Era Kryzhanovskaya, MD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine

General Internist within DGIM who sees patients, precepts students and residents, and continues to work on scholarly endeavors around promoting faculty and resident well-being in DGIM, improving undergraduate and graduate medical education, and treatment of substance use disorders in our clinic.

In terms of leadership roles, Era is the Associate Program Director for the UCPC-GIM Primary Care Track of the Internal Medicine Residency, is Co-Chair of the Controlled Substance Review Committee, the founding director for the embedded primary care addiction medicine (PCAM) clinic, Co-Host for the Curbsiders Teach Podcast, outgoing PISCES liaison for Internal Medicine, and former Assistant Director for ARCH weeks and SOLE Director.

Education & Training

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2018
  • Chief Resident in Internal Medicine at ZSFG University of California 06/2017
  • Internal Medicine Residency University of California 06/2016
  • MD Medicine University of Virginia 05/2013
  • BA Anthropology University of Virginia 05/2009


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  • Raising awareness and accessbility for Opioid Use Disorder treatment at UCSF
  • Medical Student and Resident Well-being
  • Improvement of Controlled Substance Prescribing

Publications (10)

Top publication keywords:
CurriculumFeedbackBuprenorphineStudents, MedicalAdministration, SublingualProfessionalismInternship and ResidencyEducation, Medical, UndergraduateDrug ToleranceStudentsOpioid-Related DisordersLearningSocial IdentificationInternal MedicineNarcotic Antagonists