Gerami Seitzman, MD
Proctor Foundation
Gerami Seitzman, MD is an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of California, San Francisco. She is a cornea and external disease specialist at the F.I. Proctor Foundation. She also sees patients with cornea and external disease diagoses at the UCSF Department of Ophthalmology.
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A native of Michigan, she obtained her undergraduate and medical degrees at the University of Michigan. After an internal medicine internship, she completed her Ophthalmology residency at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University. She then spent an additional year completing a medical and surgical fellowship in cornea, external disease, and uveitis at the Francis I. Proctor Foundation at UCSF. After fellowship, Dr. Seitzman returned to Baltimore where she was Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, part-time, at The Wilmer Eye Institute and was the full-time Director of Cornea, External Disease, and Uveitis at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. She is happy to return to the bay area and is very pleased to re-join UCSF as faculty. She enjoys teaching, communication, and patient care. She belongs to the Phi Beta Kappa Honor society, the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, is board certified, and is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2018
- Fellowship Cornea, External Disease, and Uveitis Francis I. Proctor Foundation/UCSF 2004
- Residency Ophthalmology Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University 2003
- Internship Internal Medicine St. Joseph Mercy Hopsital 2000
- M.D. University of Michigan 1999
Publications (102)
Top publication keywords:
ConjunctivaCorneaConjunctivitis, BacterialCorneal DiseasesEye Infections, FungalAdenoviruses, HumanEye Infections, BacterialMetagenomeAcanthamoeba KeratitisRosaceaEye Infections, ViralKeratitisDiagnostic Techniques, OphthalmologicalConjunctivitisDry Eye Syndromes
Ligneous Conjunctivitis Treated with Intravenous Human Plasminogen.
Ophthalmology 2025 Saban O, Seitzman GD -
Ocular scedosporiosis: A case series.
American journal of ophthalmology case reports 2024 Turner ML, Nguyen M, Schallhorn J, Seitzman GD -
Multimodal Imaging of Posterior Corneal Opacities in Multicentric Osteolysis Nodulosis and Arthropathy (MONA).
Cornea open 2024 Eppley SE, Pasricha ND, Seitzman GD, Joye A, Arboleda A, Qureshi A -
Biomarker Detection and Validation for Corneal Involvement in Patients With Acute Infectious Conjunctivitis.
JAMA ophthalmology 2024 Seitzman GD, Prajna L, Prajna NV, Sansanayudh W, Satitpitakul V, Laovirojjanakul W, Chen C, Zhong L, Ouimette K, Redd T, Deiner MC, Porco TC, McLeod SD, Lietman TM, Hinterwirth A, Doan T, SCORPIO … -
Association of weather variables with pathogens contributing to conjunctivitis worldwide.
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2024 Yan D, Prajna NV, Lalitha P, Sansanayudh W, Satitpitakul V, Laovirojjanakul W, Chaudhary M, Bountogo M, Sie A, Coulibaly B, Amza A, Nassirou B, Almou I, Tran H, Tran Y, Tsui E, Onclinx T, Sella R, …
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Etiologies of Infectious Keratitis in Malawi.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2024 Kalua K, Misanjo ES, Lietman TM, Ruder K, Zhong L, Chen C, Liu Y, Yu D, Abraham T, Wu N, Yan D, Hinterwirth A, Doan T, Seitzman GD -
Heterogenous pathogen profile associated with acute conjunctivitis in Nepal.
International health 2024 Chaudhary M, Sitaula S, Ruder K, Chen C, Zhong L, Heng Lu Y, Abraham T, Yu D, Hinterwirth A, Lietman TM, Doan T, Seitzman GD, SCORPIO Study Group -
Coxsackievirus A24 causing acute conjunctivitis in a 2023 outbreak in Vietnam.
International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 2024 Tran H, Ha T, Hoang L, Tran Y, Ruder K, Zhong L, Chen C, Liu Y, Yu D, Abraham T, Hinterwirth A, Deiner M, Porco TC, Lietman TM, Doan T, Seitzman GD, SCORPIO Study Group -
Ocular manifestations of mpox.
