Joel Ramirez, MD
School of Medicine

Joel L. Ramirez, MD, is the inaugural UCSF Integrated Vascular Surgery resident. He completed his undergraduate education at the University of California, Irvine, where he graduated with Honors with a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

He then received his medical degree from the UCSF School of Medicine, graduating with Distinction in Clinical and Translation Research, and as a member of Alpha Omega Alpha.

As a medical student, Dr. Ramirez conducted an NIH-funded pre-doctoral research fellowship with the UCSF Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, under the mentorship of several faculty, including Dr. Marlene Grenon and Dr. Jade Hiramoto. As a medical student, he was the recipient of numerous other research fellowships, awards, and honors, including the American Medical Association Foundation Physicians of Tomorrow Award, the Society for Vascular Surgery Foundation Student Research Fellowship for two consecutive years, the American Heart Association Student Scholarship in Cardiovascular Disease, and the Association for Academic Surgery Senior Medical Student Award, among many others.

After medical school, Dr. Ramirez joined the UCSF Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery as the inaugural integrated vascular surgery resident. As the inaugural resident, he was intimately involved in mentorship and the development of the training and educational program. He then completed a post-doctoral research fellowship under the guidance of Dr. Michael Conte and Dr. Adam Oskowitz. During this fellowship, he worked to develop a clinical pipeline for vascular tissue, digestion, and transcriptomics analysis. His research was supported by the NIH, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, and the Bakar ImmunoX Initiative.


  • Hellman Family Clinical-Translational Research Development Award, Bakar ImmunoX, 2023
  • Seed Grant, Fellows Advancement Skills Training in Clinical Research (FAST-CaR), 2023
  • Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (R38) Fellowship, National Institutes of Health, 2023
  • Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub Physician-Scientist Fellow, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, 2022
  • Senior Medical Student Award, Association for Academic Surgery, 2019
  • Long-Term Dean’s Prize in Research, Finalist, University of California, San Francisco, 2019
  • Steinhart Scholarship Award, University of California, San Francisco, 2019
  • Robert Hye Memorial Best Resident Presentation Award, Second Place, Western Vascular Society, 2019
  • Physicians of Tomorrow Award, American Medical Association Foundation, 2018
  • Burroughs Wellcome Fund Trainee Award, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, 2018
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, 2018
  • Jayne M. Perkins Memorial Award and Scholarship, Jayne M. Perkins Foundation, 2018
  • Tylenol Future Care Scholarship, Johnson & Johnson, 2018
  • National Alumni Council Scholarship, National Medical Fellowships, 2018
  • Alan T. Hirsch Award, Society for Vascular Medicine, 2018
  • Long-Term Dean’s Prize in Research, Finalist, University of California, San Francisco, 2018
  • Robert Hye Memorial Best Resident Presentation Award, First Place, Western Vascular Society, 2018

Education & Training

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  • MD (with Distinction) Medicine University of California, San Francisco 06/2019
  • Clinical and Translational Research University of California, San Francisco 06/2018
  • BS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of California, Irvine 09/2013


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Publications (45)

Top publication keywords:
Specialties, SurgicalVascular Surgical ProceduresHemostatic TechniquesAortic Aneurysm, AbdominalVascular StiffnessPeripheral Arterial DiseaseCoronary AneurysmRehabilitation CentersBlood Vessel Prosthesis ImplantationRelative Value ScalesEndovascular ProceduresPatient DischargeSkilled Nursing FacilitiesElective Surgical ProceduresFemoral Artery