Katrina Kimport, PhD
Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences
School of Medicine
katrina.kimport@ucsf.edu 415-502-2694
Katrina Kimport, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences of the University of California, San Francisco and Research Sociologist in the Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) program at UCSF. Her research focuses on the (re)production of inequality, with a particular emphasis on gender and sexuality-based inequality.
Education & Training
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- PhD Sociology University of California, Santa Barbara 12/2009
- BA Sociology Yale University 05/2000
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- Profile at ansirh.org (ansirh.org)
- Profile at bixbycenter.ucsf.edu (bixbycenter.ucsf.edu)
Publications (68)
Top publication keywords:
Abortion, InducedAbortion ApplicantsUltrasonography, PrenatalFetal ViabilityEmotionsPregnant WomenTelevisionCounselingHealth Services AccessibilityPregnancy, UnwantedContraceptionDecision MakingPregnancyAbortion, LegalPregnancy Trimester, Third
Regulating Abortion Later in Pregnancy: Fetal-Centric Laws and the Erasure of Women's Subjectivity.
Journal of health politics, policy and law 2025 Kimport K, Weitz TA -
The experiences and perspectives of abortion seekers who travel for care: a qualitative evidence synthesis.
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2024 Henderson JT, Ramanadhan S, Kimport K, Foster AM, Paynter RA, Sheridan R, Noyes J -
The pleasure, joy and positive emotional experiences of abortion accompaniment after 17 weeks' gestation.
Culture, health & sexuality 2023 Kimport K, McReynolds-Pérez J, Bercu C, Cisternas C, Wilkinson Salamea E, Zurbriggen R, Moseson H -
Introduction: The Politics of Abortion 50 Years after Roe.
Journal of health politics, policy and law 2023 Kimport K, Kreitzer R -
"Have you ever wanted or needed an abortion you did not get?" Data from a 2022 nationally representative online survey in the United States.
Contraception 2023 Bennett AH, Marshall C, Kimport K, Deardorff J, Gómez AM
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Exploring the emotional costs of abortion travel in the United States due to legal restriction.
Contraception 2023 Kimport K, Rasidjan MP -
Commentary: The Turnaway Study: A case of self-correction in science upended by political motivation and unvetted findings.
Frontiers in psychology 2022 Biggs A, Foster DG, Gould H, Kimport K, Ralph L, Roberts S, Rocca C, Sisson G, Upadhyay U, Woodruff K -
Prenatal Care as a Gateway to Other Health Care: A Qualitative Study.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2022 Ehrenreich K, Kimport K -
Abortion after Dobbs: Defendants, denials, and delays.
Science advances 2022 Kimport K -
Making a third-trimester abortion referral: Learning from patients.
Patient education and counseling 2022 Kimport K, Landau C, Sella S -
Is third-trimester abortion exceptional? Two pathways to abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy in the United States.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2022 Kimport K -
The Problem with ‘Justifying’ Abortion: Why Real Reproductive Justice Cannot be Achieved by Theorizing the Legitimacy of Abortion
Women's Reproductive Health 2022 Kimport, Katrina, and Monica R. McLemore -
Reducing the burdens of forced abortion travel: Referrals, financial and emotional support, and opportunities for positive experiences in traveling for third-trimester abortion care.
Social science & medicine (1982) 2021 Kimport K -
No Real Choice: How Culture and Politics Matter for Reproductive Autonomy
No Real Choice: How Culture and Politics Matter for Reproductive Autonomy 2021 Kimport, Katrina -
Abortion as obtainable: Insights into how pregnant people in the United States who considered abortion understand abortion availability.
Contraception 2021 Kimport K, Littlejohn K -
What are We Forgetting? Sexuality, Sex, and Embodiment in Abortion Research.
Journal of sex research 2021 Kimport K, Littlejohn KE -
"It's Worked Well for Me": Young Women's Reasons for Choosing Lower-Efficacy Contraceptive Methods.
Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology 2021 Berglas NF, Kimport K, Mays A, Kaller S, Biggs MA -
In-person later abortion accompaniment: a feminist collective-facilitated self-care practice in Latin America.
