Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD
School of Medicine 415-221-4810 ext. 4150
Gurpreet Dhaliwal, M.D., is a clinician-educator and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He is the site director of the internal medicine clerkship at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, where he teaches medical students and residents in the emergency department, urgent care clinic, inpatient wards, outpatient clinic, and morning report.
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He studies, writes, and speaks about how doctors think – how they make diagnoses, how they develop diagnostic expertise, and how they interface with technology to augment their thinking.
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- Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2023, 2023
- Gold-Headed Cane Society. Faculty Inductee., UCSF School of Medicine, 2022
- Commencement Speaker, University of Florida College of Medicine, 2022
- Harry Hollander Teaching Award for Clinical Reasoning, UCSF Department of Medicine, 2021
- Bridges Curriculum Foundations 1 and 2 Teaching Award for Excellence in Innovative Teaching, UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2022-23, 2020
- Osler Distinguished Teacher Award, UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2019, 2019
- Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture/ Gold Headed Cane Society Lecture, UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2016, 2016
- Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award, Alpha Omega Alpha / AAMC, 2015
- Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSF Class of 2015, 2015
- Essential Core Teaching Award for Outstanding Lecture, UCSF Medical School Class of 2017-18, 2015
- Commencement Speaker, UCSF School of Medicine, 2014
- Council of Master Clinicians, UCSF Department of Medicine, 2013
- Essential Core Teaching Award for Outstanding Lecture, UCSF Medical School Class of 2015, 2012
- Henry J. Kaiser Award for Excellence in Inpatient Teaching, UCSF School of Medicine, 2011
- Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSF Medical School Class of 2009, 2009
- Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award, University of California, San Francisco, 2007
- Calvin L. Chou PRIME Teaching Award, UCSF Department of Medicine, 2006
- Excellence in Direct Teaching, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, 2005
- Haile T. Debas UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, UCSF School of Medicine, 2005
- Henry J. Kaiser Award for Excellence in Inpatient Teaching, UCSF School of Medicine, 2005
- Floyd C. Rector Jr. Housestaff Teaching Award, UCSF Department of Medicine, 2003
- Excellence in Small Group Instruction Award, UCSF School of Medicine, 2003
- Julius R. Krevans Award for Clinical Excellence, San Francisco General Hospital, 1999
Education & Training
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- Chief Resident Internal Medicine University of California, San Francisco 2002
- Resident Internal Medicine University of California, San Francisco 2001
- M.D. Northwestern University Medical School 1998
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- Diagnostic Errors
- Artificial Intelligence
- Diagnostic Expertise
- Clinical/Diagnostic Performance and Improvement
- Diagnosis
- Medical Education
- Clinical Reasoning
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- Wall Street Journal Health Reports Expert Panel (
- 2015 AOA Robert Glaser Award - Dhaliwal (
- Wall Street Journal Health Reports Expert Panel (
- 2015 Glaser Award (
- Wall Street Journal Health Reports Expert Panel (
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- Clinical Judgment: Good to Great (
- Mission In a Minute (
- UCSF Medical School Graduation 2014 (
- 2015 AOA Robert Glaser Teaching Award (
Publications (179)
Top publication keywords:
Education, MedicalDiagnosisStudents, MedicalPhysiciansQ FeverDiagnosis, DifferentialDiagnostic ErrorsClinical MedicineClinical CompetenceInternship and ResidencyLearningArtificial IntelligenceTeachingFaculty, MedicalProblem Solving
What medicine can learn from game-playing artificial intelligence: The 1 in 10,000 move.
The American journal of the medical sciences 2023 Chen JH, Dhaliwal G, Yang D -
Decoding Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Diagnostic Excellence: Learning From Experts, Examples, and Experience.
JAMA 2022 Chen JH, Dhaliwal G, Yang D -
Supporting Diagnosis With Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence-Reply.
JAMA 2022 Adler-Milstein J, Chen J, Dhaliwal G -
Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis: From Predicting Diagnostic Labels to "Wayfinding".
JAMA 2021 Adler-Milstein J, Chen JH, Dhaliwal G -
A piece of my mind. The mechanics of reasoning.
JAMA 2011 Dhaliwal G
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Patient Outcomes Following Reduction and Association of the Scaphoid and Lunate: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Journal of Wrist Surgery 2025 Zoe E. Mack, Brodie Ritchie, Adina Tarcea, Gurpreet S. Dhaliwal, Neil J. White -
A Slow Reveal.
