Kelly Young-Wolff, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor
School of Medicine
Kelly C. Young-Wolff (Piazza), PhD, MPH, is a licensed clinical psychologist and research scientist at the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco.
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Dr. Young-Wolff received her BA in psychology and anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley, and her MPH and doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Southern California. She completed her NIDA-funded predoctoral fellowship at Yale University in the Department of Psychiatry and her NHLBI-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the Stanford Prevention Research Center in the Stanford School of Medicine. Dr. Young-Wolff’s research interests include investigating how stress and trauma, genetic factors, and health-related policies shape disparities in the onset and course of drug and alcohol abuse, tobacco use, and psychiatric disorders. She is also interested in conducting research to inform the development of effective behavioral interventions for complex patients with multiple, co-occurring psychiatric and addictive disorders.
Education & Training
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- Postdoc Stanford University 08/2014
- Phd, MPH psychology/biostatistics University of Southern California 08/2012
- Fellowship substance abuse Yale University 08/2012
- BA psychology/anthropology University of California, Berkeley 05/2005
Grants and Projects
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- Assessing the Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Adolescent Cannabis Use and Cannabis-Related Health Conditions, NIH, 2022-2027
- Impact of in utero Marijuana Exposure on Neurodevelopment, Behavior and Mental Health: A Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study, NIH, 2020-2025
- Maternal Marijuana Use During Pregnancy, Marijuana Legalization, and Adverse Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcomes: A 12-year Cohort Study, NIH, 2019-2024
- Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women with Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders, NIH, 2022-2023
- Smoking and COVID-19 Onset and Severity in a US Integrated Healthcare Delivery System, TRDRP, 2021-2023
- Competitive Revision Award on COVID-19 and Prenatal Substance Use, NIH, 2020-2022
- Identifying Risk Factors for Prenatal Substance and Polysubstance Use, NIH, 2017-2022
- Interaction of Genes, Stress, and Cognitions in the Development of Alcoholism, NIH, 2009-2012
Publications (154)
Top publication keywords:
Pregnant WomenHallucinogensSmokingMarijuana UseSubstance-Related DisordersDelivery of Health Care, IntegratedCannabisMarijuana AbusePregnancy ComplicationsPregnancyCaliforniaLegislation, DrugIntimate Partner ViolenceMarijuana SmokingPrenatal Care
Alcohol, Cannabis, and nicotine use during early pregnancy and infant hearing loss.
Preventive medicine 2025 Young-Wolff KC, Oberman N, Alexeeff SE, Croen LA, Steuerle KR, Ansley D, Castellanos C, Avalos LA -
Sociodemographic differences in modes of cannabis use among pregnant individuals in Northern California.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Cortez CA, Nugent JR, Padon AA, Prochaska JJ, Adams SR, Slama NE, Soroosh AJ, Does MB, Campbell CI, Ansley D, Castellanos C, Brown QL -
Predictors of Participation in Prenatal Substance Use Assessment, Counseling, and Treatment Among Pregnant Individuals in Prenatal Settings Who Use Cannabis.
Journal of addiction medicine 2024 Lapham GT, Chi FW, Young-Wolff KC, Ansley D, Castellanos C, Does MB, Asyyed AH, Ettenger A, Campbell CI -
300,000 quitters and counting; A systematic approach to tobacco cessation.
American journal of preventive cardiology 2024 Fogelberg R, Young-Wolff KC, Nadella J, Khan M, Chen YI, Rana JS -
Clinician perspectives on barriers and facilitators to the treatment of adolescent cannabis use: A qualitative study.
Journal of substance use and addiction treatment 2024 Mian MN, Annam J, Altschuler A, Does MB, Sterling SA, Satre DD, Campbell CI, Asyyed AH, Silver LD, Cunningham SF, Young-Wolff KC
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Associations between adverse childhood experiences, resilience, and excess gestational weight gain.
American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM 2024 Watson CR, Eaton A, Campbell CI, Hedderson MM, Ridout KK, Alexeeff SE, Young-Wolff KC -
Association of Local Cannabis Policy and Retail Availability With Cannabis Use and Problematic Cannabis Use Among Adolescents in Northern California.
American journal of public health 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Asera A, Padon AA, Slama NE, Alexeeff SE, Pacula RL, Campbell CI, Sterling SA, Satre DD, Lu Y, Dyer WT, Does MB, Silver LD -
Cannabis Use During Early Pregnancy Following Recreational Cannabis Legalization.
JAMA health forum 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Slama NE, Avalos LA, Padon AA, Silver LD, Adams SR, Does MB, Ansley D, Castellanos C, Campbell CI, Alexeeff SE -
Prenatal Cannabis Use and Offspring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Disruptive Behavior Disorders: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Kong K, Alexeeff SE, Croen LA, Oberman N, Kirane H, Ansley D, Davignon M, Adams SR, Avalos LA -
Racial Residential Segregation and Mental Health During Pregnancy.