Current opinion in ophthalmology 2024 Nguyen M, Doan T, Seitzman GD -
Human Conjunctival Transcriptome in Acanthamoeba Keratitis: An Exploratory Study.
Cornea 2024 Seitzman GD, Keenan JD, Lietman TM, Ruder K, Zhong L, Chen C, Liu Y, Yu D, Abraham T, Hinterwirth A, Doan T, capriCORN (Comprehensive Analysis of Pathogens, Resistomes, and Inflammatory markers in the… -
Prevalence, Patterns, and Predictors of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and Culturable Virus in Tears of a Case-Ascertained Household Cohort.
American journal of ophthalmology 2024 So M, Goldberg SA, Lu S, Garcia-Knight M, Davidson MC, Tassetto M, Murray VW, Anglin K, Pineda-Ramirez J, Chen JY, Rugart PR, Richardson ET, Briggs-Hagen M, Midgley CM, Andino R, Seitzman GD, Gonzales… -
Lid Margin Demodex Without Eyelashes.
Ophthalmology 2024 Kolli A, Malli S, Seitzman GD -
Incidence and Mitigation of Corneal Pseudomicrocysts Induced by Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs).
Current ophthalmology reports 2024 Lindgren ES, Yan R, Cil O, Verkman AS, Chan MF, Seitzman GD, Farooq AV, Huppert LA, Rugo HS, Pohlmann PR, Lu J, Esserman LJ, Pasricha ND -
Ocular Comorbidities of Atopic Conjunctivitis and Management of Conjunctivitis on Dupilumab Treatment.
Clinical Cases in Atopic Dermatitis 2024 Minh T. Nguyen, Gerami D. Seitzman -
Locality is the strongest predictor of expert performance in image-based differentiation of bacterial and fungal corneal ulcers from India.
Indian journal of ophthalmology 2024 Rosenberg CR, Prajna V, Srinivasan MK, Lalitha PC, Krishnan T, Rajaraman R, Venugopal A, Acharya N, Seitzman GD, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Woodward MA, Lietman TM, Campbell JP, Keenan JD, Redd TK, Corneal … -
Cornea Overview.
Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology 2024 Matilda F. Chan, Gerami D. Seitzman, Finn Wolfreys -
Pathogen Profiles of Infectious Conjunctivitis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Cornea open 2023 Tran H, Hoang L, Tran Y, H? T, Ruder K, Zhong L, Chen C, Yu D, Liu Y, Abraham T, Hinterwirth A, Deiner M, Porco T, Lietman TM, Seitzman GD, Doan T -
Pathogen Surveillance for Acute Infectious Conjunctivitis.
JAMA ophthalmology 2023 Tsui E, Sella R, Tham V, Kong AW, McClean E, Goren L, Bahar I, Cherian N, Ramirez J, Hughes RE, Privratsky JK, Onclinx T, Feit-Leichman R, Cheng A, Molina I, Kim P, Yu C, Ruder K, Tan A, Chen C, Liu Y… -
Comprehensive Profile of Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance in Conjunctivitis Cases from Niger.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2023 Amza A, Nassirou B, Kadri B, Ali S, Mariama B, Ibrahim CM, Roufaye LA, Lebas E, Colby E, Zhong L, Chen C, Ruder K, Yu D, Liu Y, Abraham T, Chang A, Mai L, Hinterwirth A, Seitzman GD, Lietman TM, Doan … -
Role of Sex in Participation During Virtual Grand Rounds in Ophthalmology.
JAMA ophthalmology 2023 Hennein L, Liu Y, Shuman EA, Kim JS, Moss HE, Keenan JD, Seitzman GD -
Health Disparity Curricula for Ophthalmology Residents: Current Landscape, Barriers, and Needs.