Journal of general internal medicine 2025 Browning SL, Dhaliwal G, Dill A, Khandakar B, Sofair AN -
Why Do Residents Discontinue Metformin on Admission? Exploring a Contestable Standard of Care.
Journal of general internal medicine 2025 Boctor D, Wu K, Dhaliwal G -
Clerkship Students' Use of Clinical Reasoning Concepts After a Pre-clinical Reasoning Course.
Journal of general internal medicine 2025 Kulkarni SA, Dhaliwal G, Teherani A, Connor DM -
Why the NHS Needs Adult Generalists: a call for Single Certification in General Internal Medicine.
Future Healthcare Journal 2024 Elizabeth Estabrook, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Philip Bright -
"I Had No Idea This Happened": Electronic Feedback on Clinical Reasoning for Hospitalists.
Journal of general internal medicine 2024 Kotwal S, Udayappan KM, Kutheala N, Washburn C, Morga C, Grieb SM, Wright SM, Dhaliwal G -
'This time is different': physician knowledge in the age of artificial intelligence.
BMJ quality & safety 2024 Dhaliwal G -
Ted Talks: Learning the Lasso Way.
Journal of graduate medical education 2024 Kryzhanovskaya I, Dhaliwal G -
Flipping the Switch.
The New England journal of medicine 2024 Finta MK, Dhaliwal G, Albin OR, Ghani KR, Houchens N -
Evaluating a low anion gap: A practical approach.
Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine 2023 Haber LA, Dhaliwal G, Lo L, Rizzuto G -
Clinician testing and treatment thresholds for management of urinary tract infection.
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2023 Andrea Harris, Lisa Pineles, Jonathan D Baghdadi, Larry Magder, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Deborah Korenstein, Anthony D Harris, Daniel J Morgan -
Learning from the early careers of master clinicians.
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 2023 Murthy VK, Boscardin C, Cumbler E, Irobunda C, McQuillan MA, Phillips LG, Suneja M, Wright SM, Dhaliwal G -
Moving upstream to address diagnostic disparities.
BMJ quality & safety 2023 Connor DM, Dhaliwal G -
Web Exclusive. Annals On Call - Striving for Diagnostic Excellence.
Annals of internal medicine 2023 Centor RM, Dhaliwal G -
Reclaiming the review of systems: An opportunity for medical educators.
Journal of hospital medicine 2023 Rodman A, Dhaliwal G -
An Alternate Explanation.
The New England journal of medicine 2023 Alsaigh T, Dhaliwal G, Fukaya E, Leeper NJ, Sayed N -
Mission Critical: Reimagining Promotion for Clinician-Educators.
Journal of general internal medicine 2022 Chang A, Karani R, Dhaliwal G -
The cognitive apprenticeship: advancing reasoning education by thinking aloud.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2022 Jagannath AD, Dreicer JJ, Penner JC, Dhaliwal G -
Diagnostic Schemas: Form and Function.
Journal of general internal medicine 2022 Cammarata M, Dhaliwal G -
The Reply.
The American journal of medicine 2022 Lessing JN, Pierce RG, Dhaliwal G -
Using the Assessment of Reasoning Tool to facilitate feedback about diagnostic reasoning.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2022 Cohen A, Sur M, Falco C, Dhaliwal G, Singhal G, Thammasitboon S -
A Clinical Reasoning-Encoded Case Library Developed through Natural Language Processing.
Journal of general internal medicine 2022 Zack T, Dhaliwal G, Geha R, Margaretten M, Murray S, Hong JC -
Podcast for residents on veteran-centred care.
Medical education 2022 Caputo L, Dhaliwal G -
Chalk Talks in the Clinical Learning Environment.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2022 Stetson GV, Dhaliwal G -
An unexpected turn: A 71-year-old man with myocardial infarction.
Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine 2022 Ganeshan S, Kelemen B, Dhaliwal G, Zier L -
The Learning Sciences Meet the Learning Health System.
JAMA network open 2022 Wlodarczyk S, Dhaliwal G -
Correction to: The Resolution of Abdominal Pain: an Ominous Sign of Mesenteric Ischemia.
