Elena Portacolone, PhD, MBA, MPH
Institute for Health & Aging
School of Nursing
elena.portacolone@ucs.eu 510-830-9309
Dr. Elena Portacolone is a Professor of Sociology in the Institute for Health & Aging and a Pepper Center Scholar at the Division of Geriatric Medicine at UCSF. She is also affiliated with the Philip Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, and the Global Health Sciences Institute, both at UCSF.
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Her research aims at developing equitable policies and programs for older adults living alone with cognitive impairment in the United States, and worldwide. Dr. Portacolone is also evaluating national interventions to increase the representation of communities of color in clinical trials on dementia.
Dr. Portacolone completed her undergraduate degree in political sciences (international major) at the University of Turin, Italy. After working in the corporate sector in the United Kingdom, she completed an MPH degree at School of Public Health at UC Berkeley, an MBA degree at the Haas Business at UC Berkeley, and a PhD in Sociology in the Department of Social and Behavioral Science at UCSF. Dr. Portacolone is an alumna of the Butler-Williams program at the National Institute on Aging and of the Health Disparities Institute at the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities.
Dr. Portacolone has led investigations that focus on the role of living alone as a social determinant of health, barriers and facilitators to services and supports for older adults living alone with dementia, increasing engagement of communities of color in dementia research, suicide, and social isolation. The majority of study participants in her studies belong to communities of color and often live alone. She has received extensive training in cognitive impairment, ethics, and advanced qualitative methods, and mixed methods. Dr. Portacolone founded the international network on living alone with cognitive impairment with the aim of promoting research on this topic.
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- Dale Schenk Alzheimer’s Association Research Roundtable Grant Award, Alzheimer’s Association, 2022
- Research Loan Repayment Program, National Institute on Aging, 2017
- KL2 First-year Scholar Program, UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute, 2016
- Silver Jubilee Scholarship, American Association University Women, 2010
- Anselm Strauss Fellowship, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, UCSF, 2010
- Carroll Estes Fellowship, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, UCSF, 2010
- Graduate Dean’s Health Science Award, Graduate Division, UCSF, 2010
- Virginia Olesen Fellowship, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, UCSF, 2009
- Sigma Xi Scholarship, Sigma Xi, 2009
- Soroptimist Fellowship, Soroptimist Association of Northern California, 2009
- White Fellowship, UC Humanities Research Institute, 2009
- Graduate Dean’s Health Science Award, Graduate Division, UCSF, 2008
- Graduate Dean’s Health Science Award, Graduate Division, UCSF, 2007
- Andrew Scholarship Fund, School of Nursing, UCSF, 2007
- Sigma Xi Scholarship, Sigma Xi, 2007
- Lynn Adamson Memorial Scholarship, Women Health Care Executives, 2007
- Graduate Dean’s Health Science Award, Graduate Division, UCSF, 2006
- Graduate Dean’s Health Science Award, Graduate Division, UCSF, 2005
- LifeLong Medical Care Scholarship, LifeLong Medical Care, 2005
- David Starkweather Fellowship in Health Services Management, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 2003
Education & Training
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- Ph.D. Sociology University of California, San Francisco 2011
- Master Business Administration (MBA) University of California, Berkeley 2004
- Master Public Health (MPH) University of California, Berkeley 2004
- Laurea Political Sciences Universita’ degli Studi di Torino 1995
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- Living arrangements
- Aging in place
- Artificial intelligence applied to dementia research
- Cognitive impairment
- Health disparities
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- Living Alone with Cognitive Impairment Project (livingalone.ucsf.edu)
- Increasing representation of underrepresented groups in clinical trials on dementia (trustingresearch.ucsf.edu)
Grants and Projects
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- Access and use of long-term services and supports for older adults living alone with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias from four racial/ethnic groups, NIH/NIA, 2020-2025
- Leveraging the national infrastructure of trusted organizations to increase representation of Latinos in dementia research, NIH, 2021-2024
- Scalable Strategies to Recruit African Americans into Dementia Research, Alzheimer's Association, 2018-2021
- Identifying Scalable and Culturally Relevant Strategies for Recruitment of African Americans with Cognitive Impairment into Dementia Research, National Institute on Aging, 2018-2021
- Access and use of long-term services and supports for older adults living alone with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias from four racial/ethnic groups, NIH, 2018-2020
- Strategies to Increase Recruitment of Latino Americans in Dementia Research, California Department of Public Health, 2019-2020
- Living Alone in Older Age with Cognitive Impairment, NIH, 2015-2020
Publications (44)
Top publication keywords:
Ethics, ResearchDementiaSingle PersonFriendsArtificial IntelligenceSingingTechnologyCognitive DysfunctionSocial IsolationTrustPersonal AutonomyEuthanasiaBioethical IssuesResearch SubjectsIndependent Living
Non-Pharmacological Interventions for People With Dementia Who Live Alone: A Systematic Review.
