Elizabeth Butrick
Clinical Research Ops Manager
Emergency Medicine
School of Medicine
Elizabeth Butrick is the Senior Program Manager for the Preterm Birth Initiative- East Africa. She has over 15 years experience managing maternal child health research projects in LMICs. She has a passion for working to improve the lives of mothers and babies and has spent the last 10 years with a focus on work in Sub-saharan Africa.
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 08/2021
- MPH School of Public Health University of California at Berkeley 2000
- MSW School of Social Welfare University of California at Berkeley 1999
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- adolescent health
- neonatal health
- maternal health
- sub-Saharan Africa
- Latin America
- global health
- maternal and child health
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- Preterm Birth Initiative (pretermbirth.ucsf.edu)
- PRONTO International (prontointernational.org)
- Safe Motherhood Program (safemotherhood.ucsf.edu)
Publications (52)
Top publication keywords:
KenyaShockPrenatal CareStillbirthMaternal MortalityChecklistPremature BirthPostpartum HemorrhageAmbulancesUgandaGravity SuitsFirst AidTransportation of PatientsPregnancy Complications, CardiovascularMidwifery
Quality improvement collaboratives as part of a quality improvement intervention package for preterm births at sub-national level in East Africa: a multi-method analysis.
BMJ open quality 2023 Mandu R, Miller L, Namazzi G, Twum-Danso N, Achola KJA, Cooney I, Butrick E, Santos N, Masavah L, Nyakech A, Kirumbi L, Waiswa P, Walker D -
Adapting the preterm birth phenotyping framework to a low-resource, rural setting and applying it to births from Migori County in western Kenya.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2023 Miller L, Schmidt CN, Wanduru P, Wanyoro A, Santos N, Butrick E, Lester F, Otieno P, Walker D -
Utilizing a mixed-methods approach to assess implementation fidelity of a group antenatal care trial in Rwanda.
PloS one 2023 Singh K, Murindahabi N, Butrick E, Sayinzoga F, Nzeyimana D, Musange S, Walker D -
Heat stable carbetocin or oxytocin for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage among women at risk: A secondary analysis of the CHAMPION trial.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2023 Ghosh R, Owa O, Santos N, Butrick E, Piaggio G, Widmer M, Althabe F, Qureshi Z, Lumbiganon P, Katageri G, Walker D -
Cost analysis of an intrapartum quality improvement package for improving preterm survival and reinforcing best practices in Kenya and Uganda.
PloS one 2023 Smith Hughes C, Butrick E, Namutundu J, Olwanda E, Otieno P, Waiswa P, Walker D, Kahn JG
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Defining and estimating effects in cluster randomized trials: A methods comparison.
Statistics in medicine 2023 Benitez A, Petersen ML, van der Laan MJ, Santos N, Butrick E, Walker D, Ghosh R, Otieno P, Waiswa P, Balzer LB -
Simulation and team training to improve preterm birth knowledge, evidence-based practices, and communication skills in midwives in Kenya and Uganda: Findings from a pre- and post-intervention analysis.
PLOS global public health 2023 Miller L, Wanduru P, Wangia J, Calkins K, Spindler H, Butrick E, Santos N, Kirumbi L, Walker D -
Effect of a quality improvement intervention for management of preterm births on outcomes of all births in Kenya and Uganda: A secondary analysis from a facility-based cluster randomized trial.
Journal of global health 2022 Ghosh R, Otieno P, Butrick E, Santos N, Waiswa P, Walker D, Preterm Birth Initiative Kenya and Uganda Implementation Research Collaborative -
Stillbirth, neonatal and maternal mortality among caesarean births in Kenya and Uganda: a register-based prospective cohort study.
BMJ open 2022 Ghosh R, Santos N, Butrick E, Wanyoro A, Waiswa P, Kim E, Walker D -
Using clinical cascades to measure health facilities' obstetric emergency readiness: testing the cascade model using cross-sectional facility data in East Africa.