Journal of general internal medicine 2022 Strait A, Gasper W, Dhaliwal G -
Teaching More About Less: Preparing Clinicians for Practice.
The American journal of medicine 2022 Lessing JN, Pierce RG, Dhaliwal G -
How to Keep Training-After Residency Training.
Journal of general internal medicine 2022 Krimmel-Morrison JD, Dhaliwal G -
Five strategies for clinicians to advance diagnostic excellence.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2022 Singh H, Connor DM, Dhaliwal G -
Patient Advocacy Assessment in the Medicine Clerkship: A Qualitative Study of Definition, Context, and Impact.
Journal of general internal medicine 2022 Griffiths EP, Lai CJ, Ziv T, Dawson D, Dhaliwal G, Wheeler M, Teherani A -
Diagnostic delays in infectious diseases.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2022 Suneja M, Beekmann SE, Dhaliwal G, Miller AC, Polgreen PM -
A clinical reasoning curriculum for medical students: an interim analysis.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2021 Connor DM, Narayana S, Dhaliwal G -
The VA My Life My Story Project: Keeping Medical Students and Veterans Socially Connected While Physically Distanced.
Federal practitioner : for the health care professionals of the VA, DoD, and PHS 2021 Walker E, Bruns E, Dhaliwal G -
Inadequate Support. Reply.
The New England journal of medicine 2021 Pichan C, Dhaliwal G, Houchens N -
A Short-Lived Crisis.
Journal of hospital medicine 2021 Saxena K, Dhaliwal G, Rao MN, Babik JM -
Inadequate Support.
The New England journal of medicine 2021 Pichan C, Dhaliwal G, Cusick A, Saint S, Houchens N -
Excellence in medical training: developing talent-not sorting it.
Perspectives on medical education 2021 Dhaliwal G, Hauer KE -
Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind.
Journal of hospital medicine 2021 Santos MA, Manesh R, Dhaliwal G, Hsu G, Geha RM -
Tissue, Teamwork, and Timing: an Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2021 Ahmad TR, Kazberouk A, Santhosh L, Hsu G, Dhaliwal G -
As the Story Unfolds.
Journal of hospital medicine 2021 Strohbehn GW, Saint S, Grinblatt DL, Moe J, Dhaliwal G -
Grade Appeals in the Internal Medicine Clerkship: A National Survey and Recommendations for Improvement.
The American journal of medicine 2021 Packer CD, Duca NS, Dhaliwal G, Ismail N, Pincavage AT, Kisielewski M, DeWaay D, Walsh K, Lai CJ -
The Resolution of Abdominal Pain: an Ominous Sign of Mesenteric Ischemia.
Journal of general internal medicine 2020 Strait A, Gasper W, Dhaliwal G -
Using a time out: Reimagining professional identity formation after the pandemic.
Medical education 2020 Stetson GV, Dhaliwal G -
Psychometric validation of the reconstructed version of the assessment of reasoning tool.
Medical teacher 2020 Thammasitboon S, Sur M, Rencic JJ, Dhaliwal G, Kumar S, Sundaram S, Krishnamurthy P -
Clinical Diagnosis-Is There Any Other Type?
JAMA internal medicine 2020 Dhaliwal G -
Decisions in the Dark: An Educational Intervention to Promote Reflection and Feedback on Night Float Rotations.
Journal of general internal medicine 2020 Lim H, Raffel KE, Harrison JD, Kohlwes RJ, Dhaliwal G, Narayana S -
The Future Comes Early for Medical Educators.
Journal of general internal medicine 2020 Minter DJ, Geha R, Manesh R, Dhaliwal G -
Gender Differences in Authorship of Clinical Problem-Solving Articles.
Journal of hospital medicine 2020 Adler E, Hobbs A, Dhaliwal G, Babik JM -
Pilot virtual clerkship curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic: Podcasts, peers and problem-solving.
Medical education 2020 Geha R, Dhaliwal G -
The Writing on the Wall: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2020 Rendon P, Roesch J, Dhaliwal G -
The Greatest Generation.
JAMA 2020 Dhaliwal G -
The Art of the Deal: Negotiating Consult Conflict.
The American journal of medicine 2020 Wray CM, Dhruva SS, Dhaliwal G -
Leadership & Professional Development: A Letter to the Future Teaching Physician.
