Jaehoon Shin, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine

Jaehoon Shin, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor In Residence in the Interventional Radiology section in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

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Dr. Shin earned his MD at Seoul National University, South Korea in 2008, followed by a PhD at Johns Hopkins University in 2016. His clinical training includes an internship year at MedStar Harbor Hospital in Baltimore followed by a diagnostic radiology residency with early specialization in interventional radiology (ESIR) at UCSF. In 2022, Dr. Shin completed an interventional radiology fellowship, also at UCSF.

Dr. Shin received the prestigious Samsung Scholarship for doctoral study, and was awarded Best Case in Neuroradiology at the 2019 American Institute for Radiologic Pathology. Dr. Shin is a collaborator on a Medical Research Award from the Robert J. & Helen C. Kleberg Foundation, and principal investigator for a Society for Interventional Radiology Pilot Research Grant. Dr. Shin’s research addresses novel T cell-based imaging (synNotch-PET), which has the potential to detect early cancers and pre-cancerous lesions. Additional research projects include locoregional T cell therapy to enhance treatments for pancreatic cancer and glioblastoma and single-cell RNA sequencing to better understand venous insufficiency and druggable target biological processes.

Publications (22)

Top publication keywords:
NeurogenesisSequence Analysis, RNAEpigenomicsNervous SystemGeneticsTranscriptomeMammalsHistone DemethylasesGlioblastomaEpigenesis, GeneticNeuronsHigh-Throughput Nucleotide SequencingSingle-Cell AnalysisMicrofilament ProteinsDNA Methylation

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