AIDS in the classroom.
U.S. news & world report 2000 Whitelaw K