Journal of academic ophthalmology (2017) 2023 Carvajal N, Lopez J, Ahmad TR, Maru J, Ramanathan S, Seitzman GD, Padmanabhan S, Parikh N -
Isolated Ocular Mpox without Skin Lesions, United States.
Emerging infectious diseases 2023 Nguyen MT, Mentreddy A, Schallhorn J, Chan M, Aung S, Doernberg SB, Babik J, Miles K, Yang K, Lydon E, Minter DJ, Gonzales J, Shantha J, Doan T, Seitzman GD -
Apollo Rising: Acute Conjunctivitis Outbreak in India, 2022.
Cornea open 2023 Prajna NV, Prajna L, Teja V, Gunasekaran R, Chen C, Ruder K, Zhong L, Yu D, Liu D, Abraham T, Ao W, Deiner M, Hinterwirth A, Seitzman G, Doan T, Lietman T -
Case Series: Unbiased Deep Sequencing Analysis of Acute Infectious Conjunctivitis in an Ambulatory Eye Center in Berkeley, California.
Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry 2023 Kanai K, Whiteside M, Wong M, La T, Nassiri M, Lee S, Yeung SK, Coulter A, Roufail M, Ruder K, Chen C, Liu D, Abraham T, Hinterwirth A, Lietman TM, Doan T, Seitzman GD, Seasonal Conjunctivitis … -
Will the Long-Named Perfluorohexyloctane Produce Long-lasting Improvements in Patients With Meibomian Gland Disease?
JAMA ophthalmology 2023 Seitzman GD, Lietman TM -
Characterization of Infectious Keratitis in Opioid Users in a County Hospital Setting.
Cornea open 2023 Lopez JB, Chan L, Saifee M, Seitzman GD, Yung M, Chan MF -
Viruses Associated with Acute Conjunctivitis in Vanuatu.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2023 Johnson K, Taleo F, Willie K, Amel E, Nanu M, Alguet M, Wass J, Rymill P, Solomon A, Ruder K, Chen C, Zhong L, Hinterwirth A, Liu D, Abraham T, Seitzman G, Lietman T, Doan T, SCORPIO Study Group -
Deep sequencing analysis of acute conjunctivitis in Burkina Faso, Africa.
International health 2023 Bountogo M, Sié A, Coulibaly B, Ruder K, Chen C, Zhong L, Colby E, Lebas E, Deiner M, Hinterwirth A, Lietman TM, Seitzman GD, Doan T -
Longitudinal Use of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Utility of Asynchronous Testing for Subspecialty-Level Ophthalmic Care.
JAMA ophthalmology 2023 Mosenia A, Li P, Seefeldt R, Seitzman GD, Sun CQ, Kim TN -
Ocular Rosacea microBiome Study (ORBS)-sub-microbial versus antibiotic dosing of doxycycline versus placebo in treatment of symptomatic ocular rosacea: study protocol for a parallel-arm randomized clinical trial.
Trials 2022 Mahmud H, Keenan JD, Gonzales J, Schallhorn J, Chan M, Arnold B, Cavallino V, Lietman TM, Doan T, Seitzman GD -
Deep sequencing analysis of clinical samples from patients with acute infectious conjunctivitis during the COVID-19 delta surge in Madurai, India.
Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology 2022 Lalitha P, Prajna NV, Gunasekaran R, Teja GV, Sharma SS, Hinterwirth A, Ruder K, Zhong L, Chen C, Deiner M, Huang C, Pinsky BA, Lietman TM, Doan T, Seitzman GD, SCORPIO (Seasonal Conjunctivitis … -
Practice Patterns and Clinician Opinions for Treatment of Ocular Rosacea.
Cornea 2022 Kaur G, Redd TK, Seitzman GD -
Outpatient human coronavirus associated conjunctivitis in India.
Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology 2022 Prajna NV, Lalitha P, Teja GV, Gunasekaran R, Sharma SS, Hinterwirth A, Ruder K, Zhong L, Chen C, Deiner M, Huang C, Pinsky BA, Lietman TM, Seitzman GD, Doan T, SCORPIO (Seasonal Conjunctivitis … -
Keeping an eye on pink eye: a global conjunctivitis outbreak expert survey.