Journal of hospital medicine 2020 Manesh R, Dhaliwal G -
When the Past Informs the Present: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2019 Manesh R, Geha RM, Dhaliwal G, Heng J, Arend LJ, Fine DM, Gelber AC -
How to facilitate an unscripted morning report case conference.
The clinical teacher 2019 Lessing JN, Wheeler DJ, Beaman J, Diaz MJ, Dhaliwal G -
Double Trouble.
The New England journal of medicine 2019 Smith C, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Farkash EA, Garg P -
A Branching Algorithm.
Journal of hospital medicine 2019 Pedersen E, Dhaliwal G, Gupta A, Else T, Chang R, Houchens N -
A Terminal Event.
The New England journal of medicine 2019 Lai AR, Sheu L, Gensler LS, McQuaid K, Dhaliwal G -
A framework to promote equity in clinical clerkships.
The clinical teacher 2019 Lai CJ, Jackson AV, Wheeler M, Dhaliwal G, Ziv TA, Kryzhanovskaya I, Teherani A -
Diagnosis education - an emerging field.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2019 Olson APJ, Singhal G, Dhaliwal G -
The New England journal of medicine 2019 Strohbehn GW, Dhaliwal G, Paulson H, Murray J, Saint S -
Overcoming the Barrier.
The New England journal of medicine 2018 Geha RM, Dhaliwal G, Winston LG, Kickler TS, Manesh R -
Peer Review of Teaching: Insights From a 10-Year Experience.
Medical Science Educator 2018 Katherine M. Hyland, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Andrew N. Goldberg, Lee-may Chen, Kathleen Land, Maria Wamsley -
Teaching about diagnostic errors through virtual patient cases: a pilot exploration.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2018 Geha R, Trowbridge RL, Dhaliwal G, Olson APJ -
The Assessment of Reasoning Tool (ART): structuring the conversation between teachers and learners.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2018 Thammasitboon S, Rencic JJ, Trowbridge RL, Olson APJ, Sur M, Dhaliwal G -
An Inquiry Into the Early Careers of Master Clinicians.
Journal of graduate medical education 2018 Murthy VK, O'Brien B, Dhaliwal G -
A Tough Egg to Crack.
Journal of hospital medicine 2018 Geha RM, Dhaliwal G, Peters MG, Manesh R -
Palatal Mucormycosis.
Journal of general internal medicine 2018 Brondfield S, Kaplan L, Dhaliwal G -
The Wrong Frame of Mind.
The New England journal of medicine 2018 McBride JA, Lepak AJ, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Safdar N -
The data of diagnostic error: big, large and small.
BMJ quality & safety 2018 Dhaliwal G, Shojania KG -
Digital Tools to Enhance Clinical Reasoning.
The Medical clinics of North America 2018 Manesh R, Dhaliwal G -
Going from A to Z.
The New England journal of medicine 2018 Atri D, Furfaro D, Dhaliwal G, Feingold KR, Manesh R -
Pivot and Cluster: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2017 May JE, Blackburn RJ, Centor RM, Dhaliwal G -
Case 36-2017. A 30-Year-Old Man with Fatigue, Rash, Anemia, and Thrombocytopenia.
The New England journal of medicine 2017 Dhaliwal G, Mojtahed A, Fogerty AE, Kadauke S, Mack JP -
Circling Back for the Diagnosis.
The New England journal of medicine 2017 Rencic J, Zhou M, Hsu G, Dhaliwal G -
Thinking Outside the Checkbox.
Journal of hospital medicine 2017 Kanamori M, Dhaliwal G, Matsumura M, Monash B -
Web Exclusives. Annals for Hospitalists Inpatient Notes - Diagnostic Excellence Starts With an Incessant Watch.
Annals of internal medicine 2017 Dhaliwal G -
What Happened to My Patient? An Educational Intervention to Facilitate Postdischarge Patient Follow-Up.
Journal of graduate medical education 2017 Narayana S, Rajkomar A, Harrison JD, Valencia V, Dhaliwal G, Ranji SR -
Mass Confusion.
Journal of hospital medicine 2017 Abad CL, Dhaliwal G, Geschwind MD, Saint S, Safdar N -
Hot in the Tropics.
Journal of hospital medicine 2017 Vidyarthi AR, Dhaliwal G, Monash B, Shum KL, Lee J, Zaas AK -
A Bare-Bones Approach.