JAMA health forum 2024 Kelly-Taylor K, Badon SE, Dyer WT, Asera A, Dong H, Baker T, Nance N, Kershaw KN, Quesenberry CP, Young-Wolff KC, Bhalala M, Erickson-Ridout K, Avalos LA -
Early Maternal Prenatal Cannabis Use and Child Developmental Delays.
JAMA network open 2024 Avalos LA, Oberman N, Alexeeff SE, Croen LA, Davignon MN, Adams SR, Ansley D, Chambers CD, Steuerle K, Young-Wolff KC -
Maternal Prenatal Cannabis Use and Child Autism Spectrum Disorder.
JAMA network open 2024 Avalos LA, Shenkute M, Alexeeff SE, Oberman N, Croen LA, Davignon M, Adams SR, Ansley D, Castellanos C, Young-Wolff KC -
Prenatal Cannabis Use and Maternal Pregnancy Outcomes.
JAMA internal medicine 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Alexeeff SE, Zhu Y, Chojolan E, Slama NE, Does MB, Silver LD, Ansley D, Castellanos CL, Avalos LA -
Changes in Prenatal Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Individuals From 2012 to 2022.
Obstetrics and gynecology 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Chi FW, Lapham GT, Alexeeff SE, Does MB, Ansley D, Campbell CI -
Prevalence and trends of suspected cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome over an 11-year period in Northern California: An electronic health record study.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2024 Costales B, Lu Y, Young-Wolff KC, Cotton DM, Campbell CI, Iturralde E, Sterling SA -
Racial, ethnic, and neighborhood socioeconomic disparities in local cannabis retail policy in California.
The International journal on drug policy 2024 Simard BJ, Padon AA, Silver LD, Avalos LA, Soroosh AJ, Young-Wolff KC -
Association of psychiatric and substance use disorders with cannabis use and cannabis use disorder during early pregnancy in northern California.
Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Chi FW, Campbell CI, Does MB, Brown QL, Alexeeff SE, Ansley D, Wang X, Lapham GT -
Evaluation of an Embedded Health Psychologist Intervention for Obstetric Patients With Adverse Childhood Experiences.
The Permanente journal 2024 Watson CR, Wei J, Rios N, Staunton M, Koper A, Shiels J, Lee N, Young-Wolff KC -
Representativeness of Patients With Lung Cancer in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System.
The Permanente journal 2024 Yang MZ, Liu R, Von Behren J, Lin K, Adams AS, Kushi LH, Quesenberry CP, Velotta JB, Wong ML, Young-Wolff KC, Gomez SL, Shariff-Marco S, Sakoda LC -
Substance use and mental health factors associated with self-reported higher risk cannabis use among people with HIV screened in primary care.
Research square 2024 Mian MN, Sarovar V, Levine T, Lea A, Leibowitz A, Luu M, Flamm J, Hare CB, Horberg M, Young-Wolff KC, Phillips KT, Silverberg MJ, Satre DD -
Clinician perspectives on adolescent cannabis-related beliefs and behaviors following recreational cannabis legalization.
Addictive behaviors 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Does MB, Mian MN, Sterling SA, Satre DD, Campbell CI, Silver LD, Alexeeff SE, Cunningham SF, Asyyed A, Altschuler A -
Letter to the Editor: Snoop Dogg's Announcement to "Give Up Smoke" Has Fans Reevaluating Their Own Patterns of Cannabis Use.
Cannabis and cannabinoid research 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Iturralde E -
Pediatric ACEs Screening and Referral: Facilitators, Barriers, and Opportunities for Improvement.
Journal of child & adolescent trauma 2024 Dumke KA, Hamity C, Peters K, DiGangi M, Negriff S, Sterling SA, Young-Wolff KC -
Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience With Depression and Anxiety During Pregnancy.
Obstetrics and gynecology 2024 Watson CR, Eaton A, Campbell CI, Alexeeff SE, Avalos LA, Ridout KK, Young-Wolff KC -
Intentions to Use Cannabis Postpartum: A Qualitative Study of Pregnant Individuals Who Used Cannabis During Early Pregnancy.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2024 Young-Wolff KC, Green A, Iturralde E, Altschuler A, Does MB, Jackson-Morris M, Adams SR, Ansley D, Conway A, Goler N, Skelton K, Foti TR -
Implementation and Evaluation of Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening in Pediatrics and Obstetrics Settings.
The Permanente journal 2024 Watson CR, Young-Wolff KC, Negriff S, Dumke K, DiGangi M -
A patient activation intervention in primary care for patients with chronic pain on long term opioid therapy: results from a randomized control trial.