International health 2022 Kaur G, Seitzman GD, Lietman TM, McLeod SD, Porco TC, Doan T, Deiner MS -
Chemotherapy-Induced Hyperopic Surprise in a Woman With Multiple Myeloma.
JAMA ophthalmology 2022 Bui AD, Lopez S, Seitzman GD -
Antiamoebic Susceptibility in Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Comparison of Isolates From South India and Northern California.
Cornea 2022 Richardson QR, Prajna L, Elakkiya S, Kamal FS, Talbott M, Prajna NV, Rajaraman R, Cevallos V, Seitzman GD, Lietman TM, Keenan JD -
Acute Keratoconjunctivitis Resulting From Coinfection With Avian Newcastle Virus and Human Adenovirus.
Cornea 2022 Prajna NV, Lalitha P, Chen C, Zhong L, Lietman TM, Doan T, Seitzman GD -
Nocardia sienata: a new causative species of infectious keratitis.
BMJ case reports 2022 Mosenia A, Nguyen AH, Mandel MR, Seitzman GD -
Sustained Reductions in Online Search Interest for Communicable Eye and Other Conditions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Infodemiology Study.
JMIR infodemiology 2022 Deiner MS, Seitzman GD, Kaur G, McLeod SD, Chodosh J, Lietman TM, Porco TC -
Outcomes of amoebic, fungal, and bacterial keratitis: A retrospective cohort study.
PloS one 2022 Moe CA, Lalitha P, Prajna NV, Mascarenhas J, Srinivasan M, Das M, Panigrahi A, Rajaraman R, Seitzman GD, Oldenburg CE, Lietman TM, Keenan JD -
Topical Therapeutic Options in Corneal Neuropathic Pain.
Frontiers in pharmacology 2022 Nortey J, Smith D, Seitzman GD, Gonzales JA -
Image-Based Differentiation of Bacterial and Fungal Keratitis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
Ophthalmology science 2022 Redd TK, Prajna NV, Srinivasan M, Lalitha P, Krishnan T, Rajaraman R, Venugopal A, Acharya N, Seitzman GD, Lietman TM, Keenan JD, Campbell JP, Song X -
Neonatal corneal ulcer secondary to congenital entropion.
American journal of ophthalmology case reports 2022 Redd TK, Kersten RC, Ashraf D, Hennein L, Seitzman GD -
Very late onset LASIK flap Acremonium fungal keratitis confirmed by metagenomic deep sequencing.
American journal of ophthalmology case reports 2022 Greenwald MF, Redd TK, Doan T, McLeod SD, Seitzman GD -
Impact of Sample Collection Order on the Diagnostic Performance of Metagenomic Deep Sequencing for Infectious Keratitis.
Cornea 2022 Redd TK, Lalitha P, Prajna NV, Sikha M, Gunasekaran R, Hinterwirth A, Chen C, Zhong L, Liu Z, Lietman TM, Keenan JD, Doan T, Seitzman GD -
Diagnostic armamentarium of infectious keratitis: A comprehensive review.
The ocular surface 2021 Ting DSJ, Gopal BP, Deshmukh R, Seitzman GD, Said DG, Dua HS -
Changes to ophthalmic clinical care during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
Current opinion in ophthalmology 2021 Sundararajan M, Schallhorn JM, Doan T, Seitzman GD -
Expert Performance in Visual Differentiation of Bacterial and Fungal Keratitis.
Ophthalmology 2021 Redd TK, Prajna NV, Srinivasan M, Lalitha P, Krishnan T, Rajaraman R, Venugopal A, Lujan B, Acharya N, Seitzman GD, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Lietman TM, Campbell JP, Keenan JD, Corneal Ulcer Image … -
Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity of Dehydrated Amniotic Membrane in Infectious Keratitis: A Small Retrospective Case Series and In Vitro Study.