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 2025 Polack S, Bell G, Silarova B, Hebditch M, Tingle A, Sommerlad A, Portacolone E, Sykes K, Tabet N -
Specific cultural traits of the precarity of older Latinos living alone with cognitive impairment in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Aging & mental health 2024 Velez Ortiz D, Ransom N, Rivera E, Johnson JK, Keiser S, Tran T, Torres J, Portacolone E -
High-risk medication use among older adults with cognitive impairment living alone in the United States.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2024 Growdon ME, Jing B, Yaffe K, Karliner LS, Possin KL, Portacolone E, Boscardin WJ, Harrison KL, Steinman MA -
Living Alone With Dementia: A Reality Check.
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 2024 Portacolone E, Cohen AB -
State home- and community-based services spending and unmet care needs by living arrangements and cognitive impairment status.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2024 Yang Y, Lee AR, Portacolone E, Rapp T, Torres JM
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Clinical Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Collaborative Dementia Care: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA network open 2024 Michalowsky B, Blotenberg I, Platen M, Teipel S, Kilimann I, Portacolone E, Bohlken J, Rädke A, Buchholz M, Scharf A, Muehlichen F, Xie F, Thyrian JR, Hoffmann W -
A Prospective Multicenter Longitudinal Analysis of Suicidal Ideation among Long-COVID-19 Patients.
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 2024 Costanza A, Amerio A, Aguglia A, Magnani L, Alexander J, Maiorano A, Richard-Lepouriel H, Portacolone E, Berardelli I, Pompili M, Serafini G, Amore M, Nguyen KD -
Should Artificial Intelligence Play a Role in Cultivating Social Connections Among Older Adults?
AMA journal of ethics 2023 Portacolone E, Feddoes DE -
Should artificial intelligence play a role in cultivating social connections among older adults?
AMA J Ethics 2023 Portacolone, E & Feddoes, DE -
Perceptions of the Role of Living Alone in Providing Services to Patients With Cognitive Impairment.
JAMA network open 2023 Portacolone E, Nguyen TT, Bowers BJ, Johnson JK, Kotwal AA, Stone RI, Keiser S, Tran T, Rivera E, Martinez P, Yang Y, Torres JM, Covinsky KE -
A call to address structural barriers to Hispanic/Latino representation in clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias: A micro-meso-macro perspective.
Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.) 2023 Aranda MP, Marquez DX, Gallagher-Thompson D, Pérez A, Rojas JC, Hill CV, Reyes Y, Dilworth-Anderson P, Portacolone E -
Understanding the concept of trust and other factors related to COVID-19 vaccine intentions among Black/African American older adults prior to vaccine development.
SSM. Qualitative research in health 2023 Harris OO, Perry TE, Johnson JK, Lichtenberg P, Washington T, Kitt B, Shaw M, Keiser S, Tran T, Vest L, Maloof M, Portacolone E -
Factors related to COVID-19 vaccine intention in Latino communities.
PloS one 2022 Perez A, Johnson JK, Marquez DX, Keiser S, Martinez P, Guerrero J, Tran T, Portacolone E -
Addressing Suicide Risk in Patients Living With Dementia During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond.
The Gerontologist 2022 Portacolone E, Byers AL, Halpern J, Barnes DE -
Putting participants and study partners FIRST when clinical trials end early.
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2022 Largent EA, Walter S, Childs N, Dacks PA, Dodge S, Florian H, Jackson J, Llibre Guerra JJ, Iturriaga E, Miller DS, Moreno M, Nosheny RL, Obisesan TO, Portacolone E, Siddiqi B, Silverberg N, Warren RC,… -
Increasing engagement of Hispanics/Latinos in clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.) 2022 Marquez DX, Perez A, Johnson JK, Jaldin M, Pinto J, Keiser S, Tran T, Martinez P, Guerrero J, Portacolone E -
The Living Alone with Cognitive Impairment Project's Policy Advisory Group on Long-Term Services and Supports: Setting a Research Equity Agenda.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2022 Portacolone E, Torres JM, Johnson JK, Benton D, Rapp T, Tran T, Martinez P, Graham C -
Difficulties with Activities of Daily Living and Receipt of Care Among Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: Differences Between Those Living Alone and Those Living with Others.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2022 Yang Y, Swinnerton K, Portacolone E, Allen IE, Torres JM, Duchowny K -
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lived Experience of Diverse Older Adults Living Alone With Cognitive Impairment.
The Gerontologist 2021 Portacolone E, Chodos A, Halpern J, Covinsky KE, Keiser S, Fung J, Rivera E, Tran T, Bykhovsky C, Johnson JK -
Use of Services by People Living Alone With Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review.
Innovation in aging 2021 Rosenwohl-Mack A, Dubbin L, Chodos A, Dulaney S, Fang ML, Merrilees J, Portacolone E -
Earning the Trust of African American Communities to Increase Representation in Dementia Research.
