Henry Vanbrocklin, PhD
School of Medicine

henry.vanbrocklin@ucs.eu 415-353-4569

Henry VanBrocklin, PhD, is a Professor in Residence, Director of the Radiopharmaceutical Research Program in the Center for Molecular and Functional Imaging (CMFI) at the University of California, San Francisco China Basin, and he is a Joint Faculty Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. VanBrocklin obtained his PhD in Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry from Washington University, St.

Louis in 1990, and he completed a two-year postdoctoral program at the University of Illinois, Urbana in 1992. He maintains an active radiotracer research program in addition to providing tracers for collaborative basic science and translational clinical research. His research interests include short-lived radioisotope production to the creation of fluorine-18 and carcbon-11 labeling chemistry strategies for new radiotracer preparations and applications.

Dr. VanBrocklin is one of the core faculty for the Master's in Biomedical Imaging (MSBI) program and a member of the MSBI executive committee.

Dr. VanBrocklin was awarded the Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Energy for developing positron-labeled estrogens, progestins, and androgens for tumor imaging. He has 70 published research articles.

Expertise: Radiopharmaceutical

Specialty: Short-lived radioisotope production to the creation of fluorine-18 and carbon-11 labeling chemistry strategies for new radiotracer preparations and applications, development of positron-labeled estrogens, progestin’s, androgens for tumor imaging

Professional Interests: Developing radiopharmaceutical probes for PET and SPECT imaging applications including tracers for blood flow measurement, receptor-targeted tracers for prostate, pancreatic and breast cancer, and neurological imaging agents for neuroinflammation and excititory amino acid transport. Education and Training:

  • Doctor of Philosophy: Washington University, St. Louis - Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Illinois, Urbana


  • Michael J. Welch Award, RPSC, SNMMI, 2020
  • MSBI Outstanding Teacher Award, UCSF MSBI Program, 2019
  • Distinguished Investigator, Acad Radiol & Biomed Imag Res, 2018
  • Fellow, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, SNMMI, 2018
  • Editor-in-Chief, Molecular Imaging, 2011
  • SNM Presidents Distinguished Service Award, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 2010
  • Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, US Department of Energy, 1990-1992


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  • blood flow measurement
  • radiopharmaceutical probes
  • receptor-based targeted tracers
  • kidney cancer
  • PET
  • prostate cancer


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Grants and Projects

Publications (135)

Top publication keywords:
Positron-Emission TomographyMolecular Probe TechniquesPhosphoric AcidsOrganophosphonatesCarbon RadioisotopesRadiopharmaceuticalsTissue DistributionSarinFluorine RadioisotopesGlutamate Carboxypeptidase IIMolecular ImagingDiagnostic ImagingRadioisotopesTomography, Emission-Computed, Single-PhotonNuclear Medicine