Cornea 2021 Oji NM, Lin YB, Lee MD, Cevallos AV, Keenan JD, Seitzman GD -
Purulent Conjunctivitis and Progressive Corneal Stromal Necrosis.
JAMA ophthalmology 2021 Alsoudi AF, Haq Z, Seitzman GD -
Inside-out: Infectious Endophthalmitis with Secondary Corneal Perforation.
Ophthalmology 2021 Kinde B, Vagefi MR, Seitzman GD -
A Case of Bilateral Multifocal Choroiditis Associated with BRAF/MEK Inhibitor Use for Metastatic Cutaneous Melanoma.
Ocular immunology and inflammation 2021 Yanagihara RT, Tom ES, Seitzman GD, Saraf SS -
In Vitro Comparison of the Acanthamoeba Cysticidal Activity of Povidone Iodine, Natamycin, and Chlorhexidine.
Ophthalmology science 2021 Redd TK, Talbott M, Cevallos V, Lalitha P, Seitzman GD, Lietman TM, Keenan JD -
Validation of a Novel Confocal Microscopy Imaging Protocol With Assessment of Reproducibility and Comparison of Nerve Metrics in Dry Eye Disease Compared With Controls.
Cornea 2021 Takhar JS, Joye AS, Lopez SE, Marneris AG, Tsui E, Seitzman GD, Keenan JD, Gonzales JA -
Reply: Remote corneal suturing wet lab: microsurgical education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery 2021 Pasricha ND, Haq Z, Ahmad TR, Chan L, Redd TK, Seitzman GD, Parikh N, Kim TN, Schallhorn JM, Ramanathan S -
Adapting to Coronavirus Disease 2019 With Point-of-Care Outdoor Intraocular Pressure Monitoring.
JAMA ophthalmology 2021 Sundararajan M, Nguyen AH, Lopez SE, Moussa K, Redd TK, Seitzman GD -
Microbiological alterations in the conjunctiva of hot tub-soaking ophthalmologists (MACHO): a randomized double-blind clinical trial.
Medical hypothesis, discovery & innovation ophthalmology journal 2021 Lee MD, Pasricha N, Driver TH, Lopez SE, Seitzman GD -
Remote corneal suturing wet lab: microsurgical education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery 2020 Pasricha ND, Haq Z, Ahmad TR, Chan L, Redd TK, Seitzman GD, Parikh N, Kim TN, Schallhorn JM, Ramanathan S -
Ocular rosacea.
Current opinion in ophthalmology 2020 Redd TK, Seitzman GD -
Ophthalmology 2020 Lum C, Seitzman G, Schallhorn J, Oatts J, Ramanathan S, de Alba Campomanes AD, Lum F -
Metagenomic Deep Sequencing to Investigate for an Infectious Etiology of Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome.
Cornea 2020 Sutra P, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Gonzales JA, Wang K, Hinterwirth A, Seitzman G, Bloomer M, Acharya N, Doan T -
Cicatricial conjunctivitis secondary to discoid lupus erythematosus.
JAAD case reports 2020 Chen S, Vaughan H, Seitzman GD, Connolly MK, Haemel A -
Delayed Acute Granulomatous Anterior Uveitis after Inadvertent Intraocular Injection of Tattoo Ink from a Scleral Tattoo Procedure.
Ocular immunology and inflammation 2020 Haq Z, Pasricha N, Bever G, Seitzman G, Stewart JM -
Ocular Injuries and Blindness Caused by Crowd Control Measures in Civil Protests.
Ophthalmology 2020 Lum C, Schallhorn J, Lum F, Ramanathan S, Oatts J, de Alba Campomanes AG, Seitzman G -
Comparison of two confocal microscopes for diagnosis of acanthamoeba keratitis.
Eye (London, England) 2020 Alsoudi AF, Golen JR, Seitzman GD, Lietman TM, Keenan JD -
Multimodal imaging in paraproteinemic keratopathy.