Ethnicity & disease 2020 Portacolone E, Palmer NR, Lichtenberg P, Waters CM, Hill CV, Keiser S, Vest L, Maloof M, Tran T, Martinez P, Guerrero J, Johnson JK -
Social Isolation, Social Integration and Intervention
Generations 2020 Elena Portacolone -
Multi-cultural perspectives on group singing among diverse older adults.
Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.) 2020 Allison TA, Nápoles AM, Johnson JK, Stewart AL, Rodriguez-Salazar M, Peringer J, Sherman S, Ortez-Alfaro J, Villero O, Portacolone E -
Difficulty and help with activities of daily living among older adults living alone with cognitive impairment.
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2020 Edwards RD, Brenowitz WD, Portacolone E, Covinsky KE, Bindman A, Glymour MM, Torres JM -
Expectations and Concerns of Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment About Their Relationship With Medical Providers: A Call for Therapeutic Alliances.
Qualitative health research 2020 Portacolone E, Covinsky KE, Johnson JK, Halpern J -
Ethical Issues Raised by the Introduction of Artificial Companions to Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: A Call for Interdisciplinary Collaborations.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2020 Portacolone E, Halpern J, Luxenberg J, Harrison KL, Covinsky KE -
Seeking a Sense of Belonging.
Generations (San Francisco, Calif.) 2020 Portacolone E, Johnson JK, Halpern J, Kotwal A -
Walking the Tightrope between Study Participant Autonomy and Researcher Integrity: The Case Study of a Research Participant with Alzheimer's Disease Pursuing Euthanasia in Switzerland.
Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 2019 Portacolone E, Covinsky KE, Johnson JK, Rubinstein RL, Halpern J -
The Precarity of Older Adults Living Alone With Cognitive Impairment.
The Gerontologist 2019 Portacolone E, Rubinstein RL, Covinsky KE, Halpern J, Johnson JK -
A framework to identify precarity in data collection and analysis: Toward a global precarity index. In A. M. Grenier, C. Philippson, & R. A. Settersten (Eds.), Precarity and Ageing: Understanding Changing Forms of Risk and Vulnerability in Later Life. London: Polity Press (In Press)
A framework to identify precarity in data collection and analysis: Toward a global precarity index. In A. M. Grenier, C. Philippson, & R. A. Settersten (Eds.), Precarity and Ageing: Understanding Changing Forms of Risk and Vulnerability in Later Life. London: Polity Press (In Press) 2018 Portacolone, E. -
"I Feel Trapped": The Tension Between Personal and Structural Factors of Social Isolation and the Desire for Social Integration Among Older Residents of a High-Crime Neighborhood.
The Gerontologist 2018 Portacolone E, Perissinotto C, Yeh JC, Greysen SR -
On Living Alone with Alzheimer's Disease.
Care weekly 2018 Portacolone E -
The Effects and Meanings of Receiving a Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer's Disease When One Lives Alone.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2018 Portacolone E, Johnson JK, Covinsky KE, Halpern J, Rubinstein RL -
Structural Factors of Elders' Isolation in a High-Crime Neighborhood: An In-Depth Perspective.
The Public policy and aging report 2017 Portacolone E -
Psychosocial Influences on Disaster Preparedness in San Francisco Recipients of Home Care.
Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 2017 Gershon RR, Portacolone E, Nwankwo EM, Zhi Q, Qureshi KA, Raveis VH -
What is new with old? What old age teaches us about inequality and stratification.
Sociology compass 2017 Abramson CM, Portacolone E -
A Tale of Two Cities: The Exploration of the Trieste Public Psychiatry Model in San Francisco.
Culture, medicine and psychiatry 2015 Portacolone E, Segal SP, Mezzina R, Scheper-Hughes N, Okin RL -
"Move or Suffer": Is Age-Segregation the New Norm for Older Americans Living Alone?
Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society 2014 Portacolone E, Halpern J -
Older Americans living alone: The influence of resources and intergenerational integration on inequality
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 2014 Portacolone, E. -
Time to reinvent the science of dementia: the need for care and social integration.
Aging & mental health 2013 Portacolone E, Berridge C, K Johnson J, Schicktanz S -
The notion of precariousness among older adults living alone in the U.S.
Journal of aging studies 2013 Portacolone E -
Health And Development: The Role Of International Organizations In Population Aging. in Health and Development: The Role of International Organizations edited by A. Gatti and A.Boggio. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Reprinted in: Estes C, Chapman S, Dodd C, Hollister B, eds. Health Policy. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett;
2012 Portacolone, E., Phillipson, Chris, Estes, Carroll. (2009) -
The myth of independence for older Americans living alone in the Bay Area of San Francisco: A critical reflection
Aging and Society 2011 Portacolone, E. -
"Maggie Kuhn: Social Theorist of Radical Gerontology."
International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy 2009 Portacolone, E., Estes, Carroll