The New England journal of medicine 2017 Lavery K, Gilden DJ, Saint S, Judson MA, Dhaliwal G -
Histology Rings True.
The New England journal of medicine 2017 Geha R, Peters M, Gill RM, Dhaliwal G -
A shocking diagnosis.
Journal of hospital medicine 2017 Prabhakaran A, Dhaliwal G, Schilf CR, Caughey GH, Pile J -
How to Write a Clinical Problem Solving Manuscript.
Writing Case Reports 2017 Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Gabrielle N. Berger -
Monitoring the Diagnostic Process on an Inpatient Neurology Service.
The Neurohospitalist 2016 Dhand A, Bucelli R, Varadhachary A, Tsiaklides M, de Bruin G, Dhaliwal G -
Stressing Signal Versus Noise: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2016 Gupta N, Feingold K, Dhaliwal G -
A Physician With Thigh Pain.
Federal practitioner : for the health care professionals of the VA, DoD, and PHS 2016 Manesh RS, Rogers SE, Loring Z, Stewart E, Dhaliwal G, Tierney LM -
Giant Inguinoscrotal Hernia.
Journal of general internal medicine 2016 Brondfield S, Dhaliwal G -
Clinical Reasoning: Talk the Talk or Just Walk the Walk?
Journal of graduate medical education 2016 Dhaliwal G, Ilgen J -
Look No Further: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2016 Rendon P, Dhaliwal G, Kim B, Aguayo A, Pierce JR -
Another spin.
Journal of hospital medicine 2016 Prahl M, Dhaliwal G, Shulman ST, Doshi N, Monash B -
Premature closure? Not so fast.
BMJ quality & safety 2016 Dhaliwal G -
When the Illness Goes Off Script-An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2016 Al-Helou G, Anklesaria Z, Kohlwes J, Ahari J, Dhaliwal G -
Journal of hospital medicine 2016 Zhu JM, Hamel D, Dhaliwal G, Glass M, Sharpe B, Kim B, Monash B -
How to Teach Clinical Reasoning.
Handbook of Clinical Teaching 2016 David Hamel, Gurpreet Dhaliwal -
A PIECE OF MY MIND. The Greatest Generation.
JAMA 2015 Dhaliwal G -
Pseudo-renal failure: bladder rupture with urinary ascites.
BMJ case reports 2015 Matsumura M, Ando N, Kumabe A, Dhaliwal G -
CLINICAL PROBLEM-SOLVING. A Breakthrough Diagnosis.
The New England journal of medicine 2015 Murray SG, Wachter RM, Cho KC, Dhaliwal G -
When less is more for the struggling clinical reasoner.
Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2015 Connor DM, Dhaliwal G -
Disseminated mycobacterial infection and scabies infestation.
The American journal of medicine 2015 Brondfield S, Reid M, Patel K, Ten R, Dhaliwal G -
A coat with a clue.
Journal of hospital medicine 2015 Ebinger J, Sedighi Manesh R, Dhaliwal G, Sharpe B, Monash B -
Not a textbook case.
Journal of hospital medicine 2015 Olson AP, Sahni N, Kim B, Dhaliwal G -
When Professors Don't Return Essays.
Teaching and learning in medicine 2015 Feldman W, Dhaliwal G -
Clinical problem-solving. D is for delay.
The New England journal of medicine 2014 Kapoor R, Saint S, Kapoor JR, Johnson RA, Dhaliwal G -
Capsule commentary on Guerrasio and Aagaard, Methods and outcomes for the remediation of clinical reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2014 Dhaliwal G -
Split decision.
Journal of general internal medicine 2014 Giridhar KV, Dhaliwal G, Tierney L -
Demystify leadership in order to cultivate it.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2014 Dhaliwal G, Sehgal NL -
Bringing high-value care to the inpatient teaching service.
JAMA internal medicine 2014 Dhaliwal G -
Doctors are competitive: use that to improve care delivery.
Healthcare financial management : journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association 2014 Dhaliwal G -
Amyloidosis in bilateral external auditory canals.
BMJ case reports 2014 Hosoi T, Dhaliwal G, Tokuda Y -
A heart-breaking case of fever and rash.
Journal of general internal medicine 2014 Bischoff K, Shah SM, Dhaliwal G, Hollander H -
The new education frontier: clinical teaching at night.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2014 Hanson JT, Pierce RG, Dhaliwal G -
Exhausting the differential.