Indian journal of ophthalmology 2020 Pasricha ND, Lee MD, Seitzman GD -
Ocular Clinical Signs and Diagnostic Tests Most Compatible With Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca: A Latent Class Approach.
Cornea 2020 Gonzales JA, Shiboski SC, Bunya VY, Akpek EK, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Seitzman GD, Criswell LA, Shiboski CH, Lietman TM -
Evaluation of Metagenomic Deep Sequencing as a Diagnostic Test for Infectious Keratitis.
Ophthalmology 2020 Lalitha P, Prajna NV, Sikha M, Gunasekaran R, Hinterwirth A, Worden L, Chen C, Zhong L, Liu Z, Lietman TM, Seitzman GD, Doan T -
Ocular Signs of COVID-19 Suggested by Internet Search Term Patterns Worldwide.
Ophthalmology 2020 Deiner MS, Seitzman GD, McLeod SD, Chodosh J, Hwang DH, Lietman TM, Porco TC -
No Time for Tears.
Ophthalmology 2020 Seitzman GD, Doan T -
Corneal Deposits in a Patient With Anti-Interferon-γ Autoantibody Syndrome.
JAMA ophthalmology 2020 Ahmad TR, Ashraf DC, Seitzman GD -
A double masked randomised 4-week, placebo-controlled study in the USA, Thailand and Taiwan to compare the efficacy of oral valganciclovir and topical 2% ganciclovir in the treatment of cytomegalovirus anterior uveitis: study protocol.
BMJ open 2019 Takhar JS, Joye AS, Somkijrungroj T, Laovirojjanakul W, Lin CP, Lietman TM, Porco TC, Keenan JD, Gebreegziabher EA, Seitzman GD, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Doan TA, Acharya NR, Gonzales JA -
Atypical Scleral Mass.
Ophthalmology 2019 Lee MD, Seitzman GD, Schallhorn JM -
Ocular Co-Morbidities of Atopic Dermatitis. Part I: Associated Ocular Diseases.
American journal of clinical dermatology 2019 Beck KM, Seitzman GD, Yang EJ, Sanchez IM, Liao W -
Ocular Co-Morbidities of Atopic Dermatitis. Part II: Ocular Disease Secondary to Treatments.
American journal of clinical dermatology 2019 Beck KM, Seitzman GD, Yang EJ, Sanchez IM, Liao W -
Infectious corneal ulceration: a proposal for neglected tropical disease status.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2019 Ung L, Acharya NR, Agarwal T, Alfonso EC, Bagga B, Bispo PJ, Burton MJ, Dart JK, Doan T, Fleiszig SM, Garg P, Gilmore MS, Gritz DC, Hazlett LD, Iovieno A, Jhanji V, Kempen JH, Lee CS, Lietman TM, … -
Synergy Testing of Antiamoebic Agents for Acanthamoeba: Antagonistic Effect of Voriconazole.
Cornea 2019 Talbott M, Cevallos V, Chen MC, Chin SA, Lalitha P, Seitzman GD, Lietman TM, Keenan JD -
Cornea Specialists Do Not Recommend Routine Usage of Topical Anesthetics for Corneal Abrasions.
Annals of emergency medicine 2019 Lee MD, Driver TH, Seitzman GD -
Multimodal Imaging Report of Crystalline Keratopathy in Relapsing Polychondritis.
Cornea 2019 Wang K, Gonzales J, Pawar V, Cheewaruangroj N, Seitzman GD -
Metagenomic Deep Sequencing for the Diagnosis of Corneal and External Disease Infections.
Ophthalmology 2019 Seitzman GD, Hinterwirth A, Zhong L, Cummings ME, Chen C, Driver TH, Lee MD, Doan T -
Unbiased Pathogen Detection and Host Gene Profiling for Conjunctivitis.
Ophthalmology 2019 Lalitha P, Seitzman GD, Kotecha R, Hinterwirth A, Chen C, Zhong L, Cummings ME, Lebas E, Sahoo MK, Pinsky BA, Lietman TM, Doan T -
Capnocytophaga Keratitis: Clinical Presentation and Use of Metagenomic Deep Sequencing for Diagnosis.