BMJ open 2022 Whaley B, Butrick E, Sales JM, Wanyoro A, Waiswa P, Walker D, Cranmer JN -
Implementing the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist modified for preterm birth: lessons learned and experiences from Kenya and Uganda.
BMC health services research 2022 Achola KA, Kajjo D, Santos N, Butrick E, Otare C, Mubiri P, Namazzi G, Merai R, Otieno P, Waiswa P, Walker D -
Towards stronger antenatal care: Understanding predictors of late presentation to antenatal services and implications for obstetric risk management in Rwanda.
PloS one 2021 Schmidt CN, Butrick E, Musange S, Mulindahabi N, Walker D -
Midwife-performed checklist and ultrasound to identify obstetric conditions at labour triage in Uganda: A quasi-experimental study.
Midwifery 2021 Mulowooza J, Santos N, Isabirye N, Inhensiko I, Sloan NL, Shah S, Butrick E, Waiswa P, Walker D -
Assessing the impact of group antenatal care on gestational length in Rwanda: A cluster-randomized trial.
PloS one 2021 Sayinzoga F, Lundeen T, Musange SF, Butrick E, Nzeyimana D, Murindahabi N, Azman-Firdaus H, Sloan NL, Benitez A, Phillips B, Ghosh R, Walker D -
Implementing an intrapartum package of interventions to improve quality of care to reduce the burden of preterm birth in Kenya and Uganda.
Implementation science communications 2021 Namazzi G, Achola KA, Jenny A, Santos N, Butrick E, Otieno P, Waiswa P, Walker D, Preterm Birth Initiative Kenya & Uganda Implementation Research Collaborative -
Effect of a labor triage checklist and ultrasound on obstetric referral at three primary health centers in Eastern Uganda.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2020 Santos N, Mulowooza J, Isabirye N, Inhensiko I, Sloan NL, Shah S, Butrick E, Waiswa P, Walker D -
Birthweight and gestational age-specific neonatal mortality rate in tertiary care facilities in Eastern Central Uganda.
Health science reports 2020 Mubiri P, Nambuya H, Kajjo D, Butrick E, Namazzi G, Santos N, Walker D, Waiswa P -
Working with what you have: How the East Africa Preterm Birth Initiative used gestational age data from facility maternity registers.
PloS one 2020 Miller L, Wanduru P, Santos N, Butrick E, Waiswa P, Otieno P, Walker D -
Effect of a quality improvement package for intrapartum and immediate newborn care on fresh stillbirth and neonatal mortality among preterm and low-birthweight babies in Kenya and Uganda: a cluster-randomised facility-based trial.
The Lancet. Global health 2020 Walker D, Otieno P, Butrick E, Namazzi G, Achola K, Merai R, Otare C, Mubiri P, Ghosh R, Santos N, Miller L, Sloan NL, Waiswa P, Preterm Birth Initiative Kenya and Uganda Implementation Research … -
Pregnancy outcomes in facility deliveries in Kenya and Uganda: A large cross-sectional analysis of maternity registers illuminating opportunities for mortality prevention.
PloS one 2020 Waiswa P, Higgins BV, Mubiri P, Kirumbi L, Butrick E, Merai R, Sloan NL, Walker D, Preterm Birth Initiative Kenya & Uganda Implementation Research Collaborative -
Model fidelity of group antenatal and postnatal care: a process analysis of the first implementation of this innovative service model by the Preterm Birth Initiative-Rwanda.
Gates open research 2020 Butrick E, Lundeen T, Phillips BS, Tengera O, Kambogo A, Uwera YDN, Musabyimana A, Sayinzoga F, Nzeyimana D, Murindahabi N, Musange S, Walker D -
Group antenatal care versus standard antenatal care and effect on mean gestational age at birth in Rwanda: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Gates open research 2019 Musange SF, Butrick E, Lundeen T, Santos N, Azman Firdaus H, Benitez A, Nzeyimana D, Kayiramirwa Murindahabi N, Nyiraneza L, Sayinzoga F, Ndahindwa V, Ngabo F, Condo J, Walker D -
Nurses' and midwives' experiences of providing group antenatal and postnatal care at 18 health centers in Rwanda: A mixed methods study.
