Jim Gatewood, PhD, AGNP, RN
Assistant Professor
Community Health Systems
School of Nursing


Jim V. Gatewood, PhD, MSN, AGPCNP-BC, RN is an assistant clinical professor in the Community Health Systems Department in the School of Nursing at UCSF. He began his professional career as a professor of twentieth-century U.S. intellectual, cultural, immigration and Asian American history. He was the interim head of the urban community and environmental studies concentration in the B.A.

program in Liberal Studies at Antioch University Los Angeles before entering the MEPN program at UCSF. As a nurse practitioner student in the adult gerontology primary care nurse practitioner specialty program (AGPCNP), he was the recipient of a fellowship from the John A. Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence. As a professor in the AGPCNP specialty program, Dr. Gatewood teaches comprehensive and problem-based history-taking, physical examination and communication skills as part of the first-year clinical practicum, N414.28. He also teaches N246.28, a seminar on clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis.

He currently practices at SteppingStone, the largest and oldest adult day healthcare program in San Francisco, serving as its first nurse practitioner. He also is part of a faculty practice, the Interprofessional Primary Care Outreach for Persons with Mental Illness (IPCOM), a nurse practitioner led primary care service embedded in residential mental health treatment programs operated by the Progress Foundation. IPCOM serves a diverse patient population that includes the historically underserved, housing insecure, LGBTQI, uninsured, persons with substance use disorders.

Dr. Gatewood is committed to providing compassionate, evidence-based, patient-centered care for all of his patients. To paraphrase the late Paul Farmer, M.D., Dr. Gatewood “feels most alive when [he] is helping people.”


  • The John A. Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence, UCSF, 2019
  • UCSF AGPCNP Geriatrics and Palliative Care Scholar (GeriPal), UCSF, 2018-2019
  • Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, UCSF, 2017
  • NEH Summer Fellow on Immigration, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2009
  • Manning Dissertation Fellowship, Brown University, 2005-2006
  • Dean's University Fellowship, Brown University, 2000-2001
  • Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, Brown University, 2000-2001
  • Regents University Fellowship, UCLA, 1996

Education & Training

  • MS Nursing UCSF 06/2019
  • PhD American Studies Brown University 05/2008
  • AM American Studies Brown University 05/2003
  • MA Asian American Studies UCLA 06/2001
  • BA Asian American Studies UCLA 10/1995

Publications (4)