BMC health services research 2024 Does MB, Adams SR, Kline-Simon AH, Marino C, Charvat-Aguilar N, Weisner CM, Rubinstein AL, Ghadiali M, Cowan P, Young-Wolff KC, Campbell CI -
Clinical impacts of an integrated electronic health record-based smoking cessation intervention during hospitalisation.
BMJ open 2023 Banerjee S, Alabaster A, Adams AS, Fogelberg R, Patel N, Young-Wolff K -
Neonatal outcomes associated with in utero cannabis exposure: a population-based retrospective cohort study.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2023 Avalos LA, Adams SR, Alexeeff SE, Oberman NR, Does MB, Ansley D, Goler N, Padon AA, Silver LD, Young-Wolff KC -
Agreement Between Self-reports and Urine Toxicology Measures of Illicit Methamphetamine and Cocaine Use During Early Pregnancy.
Journal of addiction medicine 2023 Sujan AC, Alexeeff SE, Slama NE, Goler N, Avalos LA, Adams SR, Conway A, Ansley D, Pal A, Gunn RL, Micalizzi L, Young-Wolff KC -
Association between maternal prenatal cannabis use and missed child preventive care visits in an integrated health care delivery system in Northern California.
Preventive medicine 2023 Avalos LA, Oberman N, Alexeeff SE, Croen LA, Adams SR, Davignon M, Young-Wolff KC -
Patient Perceptions of Prenatal Cannabis Use and Implications for Clinicians.
Obstetrics and gynecology 2023 Foti TR, Green A, Altschuler A, Iturralde E, Does MB, Jackson-Morris M, Adams SR, Goler N, Ansley D, Conway A, Young-Wolff KC -
Exploring preferences for different modes of cannabis use during early pregnancy: A qualitative study.
Addictive behaviors 2023 Mian MN, Foti TR, Green A, Iturralde E, Altschuler A, Does MB, Jackson-Morris M, Adams SR, Satre DD, Ansley D, Young-Wolff KC -
Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Prenatal Mental Health and Substance Use.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2023 Foti TR, Watson C, Adams SR, Rios N, Staunton M, Wei J, Sterling SA, Ridout KK, Young-Wolff KC -
A systematic review of in utero cannabis exposure and risk for structural birth defects.
Frontiers in pediatrics 2023 Sujan AC, Pal A, Avalos LA, Young-Wolff KC -
Cannabis use, cannabis use disorder and mental health disorders among pregnant and postpartum women in the US: A nationally representative study.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2023 Brown QL, Shmulewitz D, Sarvet AL, Young-Wolff KC, Howard T, Hasin DS -
Current tobacco smoking and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization: Evaluating the role of socio-demographic factors and comorbidities.
Preventive medicine 2023 Young-Wolff KC, Slama N, Sakoda LC, Prochaska JJ, Fogelberg R, Alexeeff SE -
Cannabis Use for Medical Reasons Among Patients in a Large California Health Care System After Legalization of Nonmedical Use.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2023 Karmali RN, Does MB, Gordon NP, Sterling SA, Young-Wolff KC, Sidney S, Campbell CI -
Pregnant individual's lived experience of cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study.
Frontiers in psychiatry 2023 Young-Wolff KC, Foti TR, Green A, Iturralde E, Jackson-Morris M, Does MB, Adams SR, Goler N, Conway A, Ansley D, Altschuler A -
Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic With Unstable and/or Unsafe Living Situations and Intimate Partner Violence Among Pregnant Individuals.
JAMA network open 2023 Avalos LA, Ray GT, Alexeeff SE, Adams SR, Does MB, Watson C, Young-Wolff KC -
Tobacco Smoking and Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Disease Severity Among Adults in an Integrated Healthcare System in California.
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2023 Young-Wolff KC, Slama N, Alexeeff SE, Sakoda LC, Fogelberg R, Myers LC, Campbell CI, Adams AS, Prochaska JJ -
Perceptions About Cannabis Following Legalization Among Pregnant Individuals With Prenatal Cannabis Use in California.
JAMA network open 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Foti TR, Green A, Altschuler A, Does MB, Jackson-Morris M, Adams SR, Ansley D, Conway A, Goler N, Mian MN, Iturralde E -
Trends in Self-reported and Biochemically Verified Cocaine and Methamphetamine Use Among Pregnant Individuals in Northern California, 2011-2019.
JAMA network open 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Slama NE, Sarovar V, Terplan M, Ansley D, Adams SR, Alexeeff SE -
Local Laws Regulating Cannabis in California Two Years Post Legalization: Assessing Incorporation of Lessons from Tobacco Control.
Cannabis (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2022 Padon AA, Young-Wolff KC, Avalos LA, Silver LD -
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on prenatal cannabis use by pre-conception depression and anxiety status.
