Ethan Winkler, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Neurological Surgery
School of Medicine 415-353-7500

Dr. Ethan Winkler is a cerebrovascular neurosurgeon and scientist who provides comprehensive endovascular and open microsurgical care for vascular disorders of the brain, neck or spine. These conditions include brain aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, cavernous malformations, arteriovenous fistulas, Moyamoya disease, stroke, and carotid artery disease.

Dr. Winkler's research focuses on understanding the biological basis of debilitating diseases that result in stroke with an emphasis on vascular malformations and aneurysms. He leads the Vascular Anomalies & Stroke Computation (VASC) Laboratory at UCSF. The lab brings together genomic, stem cell, and bioengineering technologies to understand the cell-specific genetic mechanisms that regulate the brain's vasculature in health and disease. To translate these findings back to the clinic, we are also developing new technologies, such as endovascular biopsy, to inform and to develop new, state-of-the-art precision therapeutics to reverse cerebrovascular pathology.

Dr. Winkler earned his MD and PhD at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. He completed his residency in neurological surgery at the University of California San Francisco. He then completed two post-graduate clinical fellowships in endovascular neurosurgery and cerebrovascular and skull base neurosurgery at the Barrow Neurological Institute.

Education & Training

  • Clinical Fellowship Cerebrovascular & Skull Base Neurosurgery Barrow Neurological Institute 2023
  • Clinical Fellowship Endovascular Neurosurgery Barrow Neurological Institute 2022
  • Residency Neurological Surgery University of California San Francisco 2021
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship Genomics University of California San Francisco 2019
  • MD, PhD Medicine/Neurobiology University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry 2014
  • BA Neuroscience University of Southern California 2006


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Publications (237)

Top publication keywords:
Neurosurgical ProceduresIntracranial Arteriovenous MalformationsMicrosurgeryBrain Injuries, TraumaticAneurysm, RupturedEmbolization, TherapeuticPericytesArteriovenous FistulaHemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous SystemCerebral RevascularizationCentral Nervous System Vascular MalformationsIntracranial AneurysmBlood-Brain BarrierSubarachnoid HemorrhageCerebrovascular Circulation