PloS one 2019 Lundeen T, Musange S, Azman H, Nzeyimana D, Murindahabi N, Butrick E, Walker D -
Before and after implementation of group antenatal care in Rwanda: a qualitative study of women's experiences.
Reproductive health 2019 Musabyimana A, Lundeen T, Butrick E, Sayinzoga F, Rwabufigiri BN, Walker D, Musange SF -
Postnatal care in Rwanda: facilitators and barriers to postnatal care attendance and recommendations to improve participation.
Journal of global health reports 2019 Williams P, Murindahabi NK, Butrick E, Nzeyimana D, Sayinzoga F, Ngabo B, Musabyimana A, Musange SF -
Strengthening intrapartum and immediate newborn care to reduce morbidity and mortality of preterm infants born in health facilities in Migori County, Kenya and Busoga Region, Uganda: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials 2018 Otieno P, Waiswa P, Butrick E, Namazzi G, Achola K, Santos N, Keating R, Lester F, Walker D -
Barriers and Facilitators to Scaling Up the Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Treating Obstetric Hemorrhage: A Qualitative Study.
PloS one 2016 Jordan K, Butrick E, Yamey G, Miller S -
Vital Sign Prediction of Adverse Maternal Outcomes in Women with Hypovolemic Shock: The Role of Shock Index.
PloS one 2016 El Ayadi AM, Nathan HL, Seed PT, Butrick EA, Hezelgrave NL, Shennan AH, Miller S -
Beyond repair - family and community reintegration after obstetric fistula surgery: study protocol.
Reproductive health 2015 Byamugisha J, El Ayadi A, Obore S, Mwanje H, Kakaire O, Barageine J, Lester F, Butrick E, Korn A, Nalubwama H, Knight S, Miller S -
The Role of the Nonpneumatic Antishock Garment in Reducing Blood Loss and Mortality Associated with Post-Abortion Hemorrhage.
Studies in family planning 2015 Manandhar S, El Ayadi AM, Butrick E, Hosang R, Miller S -
A cluster randomized controlled trial of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for obstetric haemorrhage: sub-analysis of the Zimbabwean Arm.
The Central African journal of medicine 2015 Magwali TL, Butrick E, Ayadi AE, Bergel E, Gibbons L, Huong NT, Merialdi M, Mambo V, Miller S -
Cost-effectiveness of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG): evidence from a cluster randomized controlled trial in Zambia and Zimbabwe.
BMC health services research 2015 Downing J, El Ayadi A, Miller S, Butrick E, Mkumba G, Magwali T, Kaseba-Sata C, Kahn JG -
Shock index: an effective predictor of outcome in postpartum haemorrhage?
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 2015 Nathan HL, El Ayadi A, Hezelgrave NL, Seed P, Butrick E, Miller S, Briley A, Bewley S, Shennan AH -
Access to transport for women with hypovolemic shock differs according to weeks of pregnancy.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2014 Butrick E, Penn A, Itakura K, Mkumba G, Winter K, Amafumba R, Miller S -
Per-protocol effect of earlier non-pneumatic anti-shock garment application for obstetric hemorrhage.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2014 El Ayadi A, Gibbons L, Bergel E, Butrick E, Huong NT, Mkumba G, Kaseba C, Magwali T, Merialdi M, Miller S -
Association between severe obstetric hemorrhage and HIV status.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2014 Curtis M, El Ayadi A, Mkumba G, Butrick E, Leech A, Geissler J, Miller S -
Combined analysis of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment on mortality from hypovolemic shock secondary to obstetric hemorrhage.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2013 El Ayadi AM, Butrick E, Geissler J, Miller S -
Non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG), a first-aid device to decrease maternal mortality from obstetric hemorrhage: a cluster randomized trial.