Journal of affective disorders reports 2022 Avalos LA, Ray GT, Alexeeff SE, Adams SR, Does M, Ansley D, Tucker LY, Conway A, Ettenger A, Goler N, Young-Wolff KC -
Geographic Accessibility of Retail Cannabis in Northern California and Prenatal Cannabis Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
JAMA network open 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Slama NE, Padon AA, Silver LD, Soroosh A, Alexeeff SE, Adams SR, Does MB, Campbell CI, Ansley D, Conway A, Goler N, Avalos LA -
Smoking Behaviors and Prognosis in Patients With Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer in the Be-Well Study.
JAMA network open 2022 Kwan ML, Haque R, Young-Wolff KC, Lee VS, Roh JM, Ergas IJ, Wang Z, Cannavale KL, Ambrosone CB, Loo RK, Aaronson DS, Quesenberry CP, Kushi LH, Tang L -
Patterns of Substance Use During Early Pregnancy and Associations With Behavioral Health Characteristics.
Journal of addiction medicine 2022 Sujan AC, Alexeeff SE, Slama N, Avalos LA, Adams SR, Conway A, Ansley D, Young-Wolff KC -
Association of cannabis use during pregnancy with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection: a retrospective cohort study.
Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Ray GT, Alexeeff SE, Benowitz N, Adams SR, Does MB, Goler N, Ansley D, Conway A, Avalos LA -
Cost-Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing to Reduce Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among Patients With Depression.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2022 Satre DD, Parthasarathy S, Young-Wolff KC, Meacham MC, Borsari B, Hirschtritt ME, Van Dyke L, Sterling SA -
Electronic cigarette use and risk of COVID-19 among young adults without a history of cigarette smoking.
Preventive medicine 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Slama NE, Alexeeff SE, Prochaska JJ, Fogelberg R, Sakoda LC -
California Cannabis Markets-Why Industry-Friendly Regulation Is Not Good Public Health.
JAMA health forum 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Pacula RL, Silver LD -
In-utero cannabis exposure and long-term psychiatric and neurodevelopmental outcomes: The limitations of existing literature and recommendations for future research.
Birth defects research 2022 Sujan AC, Young-Wolff KC, Avalos LA -
Trends in Cannabis Polysubstance Use During Early Pregnancy Among Patients in a Large Health Care System in Northern California.
JAMA network open 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Tucker LY, Ansley D, Goler N, Conway A, Ettenger A, Foti TR, Brown QL, Kurtzman ET, Adams SR, Alexeeff SE -
Associations of COVID-19-Related Health, Healthcare and Economic Factors With Prenatal Depression and Anxiety.
International journal of public health 2022 Avalos LA, Nance N, Badon SE, Young-Wolff K, Ames J, Zhu Y, Hedderson MM, Ferrara A, Zerbo O, Greenberg M, Croen LA -
Coping strategies for COVID-19 pandemic-related stress and mental health during pregnancy.
Journal of affective disorders 2022 Badon SE, Croen LA, Ferrara A, Ames JL, Hedderson MM, Young-Wolff KC, Zhu Y, Avalos LA -
Contributions of COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Stressors to Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health During Pregnancy.
Frontiers in psychiatry 2022 Avalos LA, Nance N, Zhu Y, Croen LA, Young-Wolff KC, Zerbo O, Hedderson MM, Ferrara A, Ames JL, Badon SE -
Modes of cannabis administration in the year prior to conception among patients in Northern California.
Addictive behaviors reports 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Brown QL, Weisner C, Ansley D, Goler N, Skelton KR, Satre DD, Foti TR, Conway A -
Prenatal Cannabis Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Reply.
JAMA 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Ansley D, Avalos LA -
Association Between Prenatal Cannabis Use and Psychotropic Medication Use in Pregnant Patients With Depression and Anxiety.
Journal of addiction medicine 2022 Hirschtritt ME, Avalos LA, Sarovar V, Ridout KK, Goler NC, Ansley DR, Satre DD, Young-Wolff KC -
Pregnant women's perspectives on screening for adverse childhood experiences and resilience during prenatal care.
Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy 2022 Watson C, Wei J, Varnado N, Rios N, Staunton M, Ferguson D, Young-Wolff KC -
Association of Pregnancy Intentions With Substance Use During Early Pregnancy.
Journal of addiction medicine 2022 Young-Wolff KC, Slama N, Sarovar V, Conway A, Tucker LY, Goler N, Terplan M, Ansley D, Adams SR, Armstrong MA -
Preconception cannabis use: An important but overlooked public health issue.
Women's health (London, England) 2022 Skelton KR, Young-Wolff KC -
Cannabis Use and Patient-Centered Care During Pregnancy and Post Partum Among People Living With HIV.
