Joaquin Anguera, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine 415-502-7322

The body of research I developed during my graduate and postdoctoral training focused on characterizing & augmenting aspects of cognitive control & skill acquisition using behavioral and neuroimaging technologies.

Creating a unique line of research that built upon these domains has involved a strong interdisciplinary emphasis, with these efforts centered on healthy young and older adults, as well as clinical populations involving ADHD, autism, and depressed individuals amongst others. My current work leverages state-of-the-art technological approaches to create i) advanced training tools to remediate cognitive deficiencies (see our cover story in Nature, Anguera et al., 2013) and ii) use mobile technology to robustly characterizing individual abilities in each of these domains outside of the laboratory (contributed to the creation of 10 different mobile apps to date; see Anguera et al., 2016 as an example).

Education & Training

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  • Postdoctoral Studies Neurology University of California, San Francisco 2009
  • Ph.D. Kinesiology University of Michigan 2008
  • M.S. Kinesiology California State University Northridge 2003
  • B.S. Animal Physiology & Neuroscience University of California, San Diego 2000


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  • (serious) video games as assessments or interventions
  • digital health technologies
  • cognitive control
  • ADHD
  • depression
  • mobile randomized controlled trials


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Grants and Projects

Publications (80)

Top publication keywords:
Video GamesAthletic PerformanceAttentionVirtual RealityMemory, Short-TermMobile ApplicationsPsychomotor PerformanceCognitionAgingCognition DisordersPsychotherapyMultitasking BehaviorTennisSpace PerceptionCognitive Dysfunction