Katerina Byanova, MD
School of Medicine
I am a pulmonary and critical care physician interested in understanding and improving the outcomes of the chronic pulmonary complications experienced by people living with HIV in high- and low-income settings.
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I am currently working under the mentorship of Dr. Laurence Huang on understanding the etiology, epidemiology, and pathophysiology of a lung function phenotype enriched in people living with HIV compared to the general population (normal spirometry with abnormal diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide) in San Francisco and in Kampala, Uganda.
Education & Training
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- Advanced Training in Clinical Research Certificate Program University of California San Francisco 06/2023
- Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship University of California San Francisco 06/2023
- Global Health Fellowship Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 06/2020
- Internal Medicine Residency Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 06/2019
- MD Medicine Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth 06/2016
Publications (14)
Top publication keywords:
Forced Expiratory VolumeHIV InfectionsAir PollutionLung Diseases, ObstructivePulmonary Diffusing CapacityCarbon MonoxidePneumonia, PneumocystisPneumocystis cariniiReceptor, Angiotensin, Type 1AsthmaActinsLungLung DiseasesMyocytes, Smooth MusclePulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive
Sex and HIV Differences in Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm) Among Ugandans Postpneumonia.
Open forum infectious diseases 2024 Abelman RA, Fitzpatrick J, Byanova KL, Zawedde J, Sanyu I, Byanyima P, Musisi E, Hsieh J, Zhang M, Branchini J, Sessolo A, Hunt PW, Lalitha R, Davis JL, Crothers K, Worodria W, Huang L -
COPD in People with HIV: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Management, and Prevention Strategies.
International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2023 Byanova KL, Abelman R, North CM, Christenson SA, Huang L -
Response to: 'No long-term effect of past Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia on pulmonary function in people with HIV'.
AIDS (London, England) 2023 Byanova KL, Huang L -
Isolated abnormal diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (iso↓DLco) is associated with increased respiratory symptom burden in people with HIV infection.
PloS one 2023 Byanova KL, Fitzpatrick J, Jan AK, McGing M, Hartman-Filson M, Farr CK, Zhang M, Gardner K, Branchini J, Kerruish R, Bhide S, Bates A, Hsieh J, Abelman R, Hunt PW, Wang RJ, Crothers KA, Huang L -
Sex modifies the risk of HIV-associated obstructive lung disease in Ugandans postpneumonia.
AIDS (London, England) 2023 Abelman RA, Fitzpatrick J, Zawedde J, Sanyu I, Byanyima P, Kaswabuli S, Musisi E, Hsieh J, Gardner K, Zhang M, Byanova KL, Sessolo A, Hunt PW, Lalitha R, Davis JL, Crothers K, Worodria W, Huang L
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Ambient air pollution exposure and radiographic pulmonary vascular volumes.
Environmental epidemiology (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2021 Synn AJ, Byanova KL, Li W, Gold DR, Di Q, Kloog I, Schwartz J, San José Estépar R, Washko GR, O'Connor GT, Mittleman MA, Rice MB -
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in HIV.
Expert review of respiratory medicine 2020 Byanova K, Kunisaki KM, Vasquez J, Huang L -
Antibiotic prophylaxis and infectious complications in patients on peritoneal dialysis undergoing lower gastrointestinal endoscopy
Gastroenterology Report 2020 William T Clarke, Venkata R Satyam, David I Fudman, Samantha Zullow, Kashika G Goyal, Katerina L Byanova, Christopher Huang, Joseph D Feuerstein -
Antibiotic prophylaxis and infectious complications in patients on peritoneal dialysis undergoing lower gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Gastroenterology report 2020 Clarke WT, Satyam VR, Fudman DI, Zullow S, Goyal KG, Byanova KL, Huang C, Feuerstein JD -
Loss of Smooth Muscle α-Actin Leads to NF-κB-Dependent Increased Sensitivity to Angiotensin II in Smooth Muscle Cells and Aortic Enlargement.
Circulation research 2017 Chen J, Peters A, Papke CL, Villamizar C, Ringuette LJ, Cao J, Wang S, Ma S, Gong L, Byanova KL, Xiong J, Zhu MX, Madonna R, Kee P, Geng YJ, Brasier AR, Davis EC, Prakash S, Kwartler CS, Milewicz DM -
Cost-effectiveness and clinical efficacy of biliary stents in patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a randomized controlled trial.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy 2016 Gardner TB, Spangler CC, Byanova KL, Ripple GH, Rockacy MJ, Levenick JM, Smith KD, Colacchio TA, Barth RJ, Zaki BI, Tsapakos MJ, Gordon SR -
Smooth muscle hyperplasia due to loss of smooth muscle α-actin is driven by activation of focal adhesion kinase, altered p53 localization and increased levels of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β.
Human molecular genetics 2013 Papke CL, Cao J, Kwartler CS, Villamizar C, Byanova KL, Lim SM, Sreenivasappa H, Fischer G, Pham J, Rees M, Wang M, Chaponnier C, Gabbiani G, Khakoo AY, Chandra J, Trache A, Zimmer W, Milewicz DM -
Pollinator-mediated selection in a specialized hummingbird-Heliconia system in the Eastern Caribbean.
Journal of evolutionary biology 2012 Temeles EJ, Rah YJ, Andicoechea J, Byanova KL, Giller GS, Stolk SB, Kress WJ -
Rare, nonsynonymous variant in the smooth muscle-specific isoform of myosin heavy chain, MYH11, R247C, alters force generation in the aorta and phenotype of smooth muscle cells.
Circulation research 2012 Kuang SQ, Kwartler CS, Byanova KL, Pham J, Gong L, Prakash SK, Huang J, Kamm KE, Stull JT, Sweeney HL, Milewicz DM