Jennifer Rose-Nussbaumer, MD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine


Jennifer Rose-Nussbaumer is a board-certified ophthalmologist and fellowship-trained cornea specialist at the University of California, San Francisco.

Her clinical practice focuses on lamellar keratoplasty such as Ultrathin-Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (UT-DSAEK), Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) and Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK), as well as Boston Keratoprosthesis and cataract surgery.

In addition to her clinical work Dr. Rose-Nussbaumer is an NIH-funded researcher who focuses on randomized clinical trials in ophthalmology. She is the primary investigator at UCSF on Descemet Endothelial Thickness Comparison Trial (DETECT) a randomized clinical trial comparing UT-DSAEK to DMEK in patients with isolated endothelial disease such as Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy. This trial found that those randomized to DMEK had almost two lines of visual acuity improvement compared with UT-DSAEK. Her other research interests include optimal treatment of corneal infections. She is also the PI on a UG1 grant, the Steroids and Crosslinking for Ulcer Treatment Trial (SCUT II), a randomized clinical trial in collaboration with Aravind Eye hospital looking at the benefit of adjuvant topical steroids and/or corneal crosslinking in the treatment of bacterial ulcers.

Education & Training

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  • Cornea, External Disease, Refractive Surgery and Uveitis Fellowship Proctor Foundation/Ophthalmology University Of California, San Francisco 2013
  • Ophthalmology Residency Ophthalmology Oregon Health Science University 2012
  • M.D. Medicine University of California, San Francisco 2008

Grants and Projects

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Publications (102)

Top publication keywords:
NatamycinCorneal UlcerEye Infections, FungalDescemet MembraneDescemet Stripping Endothelial KeratoplastyEndothelium, CornealKeratitisVoriconazoleAntifungal AgentsCorneal Dystrophies, HereditaryVisual AcuityMycosesEye Infections, BacterialFuchs' Endothelial DystrophyCross-Linking Reagents