Jeanette McCarthy, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine

As a genome scientist, I spent years doing research on the genetic underpinnings of complex diseases, both infectious and chronic, and working to advance the field of precision medicine. More recently, I've turned my attention to educating stakeholders in this field.

I believe informed consumers will play a major role in their health care going forward.In 2014, I helped launch the first consumer-facing magazine in this field, Genome (, where I was founding Editor-in-Chief. Health care providers also require education that is accessible and practical. I have developed courses in precision medicine at UC Berkeley Extension and through UCSF via Coursera ( I also design and delivers workshops, symposia and webinars on more general as well as technical topics related to precision medicine through my consulting business, Precision Medicine Advisors ( and the Precision Medicine Academy (


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Publications (69)

Top publication keywords:
ThrombospondinsReceptors, ImmunologicPolymorphism, GeneticInterferonsScavenger Receptors, Class BGenotypePharmacogeneticsGenome, HumanHepatitis C, ChronicCoronary DiseaseGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseInterleukinsCholesterol, HDLGenomicsPolymorphism, Single Nucleotide