JAMA network open 2021 Young-Wolff KC, Marcus JL, Satre DD -
Rates of Prenatal Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
JAMA 2021 Young-Wolff KC, Ray GT, Alexeeff SE, Adams SR, Does MB, Ansley D, Avalos LA -
COVID-19 prevalence, symptoms, and sociodemographic disparities in infection among insured pregnant women in Northern California.
PloS one 2021 Ames JL, Ferrara A, Avalos LA, Badon SE, Greenberg MB, Hedderson MM, Kuzniewicz MW, Qian Y, Young-Wolff KC, Zerbo O, Zhu Y, Croen LA -
Physical, Mental Health and Developmental Conditions, and Sociodemographic Characteristics Associated With Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Young Children in Pediatric Primary Care.
Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners 2021 Sterling S, Chi F, Lin J, Padalkar P, Vinayagasundaram U, Iturralde E, Young-Wolff K, Metz VE, Herz A, Negusse R, Jackson-Morris M, Espinas P -
Why do Americans use marijuana?
Drug and alcohol dependence 2021 Kurtzman ET, Young-Wolff KC -
Association Between Social Media Use and Vaping Among Florida Adolescents, 2019.
Preventing chronic disease 2021 Lee J, Tan ASL, Porter L, Young-Wolff KC, Carter-Harris L, Salloum RG -
Cannabis Use Among Patients With Psychotic Disorders.
The Permanente journal 2021 Hirschtritt ME, Young-Wolff KC, Mathalon DH, Satre DD -
A Change in Blood Carbamazepine Levels Associated With Cannabis Use: Implications for Clinical Practice.
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2021 Ridout KK, Young-Wolff KC, Ridout SJ -
Association of Cannabis Retailer Proximity and Density With Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in Northern California After Legalization of Cannabis for Recreational Use.
JAMA network open 2021 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Padon A, Silver LD, Alexeeff SE, Van Den Eeden SK, Avalos LA -
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Early and Continued Breastfeeding: Findings from an Integrated Health Care Delivery System.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2021 Watson C, Wei J, Varnado N, Rios N, Flanagan T, Alabaster A, Staunton M, Sterling SA, Gunderson EP, Young-Wolff KC -
Moving Toward Health and Social Equity for Women Who Use Cannabis During Preconception, Pregnancy, and Lactation.
JAMA network open 2021 Young-Wolff KC, Silver LD, Brown QL -
Nicotine and cannabis vaping among adolescents in treatment for substance use disorders.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2021 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Sterling SA, Tan ASL, Salloum RG, Torre K, Carter-Harris L, Prochaska JJ -
The relationship of smoking and unhealthy alcohol use to the HIV care continuum among people with HIV in an integrated health care system.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2021 Satre DD, Levine-Hall T, Sterling SA, Young-Wolff KC, Lam JO, Alexeeff S, Hojilla JC, Williams A, Justice AC, Sterne J, Cavassini M, Bryant KJ, Williams EC, Horberg MA, Volberding P, Weisner C, … -
Treatment for Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies.
Journal of addiction medicine 2020 Satre DD, Iturralde E, Ghadiali M, Young-Wolff KC, Campbell CI, Leibowitz AS, Sterling SA -
Health care utilization and HIV clinical outcomes among newly enrolled patients following Affordable Care Act implementation in a California integrated health system: a longitudinal study.
BMC health services research 2020 Satre DD, Parthasarathy S, Silverberg MJ, Horberg M, Young-Wolff KC, Williams EC, Volberding P, Campbell CI -
Premature mortality associated with severe mental illness or substance use disorder in an integrated health care system.
General hospital psychiatry 2020 Iturralde E, Slama N, Kline-Simon AH, Young-Wolff KC, Mordecai D, Sterling SA -
Smoking cessation treatment for individuals with comorbid diabetes and serious mental illness in an integrated health care delivery system.
Addictive behaviors 2020 Hwong AR, Schmittdiel J, Schillinger D, Newcomer JW, Essock S, Zhu Z, Dyer W, Young-Wolff KC, Mangurian C -
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pregnancy Intentions among Pregnant Women Seeking Prenatal Care.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2020 Young-Wolff KC, Wei J, Varnado N, Rios N, Staunton M, Watson C -
Estimates of Workload Associated With Suicide Risk Alerts After Implementation of Risk-Prediction Model.
JAMA network open 2020 Kline-Simon AH, Sterling S, Young-Wolff K, Simon G, Lu Y, Does M, Liu V -
Healthcare utilization of individuals with substance use disorders following Affordable Care Act implementation in a California healthcare system.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2020 Satre DD, Palzes VA, Young-Wolff KC, Parthasarathy S, Weisner C, Guydish J, Campbell CI -
Trends and correlates of self-reported alcohol and nicotine use among women before and during pregnancy, 2009-2017.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2020 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Alexeeff SE, Adams SR, Tucker LY, Conway A, Ansley D, Goler N, Armstrong MA, Weisner C -
Validity of Self-reported Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Females in Northern California.
