Julia Brown, PhD
Assistant Professor
Humanities & Social Sciences
School of Medicine

Dr. Julia Brown is an anthropologist and bioethicist who examines lived experiences and social value-making around controversial biotechnologies. She is currently exploring the ethics of prenatal gene technologies, including the emergence of prenatal gene editing. She is author of The Clozapine Clinic: Health Agency in High-Risk conditions (Routledge 2022).

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Dr Brown is the Associate Editor of the journal Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, and is an affiliate of the UC Berkeley Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public.

Education & Training

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  • PhD Anthropology Australian National University 2018
  • BSc/BA (Hons1) Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology Australian National University 2012


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Grants and Projects

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Publications (28)

Top publication keywords:
ClozapineAnthropology, CulturalPrivacyEthics, MedicalLysosomal Storage DiseasesMind-Body Relations, MetaphysicalPractice Patterns, Physicians'SchizophreniaVapingFetusAustraliaSmoking CessationFetal TherapiesAntipsychotic AgentsTrust

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