Grisell Diaz-Ramirez
Sr. Statistical Scientist
School of Medicine

Technical leader with a high degree of knowledge in large-scale survey data management and analysis (e.g. Health and Retirement study, English Longitudinal Study on Ageing, and Medicare data)


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  • Pepper Center Development Project Award, UCSF, 2019-2020

Publications (29)

Top publication keywords:
AnesthesiaMortalityBayes TheoremHand StrengthAlgorithmsDiacylglycerol O-AcyltransferaseIguanasPercutaneous Coronary InterventionConservation of Natural ResourcesActivities of Daily LivingElective Surgical ProceduresMemory DisordersCoronary Artery Bypass, Off-PumpCoronary Artery BypassDisabled Persons

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