Elysa Marco, MD
Research Affiliate


Elysa Marco is a cognitive and behavioral child neurologist. She cares for children with all types of neurologic concerns, however, she specializes in the evaluation and treatment of children with cognitive, sensory, and behavioral challenges. Dr. Marco participates in the care of children at Cortica Healthcare in Marin county (San Rafael).

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Dr. Marco also has an active neuroscience collaboration at UCSF that focuses on understanding and finding treatments for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. Her research is based on a thorough cognition and sensory evaluation of each child combined with innovative functional imaging to better understand how children's brains process sound, touch, and visual information. Her current research involves individuals with autism disorders, sensory processing disorders, neuroanatomic disorders (such as agenesis of the corpus callosum) and specific genetic disorders (such as 16p11.2 copy number variations.) In addition, she is an active collaborator with investigators studying the effects of autism on maternal health and the neural underpinnings of Tourette's Syndrome. Dr. Marco's lab is also combining structural and functional brain imaging with computer-based training interventions to determine if computer games can help children resist distracting information and improve visual motor planning. The overarching goal of Dr. Marco's research is to use basic science findings to create beneficial treatments for children.

Dr. Marco received her BA in psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and then obtained her MD at the University of California, San Francisco. She continued her residency training at UCSF in pediatrics, neurology, and child neurology. In addition, she completed a cognitive and behavioral fellowship with an emphasis on the genetics of cognitive impairment. She was on the UCSF faculty from 2005-2019 and continues as an active clinician, researcher, and educator at Cortica Healthcare.

Education & Training

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  • M.D. School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco 2000
  • Residency School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco

Grants and Projects

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Publications (68)

Top publication keywords:
Electric Stimulation TherapyAutistic DisorderAgenesis of Corpus CallosumPerceptual DisordersAttention Deficit Disorder with HyperactivityAutism Spectrum DisorderSensationAuditory PerceptionCognitionDevelopmental DisabilitiesTouch PerceptionAttentionIntellectual DisabilitySensation DisordersNeurodevelopmental Disorders

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