Journal of addiction medicine 2020 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Tucker LY, Goler N, Conway A, Weisner C, Armstrong MA, Alexeeff S -
Smoking and cessation treatment among persons with and without HIV in a U.S. integrated health system.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2020 Lam JO, Levine-Hall T, Hood N, Alexeeff SE, Horberg MA, Young-Wolff KC, Sterling SA, Williams A, Weisner C, Satre DD, Silverberg MJ -
Tobacco-Related Counseling and Documentation in Adolescent Primary Care Practice: Challenges and Opportunities.
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2020 LeLaurin JH, Theis RP, Thompson LA, Tan ASL, Young-Wolff KC, Carter-Harris L, Shenkman EA, Salloum RG -
Correlates of Pregnant Women's Participation in a Substance Use Assessment and Counseling Intervention Integrated into Prenatal Care.
Maternal and child health journal 2020 Young-Wolff KC, Tucker LY, Armstrong MA, Conway A, Weisner C, Goler N -
Implementing a Multifaceted Perioperative Smoking Cessation Intervention in a Large Healthcare System.
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2020 Young-Wolff KC, Fogelberg R, Preston PG -
Association of Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma With Cannabis Use During Pregnancy.
JAMA network open 2020 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Tucker LY, Goler NC, Alexeeff SE, Ridout KK, Avalos LA -
Women's Questions About Perinatal Cannabis Use and Health Care Providers' Responses.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2020 Young-Wolff KC, Gali K, Sarovar V, Rutledge GW, Prochaska JJ -
Online patient-provider cannabis consultations.
Preventive medicine 2020 Gali K, Narode R, Young-Wolff KC, Rubinstein ML, Rutledge G, Prochaska JJ -
Management of Cannabis Use in Breastfeeding Women: The Untapped Potential of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.
Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine 2019 Skelton KR, Benjamin-Neelon SE, Young-Wolff KC -
Comorbid Diabetes and Severe Mental Illness: Outcomes in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System.
Journal of general internal medicine 2019 Mangurian C, Schillinger D, Newcomer JW, Vittinghoff E, Essock S, Zhu Z, Dyer W, Young-Wolff KC, Schmittdiel J -
Routes of cannabis administration among females in the year before and during pregnancy: Results from a pilot project.
Addictive behaviors 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Wi S, Weisner C, Conway A -
Intimate Partner Violence and Psychological Distress: Opportunities for Prevention and Early Intervention Among Emerging Adult Women.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2019 Young-Wolff KC, McCaw B -
Self-reported Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Cannabis Use Among Women Before and During Pregnancy.
JAMA network open 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Tucker LY, Conway A, Alexeeff S, Weisner C, Armstrong MA, Goler N -
Capsule Commentary on Anthenelli et al., Predictors of Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events with Smoking Cessation Medications in the Randomized Controlled EAGLES Trial.
Journal of general internal medicine 2019 Satre DD, Young-Wolff KC -
Potential Adverse Effects of Marijuana Use in Pregnancy.
Annals of internal medicine 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Conway A, Goler N -
Adverse childhood experiences, mental health, substance use, and HIV-related outcomes among persons with HIV.
AIDS care 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Sterling SA, Leibowitz A, McCaw B, Hare CB, Silverberg MJ, Satre DD -
Disparities in knowledge and use of tobacco treatment among smokers in California following healthcare reform.
Preventive medicine reports 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Tan ASL, Adams AS, Klebaner D, Campbell CI, Satre DD, Salloum RG, Carter-Harris L, Prochaska JJ -
Evaluation of a Pilot Perioperative Smoking Cessation Program: A Pre-Post Study.
The Journal of surgical research 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Fogelberg R, Goldstein AA, Preston PG -
Trends in marijuana use among pregnant women with and without nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, 2009-2016.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Tucker LY, Avalos LA, Alexeeff S, Conway A, Armstrong MA, Weisner C, Campbell CI, Goler N -
Why Pregnant Women May Justifiably Choose to Use Cannabis-Reply.
JAMA internal medicine 2019 Young-Wolff KC, Conway A, Goler N -
Disparities in the Receipt of Tobacco Treatment Counseling within the US Context of the Affordable Care Act and Meaningful Use Implementation.
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2018 Tan ASL, Young-Wolff KC, Carter-Harris L, Salloum RG, Banerjee SC -
Evaluating the Impact of Eliminating Copayments for Tobacco Cessation Pharmacotherapy.
Medical care 2018 Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Klebaner D, Adams AS, Campbell CI, Satre DD, Prochaska JJ -
Characteristics of patients with substance use disorder before and after the Affordable Care Act.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2018 Campbell CI, Parthasarathy S, Altschuler A, Young-Wolff KC, Satre DD -
Association of Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy With Prenatal Marijuana Use.
