Graham Simmons, PhD
Laboratory Medicine
School of Medicine

I am interested in new and emerging infections, particularly those that may threaten blood safety. My laboratory currently works on a number of viruses, including SARS-CoV, Chikungunya, Ebolavirus, Hepatitis C and the newly identified rhabdovirus, Bas-Congo virus, with a focus on viral entry and inhibition.

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We have performed a detailed molecular analysis of the entry of SARS-CoV and identified unique steps during entry that may be novel targets for antiviral therapies. We have developed new tools and assays for studying alphavirus virus entry and are adapting these to characterize ultra-potent human monoclonals for therapeutic treatment of chikungunya virus. Furthermore, we plan to characterize the entire B cell immune response to chikungunya, both following acute infection and during chronic disease. Finally, we are performing seroprevelance studies for a number of viruses, including Ebolavirus and Bas-Congo virus, in Africa.

Publications (119)

Top publication keywords:
Zika VirusEbolavirusZika Virus InfectionBlood DonorsViral Envelope ProteinsChikungunya FeverVirus InternalizationXenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virusChikungunya virusHemorrhagic Fever, EbolaFiloviridaeAntibodies, NeutralizingAntibodies, ViralCommunicable Diseases, EmergingSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome

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