PloS one 2013 Miller S, Bergel EF, El Ayadi AM, Gibbons L, Butrick EA, Magwali T, Mkumba G, Kaseba C, Huong NT, Geissler JD, Merialdi M -
Comorbidities and lack of blood transfusion may negatively affect maternal outcomes of women with obstetric hemorrhage treated with NASG.
PloS one 2013 El Ayadi A, Raifman S, Jega F, Butrick E, Ojo Y, Geller S, Miller S -
Use of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) for life-threatening obstetric hemorrhage: a cost-effectiveness analysis in Egypt and Nigeria.
PloS one 2013 Sutherland T, Downing J, Miller S, Bishai DM, Butrick E, Fathalla MM, Mourad-Youssif M, Ojengbede O, Nsima D, Kahn JG -
Nurses in low resource settings save mothers' lives with non-pneumatic anti-shock garment.
MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing 2012 Kausar F, Morris JL, Fathalla M, Ojengbede O, Fabamwo A, Mourad-Youssif M, Morhason-Bello IO, Galadanci H, Nsima D, Butrick E, Miller S -
Nonatonic obstetric haemorrhage: effectiveness of the nonpneumatic antishock garment in egypt.
ISRN obstetrics and gynecology 2011 Fathalla MM, Youssif MM, Meyer C, Camlin C, Turan J, Morris J, Butrick E, Miller S -
Positive effects of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment on delays in accessing care for postpartum and postabortion hemorrhage in Egypt and Nigeria.
Journal of women's health (2002) 2010 Turan J, Ojengbede O, Fathalla M, Mourad-Youssif M, Morhason-Bello IO, Nsima D, Morris J, Butrick E, Martin H, Camlin C, Miller S -
A comparison of objective biomarkers with a subjective health status measure among children in the Philippines.
Asia-Pacific journal of public health 2010 Butrick E, Peabody JW, Solon O, DeSalvo KB, Quimbo SA -
Assessing the role of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment in reducing mortality from postpartum hemorrhage in Nigeria.
Gynecologic and obstetric investigation 2010 Ojengbede OA, Morhason-Bello IO, Galadanci H, Meyer C, Nsima D, Camlin C, Butrick E, Miller S -
Obstetric hemorrhage and shock management: using the low technology Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment in Nigerian and Egyptian tertiary care facilities.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2010 Miller S, Fathalla MM, Ojengbede OA, Camlin C, Mourad-Youssif M, Morhason-Bello IO, Galadanci H, Nsima D, Butrick E, Al Hussaini T, Turan J, Meyer C, Martin H, Mohammed AI -
Can the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) reduce adverse maternal outcomes from postpartum hemorrhage? Evidence from Egypt and Nigeria.
Reproductive health 2010 Mourad-Youssif M, Ojengbede OA, Meyer CD, Fathalla M, Morhason-Bello IO, Galadanci H, Camlin C, Nsima D, Al Hussaini T, Butrick E, Miller S -
A comparative study of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for the treatment of obstetric hemorrhage in Egypt.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2010 Miller S, Fathalla MM, Youssif MM, Turan J, Camlin C, Al-Hussaini TK, Butrick E, Meyer C -
Assessment of clients health needs of two urban Native American health centers in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2009 Glasnapp J, Butrick E, Jamerson S, Espinoza M -
Associations between cognitive function, blood lead concentration, and nutrition among children in the central Philippines.
The Journal of pediatrics 2007 Solon O, Riddell TJ, Quimbo SA, Butrick E, Aylward GP, Lou Bacate M, Peabody JW -
Elevated blood-lead levels among children living in the rural Philippines.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2007 Riddell TJ, Solon O, Quimbo SA, Tan CM, Butrick E, Peabody JW -
The pilot study of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) in women with severe obstetric hemorrhage: Combined results from Egypt and Nigeria.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2006 Miller S, Turan JM, Ojengbede A, Ojengbede O, Fathalla M, Morhason-Bello IO, Youssif MM, Galandanci H, Hamza S, Awwal M, Akinwuntan A, Mohammed AI, McDonough L, Dau K, Butrick E, Hensleigh P