JAMA internal medicine 2018 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Tucker LY, Avalos LA, Conway A, Armstrong MA, Goler N -
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental and Behavioral Health Conditions During Pregnancy: The Role of Resilience.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2018 Young-Wolff KC, Alabaster A, McCaw B, Stoller N, Watson C, Sterling S, Ridout KK, Flanagan T -
Data Are Needed on the Potential Adverse Effects of Marijuana Use in Pregnancy.
Annals of internal medicine 2018 Goler N, Conway A, Young-Wolff KC -
Changes in Psychiatric and Medical Conditions and Health Care Utilization Following a Diagnosis of Sexual Assault: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Medical care 2018 Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Klebaner D, Chi F, McCaw B -
Documentation of e-cigarette use and associations with smoking from 2012 to 2015 in an integrated healthcare delivery system.
Preventive medicine 2018 Young-Wolff KC, Klebaner D, Folck B, Tan ASL, Fogelberg R, Sarovar V, Prochaska JJ -
Feasibility and Acceptability of Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences in Prenatal Care.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2018 Flanagan T, Alabaster A, McCaw B, Stoller N, Watson C, Young-Wolff KC -
Trends in Self-reported and Biochemically Tested Marijuana Use Among Pregnant Females in California From 2009-2016.
JAMA 2017 Young-Wolff KC, Tucker LY, Alexeeff S, Armstrong MA, Conway A, Weisner C, Goler N -
Intimate Partner Violence, Smoking, and Pregnancy: What Can We Do to Help?
Journal of women's health (2002) 2017 Young-Wolff KC, McCaw B, Avalos LA -
Alcohol, marijuana, and opioid use disorders: 5-Year patterns and characteristics of emergency department encounters.
Substance abuse 2017 Bahorik AL, Satre DD, Kline-Simon AH, Weisner CM, Young-Wolff KC, Campbell CI -
Do you vape? Leveraging electronic health records to assess clinician documentation of electronic nicotine delivery system use among adolescents and adults.
Preventive medicine 2017 Young-Wolff KC, Klebaner D, Folck B, Carter-Harris L, Salloum RG, Prochaska JJ, Fogelberg R, Tan ASL -
Smoking Status and Opioid-related Problems and Concerns Among Men and Women on Chronic Opioid Therapy.
The Clinical journal of pain 2017 Young-Wolff KC, Klebaner D, Weisner C, Von Korff M, Campbell CI -
Association of the Affordable Care Act With Smoking and Tobacco Treatment Utilization Among Adults Newly Enrolled in Health Care.
Medical care 2017 Young-Wolff KC, Klebaner D, Campbell CI, Weisner C, Satre DD, Adams AS -
Buprenorphine Treatment and Patient Use of Health Services after the Affordable Care Act in an Integrated Health Care System.
Journal of psychoactive drugs 2017 Campbell CI, Parthasarathy S, Young-Wolff KC, Satre DD -
Smoke-Free Laws and Hazardous Drinking: A Cross-Sectional Study among U.S. Adults.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2017 Jiang N, Gonzalez M, Ling PM, Young-Wolff KC, Glantz SA -
Smoking, Mental Illness, and Public Health.
Annual review of public health 2016 Prochaska JJ, Das S, Young-Wolff KC -
Transforming the Health Care Response to Intimate Partner Violence: Addressing "Wicked Problems".
JAMA 2016 Young-Wolff KC, Kotz K, McCaw B -
Use of Electronic Cigarettes Among Cancer Survivors in the U.S.
American journal of preventive medicine 2016 Salloum RG, Getz KR, Tan ASL, Carter-Harris L, Young-Wolff KC, George TJ, Shenkman EA -
Patient-provider discussions about lung cancer screening pre- and post-guidelines: Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS).
Patient education and counseling 2016 Carter-Harris L, Tan AS, Salloum RG, Young-Wolff KC -
Smoking Trends Among Adults With Behavioral Health Conditions in Integrated Health Care: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) 2016 Young-Wolff KC, Kline-Simon AH, Das S, Mordecai DJ, Miller-Rosales C, Weisner C -
Potential Unintended Consequences of Electronic Cigarette Use in Drinking Venues.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2016 Young-Wolff KC, McKee SA -
Massive open online nutrition and cooking course for improved eating behaviors and meal composition.
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 2015 Adam M, Young-Wolff KC, Konar E, Winkleby M -
Drinking experience uncovers genetic influences on alcohol expectancies across adolescence.
Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2015 Young-Wolff KC, Wang P, Tuvblad C, Baker LA, Raine A, Prescott CA -
Gender differences in a randomized controlled trial treating tobacco use among adolescents and young adults with mental health concerns.