Cornea 2019 Seitzman GD, Thulasi P, Hinterwirth A, Chen C, Shantha J, Doan T -
Dry Eye Research-Still Regressing?
Ophthalmology 2019 Seitzman GD, Lietman TM -
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.
Current opinion in ophthalmology 2018 Wang K, Seitzman G, Gonzales JA -
Dry Eye.
The New England journal of medicine 2018 Seitzman G, Lietman T -
Unilateral posterior stromal keratitis possibly secondary to Lyme disease.
Cornea 2013 Oldham GW, Seitzman GD -
A 48-year-old man presents with bilateral corneal deposits.
Digital journal of ophthalmology : DJO 2009 Bhullar SS, Seitzman GD -
Isolated unilateral congenital lacrimal gland agenesis presenting as filamentary keratopathy in a child.
Cornea 2009 Demetriades AM, Seitzman GD -
"Steel wool keratopathy": a clinical sign of chronic inflammation.
Cornea 2006 Seitzman GD, Strauss EC, Margolis TP -
Rose bengal and lissamine green inhibit detection of herpes simplex virus by PCR.
American journal of ophthalmology 2006 Seitzman GD, Cevallos V, Margolis TP -
Cataract Surgery and Fuchs’ Corneal Dystrophy: Author Reply.
Ophthalmology 2005 Gerami Seitzman, John Gottsch, Walter Stark -
Treatment of neurotrophic keratopathy with nasal dilator strips.
The British journal of ophthalmology 2005 Magone MT, Seitzman GD, Nehls S, Margolis TP -
Cataract surgery in Fuchs' dystrophy.
Current opinion in ophthalmology 2005 Seitzman GD -
Cataract surgery in patients with Fuchs' corneal dystrophy: expanding recommendations for cataract surgery without simultaneous keratoplasty.
Ophthalmology 2005 Seitzman GD, Gottsch JD, Stark WJ -
Bilateral surgically induced necrotising scleritis with secondary superinfection.
The British journal of ophthalmology 2005 Vagefi MR, Hollander DA, Seitzman GD, Margolis TP -
Gene expression in donor corneal endothelium.
Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) 2003 Gottsch JD, Seitzman GD, Margulies EH, Bowers AL, Michels AJ, Saha S, Jun AS, Stark WJ, Liu SH -
Serial analysis of gene expression in the corneal endothelium of Fuchs' dystrophy.
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2003 Gottsch JD, Bowers AL, Margulies EH, Seitzman GD, Kim SW, Saha S, Jun AS, Stark WJ, Liu SH -
Lymphocyte-endothelial cell adhesive interactions in lung immunity: lessons from the murine response to particulate antigen.
Immunopharmacology 2000 Curtis JL, Wolber FM, Sonstein J, Craig RA, Polak T, Knibbs RN, Todt J, Seitzman GD, Stoolman LM -
Repeated intratracheal challenge with particulate antigen modulates murine lung cytokines.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2000 Todt J, Sonstein J, Polak T, Seitzman GD, Hu B, Curtis JL -
Lung lymphocytes proliferate minimally in the murine pulmonary immune response to intratracheal sheep erythrocytes.
American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 1998 Seitzman GD, Sonstein J, Kim S, Choy W, Curtis JL -
Lymphocyte recruitment and the kinetics of adhesion receptor expression during the pulmonary immune response to particulate antigen.
The American journal of pathology 1997 Wolber FM, Curtis JL, Milik AM, Fields T, Seitzman GD, Kim K, Kim S, Sonstein J, Stoolman LM -
Lung lymphocyte elimination by apoptosis in the murine response to intratracheal particulate antigen.
The Journal of clinical investigation 1997 Milik AM, Buechner-Maxwell VA, Sonstein J, Kim S, Seitzman GD, Beals TF, Curtis JL