Emma Bainbridge, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine

Emma Bainbridge is a clinician educator and infectious disease specialist who attends at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. She serves as an HIV primary care physician at the San Francisco and Oakland VA ID clinics, sees infectious disease consults in both the inpatient and outpatient settings, and attends on the inpatient medicine service.

She completed her undergraduate studies at Brown University with a degree in community health. She attended Tulane University for her medical degree and a Master of Public Health focused on global health. She returned to her hometown of San Francisco to complete her residency in internal medicine and fellowship in infectious diseases at UCSF. She received training in HIV medicine at Ward 86 at Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) through the UCSF AIDS Research Institute Clinical Fellowship Program. Her interests include prevention and management of HIV and sexually transmitted infections, working with underserved populations, medical education, as well as infection control and pandemic preparedness.

Education & Training

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California San Francisco 12/2022
  • Fellowship Infectious Diseases University of California San Francisco 06/2021
  • Residency Internal Medicine University of California San Francisco 06/2018
  • MD Medicine Tulane University School of Medicine 05/2015
  • MPH Global Health Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine 05/2015
  • BA Community Health Brown University 05/2010

Publications (9)

Top publication keywords:
PlasmaLeukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL PositiveImmunization, PassiveLegionellosisHospitalizationImmunosuppressive AgentsGraft RejectionPandemicsLegionellaOrgan TransplantationTransplant RecipientsAntibodies, ViralImmunocompromised HostPractice Management, MedicalPatient Selection