Kelly Cordoro, MD
School of Medicine


Dr. Kelly Cordoro is a Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. She is Division Chief of Pediatric Dermatology and the Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship Director at UCSF. Dr. Cordoro’s clinical focus is complex medical dermatology, particularly inflammatory diseases, in children. Her primary research interest is pediatric psoriasis.

Dr. Cordoro formerly received a competitive Career Development Award from the Dermatology Foundation to study psoriasis in children and she continues that work today as the Co-Chair of the Psoriasis Investigator Group of the Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance. Dr. Cordoro is a passionate educator, has won several teaching awards, and holds several leadership positions within the field of dermatology nationally. She serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology, and the New England Journal of Medicine Knowledge Plus. She is a passionate clinician, dedicated teacher, and committed to advancing the health of children with skin disease through research. She is particularly interested in reducing the psychological and emotional stigma of visible skin disease, and takes great care to address this aspect of management with her patients and their families.


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  • Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, 2015
  • "Best Doctor" Pediatric Dermatology, UCSF, 2013-2018
  • Research Awards: Pediatric Melanoma ('13), Psoriasis ('16), Laser Surgery ('16), American Academy of Dermatology and Society for Pediatric Dermatology, 2013-2016
  • Distinguished Educator Award, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2013
  • Career Development Award, The Dermatology Foundation, 2011-2014

Education & Training

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2019
  • Fellowship, Pediatric Dermatology Dermatology University of California, San Francisco 2008
  • Chief Resident, Dermatology Medicine/Dermatology University of Virginia 2005
  • Dermatology Residency Medicine/Dermatology University of Virginia 2005
  • Internship Internal Medicine University of Virginia 2002
  • M.D. School of Medicine Pennsylvania State University 2001


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  • Inflammatory skin disease
  • Pediatric Dermatology
  • Birthmarks
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Pediatric psoriasis
  • Laser surgery


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Publications (118)

Top publication keywords:
MethotrexateDermatologic AgentsSkinSudden Infant DeathSkin DiseasesPurpuraChildPhosphodiesterase 4 InhibitorsPhototherapyPediatricsDermatologyDermatitis, AtopicPsoriasisEczemaAcne Vulgaris