Katherine Sanders, MD
School of Medicine


Katherine Sanders, MD MAS, is a general surgery resident at UCSF with an anticipated Graduation in 2025. She plans to pursue fellowship training in Endocrine Surgery.

Her research investigates disparities in evidence-based medical management and the comparative and cost-effectiveness of widely utilized surgical devices.

Dr. Sanders has a Bachelor's in Biology from Dartmouth College and received her Medical Degree from Dartmouth Medical School. She completed her Master's in Clinical Research at UCSF during her professional development time.


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  • VA Quality Scholars (VAQS) program, San Francisco VA, 2021-2023
  • NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute StARR Award, UCSF, 2021-2022

Education & Training

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  • MAS Master's in Clinical Research UCSF 06/2023
  • MD Medicine Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine 06/2018
  • BA Biology Dartmouth College 06/2012

Publications (10)

Top publication keywords:
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase InhibitorsAngioplasty, BalloonAspirinPatient DischargeRibsVascular PatencyPrescriptionsPeripheral Arterial DiseaseFemoral ArteryRelative Value ScalesEndovascular ProceduresAtherectomyVascular Surgical ProceduresSemenLithotripsy