Sexual and reproductive health matters 2021 Bercu C, Moseson H, McReynolds-Pérez J, Wilkinson Salamea E, Grosso B, Trpin M, Zurbriggen R, Cisternas C, Meza M, Díaz V, Kimport K -
Emotions over five years after denial of abortion in the United States: Contextualizing the effects of abortion denial on women's health and lives.
Social science & medicine (1982) 2020 Rocca CH, Moseson H, Gould H, Foster DG, Kimport K -
A qualitative exploration of women's experiences discovering pregnancies in the emergency department.
Contraception: X 2020 Roberts SCM, Wingo E, Kimport K -
Pregnant Women's Reasons for and Experiences of Visiting Antiabortion Pregnancy Resource Centers.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2020 Kimport K -
Complex situations: Economic insecurity, mental health, and substance use among pregnant women who consider - but do not have - abortions.
PloS one 2020 Roberts SCM, Berglas NF, Kimport K -
Emotions and decision rightness over five years following an abortion: An examination of decision difficulty and abortion stigma.
Social science & medicine (1982) 2020 Rocca CH, Samari G, Foster DG, Gould H, Kimport K -
Patient-provider communication before and after implementation of the contraceptive decision support tool My Birth Control.
Patient education and counseling 2019 Holt K, Kimport K, Kuppermann M, Fitzpatrick J, Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C -
A mixed-methods study of provider perspectives on My Birth Control: a contraceptive decision support tool designed to facilitate shared decision making.
Contraception 2019 Dehlendorf C, Reed R, Fitzpatrick J, Kuppermann M, Steinauer J, Kimport K -
The Health and Social Service Needs of Pregnant Women Who Consider but Do Not Have Abortions.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2019 Berglas NF, Kimport K, Williams V, Mark K, Roberts SCM -
Interpreting the Truth: How People Make Sense of New Information about Abortion.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2019 Kimport K, Doty C -
Coercing Women's Behavior: How a Mandatory Viewing Law Changes Patients' Preabortion Ultrasound Viewing Practices.
Journal of health politics, policy and law 2018 Kimport K, Johns NE, Upadhyay UD -
An in-depth analysis of the use of shared decision making in contraceptive counseling.
Contraception 2018 Chen M, Lindley A, Kimport K, Dehlendorf C -
Comparison of Health, Development, Maternal Bonding, and Poverty Among Children Born After Denial of Abortion vs After Pregnancies Subsequent to an Abortion.
JAMA pediatrics 2018 Foster DG, Biggs MA, Raifman S, Gipson J, Kimport K, Rocca CH -
Young Women's Perspectives About the Contraceptive Counseling Received During Their Emergency Contraception Visit.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2018 Biggs MA, Kimport K, Mays A, Kaller S, Berglas NF -
The prevalence and impacts of crisis pregnancy center visits among a population of pregnant women.
Contraception 2018 Kimport K, Kriz R, Roberts SCM -
Talking about male body-based contraceptives: The counseling visit and the feminization of contraception.
Social science & medicine (1982) 2018 Kimport K -
Women's experiences of their preabortion ultrasound image printout.
Contraception 2017 Kimport K, Johns NE, Upadhyay UD -
Contesting and Differentially Constructing Uncertainty: Negotiations of Contraceptive Use in the Clinical Encounter.
Journal of health and social behavior 2017 Littlejohn KE, Kimport K -
What Women Want from Their Health Care Providers about Pregnancy Options Counseling: A Qualitative Study.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2017 French VA, Steinauer JE, Kimport K -
Evaluating the impact of a mandatory pre-abortion ultrasound viewing law: A mixed methods study.
PloS one 2017 Upadhyay UD, Kimport K, Belusa EKO, Johns NE, Laube DW, Roberts SCM -
More Than a Physical Burden: Women's Mental and Emotional Work in Preventing Pregnancy.
Journal of sex research 2017 Kimport K -
Policy Brief.
Journal of health and social behavior 2016 Kimport K, Weitz TA, Freedman L -
The Stratified Legitimacy of Abortions.
Journal of health and social behavior 2016 Kimport K, Weitz TA, Freedman L -
Patient-provider conversations about sterilization: A qualitative analysis.