Journal of general internal medicine 2014 Chiovaro J, Douglas V, Gaggar A, Dhaliwal G -
The oral patient presentation in the era of night float admissions: credit and critique.
JAMA 2013 Dhaliwal G, Hauer KE -
Known unknowns and unknown unknowns at the point of care.
JAMA internal medicine 2013 Dhaliwal G -
Developing teachers of clinical reasoning.
The clinical teacher 2013 Dhaliwal G -
How experienced community neurologists make diagnoses during clinical encounters.
Neurology 2013 Dhand A, Engstrom J, Dhaliwal G -
The evolution of the master diagnostician.
JAMA 2013 Dhaliwal G, Detsky AS -
The AWOL tool: derivation and validation of a delirium prediction rule.
Journal of hospital medicine 2013 Douglas VC, Hessler CS, Dhaliwal G, Betjemann JP, Fukuda KA, Alameddine LR, Lucatorto R, Johnston SC, Josephson SA -
A raw deal.
Journal of hospital medicine 2013 Khateeb R, Gandhi T, Dhaliwal G -
Educational agenda for diagnostic error reduction.
BMJ quality & safety 2013 Trowbridge RL, Dhaliwal G, Cosby KS -
Back attack.
Journal of general internal medicine 2013 Anaya A, Plantmason L, Dhaliwal G -
A multifaceted case.
Journal of hospital medicine 2013 Kara A, McQuillan P, Dhaliwal G -
Clinical problem-solving. The essential element.
The New England journal of medicine 2013 Houchens N, Dhaliwal G, Askari F, Kim B, Saint S -
Clinical problem-solving. The heart of the matter.
The New England journal of medicine 2013 Tarter L, Yazdany J, Moyers B, Barnett C, Dhaliwal G -
A double-edged sword.
Journal of hospital medicine 2013 Baxi S, Platts-Mills J, Dhruva S, Huang L, Hanks D, Dhaliwal G -
Clinical problem-solving. A missed connection.
The New England journal of medicine 2012 Bhave PD, Foster E, Dhaliwal G -
Getting to the right question.
Journal of general internal medicine 2012 Cassese T, Kaplan E, Douglas V, Dhaliwal G -
Clinical excellence: make it a habit.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2012 Dhaliwal G -
Renowned physicians' perceptions of expert diagnostic practice.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2012 Mylopoulos M, Lohfeld L, Norman GR, Dhaliwal G, Eva KW -
A 36-year-old Haitian man with coma, acute kidney injury, lactic acidosis, and respiratory failure.
Chest 2012 Falade-Nwulia OO, Dhaliwal G, Schreiber MP, Saint S, Shorr AF -
Overcome by weakness.
Journal of hospital medicine 2012 Krassner A, Dhaliwal G, Baudendistel TE -
A 46-year-old man with seizures, brain lesions, and pulmonary infiltrates.
Chest 2012 Zemans RL, Stream AR, Musani AI, Dhaliwal G -
Cracking the case.
Journal of hospital medicine 2011 Wei J, Kneeland PP, Dhaliwal G -
Erratum to: Effusive Reasoning.
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2011 Brandon Erickson, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Mark C. Henderson, Ezra Amsterdam, Joseph Rencic -
Modern conceptions of elite medical practice among internal medicine faculty members.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2011 Eva KW, Lohfeld L, Dhaliwal G, Mylopoulos M, Cook DA, Norman GR -
A randomized trial of hypothesis-driven vs screening neurologic examination.
Neurology 2011 Kamel H, Dhaliwal G, Navi BB, Pease AR, Shah M, Dhand A, Johnston SC, Josephson SA -
Against all odds.
Journal of general internal medicine 2011 Minemura N, Dhaliwal G, Tierney LM -
Effusive reasoning.
Journal of general internal medicine 2011 Erickson B, Dhaliwal G, Henderson MC, Amsterdam E, Rencic J -
Clinical problem-solving. A recurrent problem.
The New England journal of medicine 2011 Vikram HR, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Simpson CB -
Clinical problem-solving. The right angle.
The New England journal of medicine 2011 Reed MC, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Nallamothu BK -
Mapping out the diagnosis.