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2015 Prochaska JJ, Fromont SC, Ramo DE, Young-Wolff KC, Delucchi K, Brown RA, Hall SM -
Symptom severity and readiness to quit among hospitalized smokers with mental illness.
Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) 2015 Anzai N, Young-Wolff KC, Prochaska JJ -
Electronic cigarettes in jails: a panacea or public health problem?
JAMA psychiatry 2015 Young-Wolff KC, Karan LD, Prochaska JJ -
Prevalence and correlates of electronic-cigarette use in young adults: findings from three studies over five years.
Addictive behaviors 2014 Ramo DE, Young-Wolff KC, Prochaska JJ -
Correlates and prevalence of menthol cigarette use among adults with serious mental illness.
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2014 Young-Wolff KC, Hickman NJ, Kim R, Gali K, Prochaska JJ -
Tobacco retailer proximity and density and nicotine dependence among smokers with serious mental illness.
American journal of public health 2014 Young-Wolff KC, Henriksen L, Delucchi K, Prochaska JJ -
PTSD symptomatology and readiness to quit smoking among women with serious mental illness.
Addictive behaviors 2014 Young-Wolff KC, Fromont SC, Delucchi K, Hall SE, Hall SM, Prochaska JJ -
Are statewide restaurant and bar smoking bans associated with reduced cigarette smoking among those with mental illness?
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2014 Smith PH, Young-Wolff KC, Hyland A, McKee SA -
Multiple risk-behavior profiles of smokers with serious mental illness and motivation for change.
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2014 Prochaska JJ, Fromont SC, Delucchi K, Young-Wolff KC, Benowitz NL, Hall S, Bonas T, Hall SM -
Neuropsychological deficits in major depression reflect genetic/familial risk more than clinical history: a monozygotic discordant twin-pair study.
Psychiatry research 2013 Hsu KJ, Young-Wolff KC, Kendler KS, Halberstadt LJ, Prescott CA -
Validity of self-reported adult secondhand smoke exposure.
Tobacco control 2013 Prochaska JJ, Grossman W, Young-Wolff KC, Benowitz NL -
Increased cigarette tax is associated with reductions in alcohol consumption in a longitudinal U.S. sample.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2013 Young-Wolff KC, Kasza KA, Hyland AJ, McKee SA -
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters, alcohol misuse, and women's use of intimate partner violence.
Journal of traumatic stress 2013 Hellmuth JC, Jaquier V, Young-Wolff K, Sullivan TP -
Patterns of resource utilization and mental health symptoms among women exposed to multiple types of victimization: a latent class analysis.
Journal of interpersonal violence 2013 Young-Wolff KC, Hellmuth J, Jaquier V, Swan SC, Connell C, Sullivan TP -
Longitudinal associations between smoking cessation medications and alcohol consumption among smokers in the International Tobacco Control Four Country survey.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2012 McKee SA, Young-Wolff KC, Harrison EL, Cummings KM, Borland R, Kahler CW, Fong GT, Hyland A -
Smoke-free policies in drinking venues predict transitions in alcohol use disorders in a longitudinal U.S. sample.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2012 Young-Wolff KC, Hyland AJ, Desai R, Sindelar J, Pilver CE, McKee SA -
Interactive effects of childhood maltreatment and recent stressful life events on alcohol consumption in adulthood.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2012 Young-Wolff KC, Kendler KS, Prescott CA -
Shared genetic contributions to early-onset drinking and drinking to cope motives.
Addictive behaviors 2012 Young-Wolff KC, Kendler KS, Prescott CA -
Heritability of alcohol dependence is similar in women and men.
Evidence-based mental health 2012 Young-Wolff KC, Chereji E, Prescott CA -
The effects of age at drinking onset and stressful life events on alcohol use in adulthood: a replication and extension using a population-based twin sample.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2011 Lee LO, Young-Wolff KC, Wolff KC, Kendler KS, Prescott CA -
The influence of gene-environment interactions on alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorders: a comprehensive review.
Clinical psychology review 2011 Young-Wolff KC, Enoch MA, Prescott CA -
Heritability and longitudinal stability of schizotypal traits during adolescence.
Behavior genetics 2011 Ericson M, Tuvblad C, Raine A, Young-Wolff K, Baker LA -
Accounting for the association between childhood maltreatment and alcohol-use disorders in males: a twin study.
Psychological medicine 2010 Young-Wolff KC, Kendler KS, Ericson ML, Prescott CA -
Empirically defined subtypes of alcohol dependence in an Irish family sample.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2010 Sintov ND, Kendler KS, Young-Wolff KC, Walsh D, Patterson DG, Prescott CA -
Mood-related drinking motives mediate the familial association between major depression and alcohol dependence.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2009 Young-Wolff KC, Kendler KS, Sintov ND, Prescott CA