Karen Hamblett
Chief Administrative Officer
Clinical Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy
karen.hamblett@ucsf.edu 415-502-7593
In my role as Chief Administrative Officer, I am responsible for efficient administration and fiscal health of the department, including staff management, development and engagement, faculty and staff HR issues, strategic planning and implementation, and business initiatives to ensure the attainment of departmental strategic goals.
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2021
- B.S. Ohio University
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- Early Findings from a Longitudinal Mixed-methods Study of the Development and Implementation of Interprofessional Education: A Californian Perspective (profiles.ucsf.edu)
- IPE Center (interprofessional.ucsf.edu)
- Clinical Pharmacy (clinicalpharmacy.ucsf.edu)
- LinkedIn Page (linkedin.com)