Journal of hospital medicine 2011 Hadano Y, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Tierney LM, Sakemi H -
Going with your gut.
Journal of general internal medicine 2011 Dhaliwal G -
In the face of it all.
Journal of hospital medicine 2011 Garg A, Baudendistel TE, Dhaliwal G -
Improving diagnostic reasoning to improve patient safety.
The Permanente journal 2011 Rajkomar A, Dhaliwal G -
A 43-year-old woman with abdominal pain and fever.
Journal of general internal medicine 2010 Keenan CR, Dhaliwal G, Henderson MC, Bowen JL -
Journal of hospital medicine 2010 Patel P, Dhaliwal G, Rajamanickam A, Gebresalassie S, Harte B -
An important factor in preoperative screening.
Journal of hospital medicine 2010 Olson AP, Fogarty PF, Dhaliwal G -
Doing what comes naturally.
Journal of general internal medicine 2010 Henderson MC, Dhaliwal G, Jones SR, Culbertson C, Bowen JL -
Twelve tips for presenting a clinical problem solving exercise.
Medical teacher 2009 Dhaliwal G, Sharpe BA -
Examining patient conceptions: a case of metastatic breast cancer in an African American male to female transgender patient.
Journal of general internal medicine 2009 Dhand A, Dhaliwal G -
Flushing out the diagnosis.
Journal of hospital medicine 2009 Thierman S, Dhaliwal G, Sooriash L, Baudendistel T -
Clinical problem-solving. A hard diagnosis.
The New England journal of medicine 2009 Margaretten ME, Tierney LM, Dhaliwal G -
Clinical problem-solving. A red flag.
The New England journal of medicine 2009 Fazel R, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Nallamothu BK -
The tip of the iceberg.
Journal of hospital medicine 2009 Lieu C, Janssen WJ, Saint S, Dhaliwal G -
Teaching medicine to non-English speaking background learners in a foreign country.
Journal of general internal medicine 2009 Dhaliwal G -
A change of heart.
Journal of hospital medicine 2009 Piccini JP, Hernandez AF, Dibernardo LR, Rogers JG, Dhaliwal G -
Medical expertise: begin with the end in mind.
Medical education 2009 Dhaliwal G -
Clinical problem-solving. Fool's Gold.
The New England journal of medicine 2008 Leeper NJ, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Witteles RM -
A confusing case of confusion. Acute porphyrias.
The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 2008 Jackson R, Toubia N, Dhaliwal G, Bottomley SS, Bronze MS -
A diagnosis of exclusion.
Journal of hospital medicine 2008 Yung IO, Baudendistel TE, Dhaliwal G -
Thinking inside the box.
Journal of hospital medicine 2008 Kwan DM, Dhaliwal G, Baudendistel TE -
A rash decision.
Journal of hospital medicine 2007 Harte BJ, Dhaliwal G, Armstrong W, Pile JC -
"Are we there yet?".
Journal of hospital medicine 2007 Williams LH, Raugi GJ, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Lipsky BA -
A brief educational intervention in personal finance for medical residents.
Journal of general internal medicine 2007 Dhaliwal G, Chou CL -
Six decades of progress and change in hospital medicine, 1947-2007.
The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 2007 Wang B, Dhaliwal G, Sleisenger MH -
Preparing fourth-year medical students to teach during internship.
Journal of general internal medicine 2006 Haber RJ, Bardach NS, Vedanthan R, Gillum LA, Haber LA, Dhaliwal GS -
Clinical problem-solving. One surprise after another.
The New England journal of medicine 2005 Leeper NJ, Wener LS, Dhaliwal G, Saint S, Wachter RM -
Clinical problem-solving. Why "why" matters.
The New England journal of medicine 2004 Janssen WJ, Dhaliwal G, Collard HR, Saint S -
Clinical problem-solving. Special cure.
The New England journal of medicine 2004 Hoffman RJ, Dhaliwal G, Gilden DJ, Saint S -
Hemolytic anemia.
American family physician 2004 Dhaliwal G, Cornett PA, Tierney LM -
Clinical problem-solving. Red snapper or crab?
The New England journal of medicine 2004 Cornia PB, Lipsky BA, Dhaliwal G, Saint S -
Clinical problem-solving. True, true, and related.
The New England journal of medicine 2004 Dhaliwal G, Schmidt KE, Gilden DJ, Saint S