Contraception 2016 Kimport K, Dehlendorf C, Borrero S -
Measuring decisional certainty among women seeking abortion.
Contraception 2016 Ralph LJ, Foster DG, Kimport K, Turok D, Roberts SCM -
Doctors and Witches, Conscience and Violence: Abortion Provision on American Television.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2016 Sisson G, Kimport K -
Divergent Successes: What the Abortion Rights Movement Can Learn from Marriage Equality's Success.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2016 Kimport K -
What women seek from a pregnancy resource center.
Contraception 2016 Kimport K, Dockray JP, Dodson S -
After After Tiller: the impact of a documentary film on understandings of third-trimester abortion.
Culture, health & sexuality 2015 Sisson G, Kimport K -
Facts and fictions: Characters seeking abortion on American television, 2005-2014.
Contraception 2015 Sisson G, Kimport K -
Realizing Reproductive Health Equity Needs More Than Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC).
American journal of public health 2015 Gubrium AC, Mann ES, Borrero S, Dehlendorf C, Fields J, Geronimus AT, Gómez AM, Harris LH, Higgins JA, Kimport K, Luker K, Luna Z, Mamo L, Roberts D, Romero D, Sisson G -
Decision Rightness and Emotional Responses to Abortion in the United States: A Longitudinal Study.
PloS one 2015 Rocca CH, Kimport K, Roberts SC, Gould H, Neuhaus J, Foster DG -
Women's Private Conversations about Abortion: A Qualitative Study.
Women & health 2015 Herold S, Kimport K, Cockrill K -
Constructing the meaning of ultrasound viewing in abortion care.
Sociology of health & illness 2015 Kimport K, Weitz TA -
Beyond political claims: women's interest in and emotional response to viewing their ultrasound image in abortion care.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2014 Kimport K, Weitz TA, Foster DG -
A qualitative analysis of approaches to contraceptive counseling.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2014 Dehlendorf C, Kimport K, Levy K, Steinauer J -
Out-of-pocket costs and insurance coverage for abortion in the United States.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2014 Roberts SC, Gould H, Kimport K, Weitz TA, Foster DG -
Telling stories about abortion: abortion-related plots in American film and television, 1916-2013.
Contraception 2014 Sisson G, Kimport K -
Queering Marriage: Challenging Family Formation in the United States
Queering Marriage: Challenging Family Formation in the United States 2014 Katrina Kimport -
Relationship between ultrasound viewing and proceeding to abortion.
Obstetrics and gynecology 2014 Gatter M, Kimport K, Foster DG, Weitz TA, Upadhyay UD -
Who seeks abortions at or after 20 weeks?
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2013 Foster DG, Kimport K -
Women's emotions one week after receiving or being denied an abortion in the United States.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2013 Rocca CH, Kimport K, Gould H, Foster DG -
Patient viewing of the ultrasound image prior to abortion.
Contraception 2013 Kimport K, Upadhyay UD, Foster DG, Gatter M, Weitz TA -
Effect of abortion protesters on women's emotional response to abortion.
Contraception 2012 Foster DG, Kimport K, Gould H, Roberts SC, Weitz TA -
Women's perspectives on ultrasound viewing in the abortion care context.
Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2012 Kimport K, Preskill F, Cockrill K, Weitz TA -
Addressing the silence in the noise: how abortion support talklines meet some women's needs for non-political discussion of their experiences.
Women & health 2012 Kimport K, Perrucci A, Weitz TA -
How women anticipate coping after an abortion.
Contraception 2011 Foster DG, Gould H, Kimport K -
A need to expand our thinking about "repeat" abortions.
Contraception 2011 Weitz TA, Kimport K -
Analyzing the impacts of abortion clinic structures and processes: a qualitative analysis of women's negative experience of abortion clinics.
Contraception 2011 Kimport K, Cockrill K, Weitz TA -
Social sources of women's emotional difficulty after abortion: lessons from women's abortion narratives.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2011 Kimport K, Foster K, Weitz TA -
Digitally Enabled Social Change: Activism in the Internet Age
Digitally Enabled Social Change: Activism in the Internet Age 2011 Jennifer Earl and Katrina Kimport