Katherine Gundling, MD
School of Medicine

katherine.gundling@ucsf.edu 415-353-2725

Katherine Gundling, MD, is a Clinical Professor Emerita in the Department of Medicine, and served 12 years as practice chief for the Allergy/Immunology faculty practice. She was an academic internist/hospitalist for 8 years before returning for subspecialty training in Allergy/Immunology.

Her work with trainees has included 8 years as Associate Program Director and Director of Medical Education for the internal medicine residency program at UC Davis, and Associate Program Director for the Allergy/Immunology fellowship at UCSF. In addition, she is an active teacher of medical students, residents and fellows at UCSF, now in a volunteer capacity.

Most recently, Dr. Gundling has served as mentor to the student group, "Human Health and Climate Change." She is the Director of Academic Engagement for the Office of Sustainability, in addition to sitting on the Academic Senate Committee on Sustainability. She teaches all levels of learners about the health emergency of climate change and how to become engaged in related education, research, advocacy and clinical care. In collaboration with the governor's office, she created the "Health and Climate: Resource Guide" - https://www.apha.org/-/media/files/pdf/topics/climate/health_and_climate_resource_guide.ashx


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  • Edward A. Dickson Emeritus Professorship Award, UCSF, 2021-2023
  • Inquiry Long-Term Mentorship Award, UCSF, 2021-2022
  • Office of Sustainability Faculty Award, UCSF, 2019

Education & Training

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  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2017
  • M.D. School of Medicine University of Rochester 1988
  • BA Human Biology Stanford University


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Publications (13)

Top publication keywords:
Hirschsprung DiseaseDrug HypersensitivityCurriculumHydromorphonePlanetsSchools, MedicalNervous System DiseasesGreenhouse GasesDwarfismPain, PostoperativeOsteochondrodysplasiasCommon Variable ImmunodeficiencyAnalgesics, OpioidStudents, MedicalEcosystem