Dounia Le Guillou, PhD
School of Medicine 415-502-0838
Publications (15)
Top publication keywords:
HomeostasisNon-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseDNA, MitochondrialEpendymoglial CellsBenzo(a)pyreneCytotoxinsFatty LiverChemical and Drug Induced Liver InjuryHepatocytesInsulinsInduced Pluripotent Stem CellsSerotonergic NeuronsParaventricular Hypothalamic NucleusHepatic Stellate CellsLiver
Predicting Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Steatotic Liver Disease Risk Using Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2025 Qin Y, Chhetri P, Theusch E, Lim G, Teker S, Kuang YL, Aziziraftar SK, Mehraban MH, Munoz-Howell A, Saxena V, Le Guillou D, Mattis AN, Maher JJ, Medina MW -
Cellular stress in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis.
Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology 2023 Sharma S, Le Guillou D, Chen JY -
Modeling and therapeutic targeting of inflammation-induced hepatic insulin resistance using human iPSC-derived hepatocytes and macrophages.
Nature communications 2023 Groeger M, Matsuo K, Heidary Arash E, Pereira A, Le Guillou D, Pino C, Telles-Silva KA, Maher JJ, Hsiao EC, Willenbring H -
The Role of STING in Liver Injury Is Both Stimulus- and Time-Dependent.
Nutrients 2022 Siao K, Le Guillou D, Maher JJ, Duwaerts CC -
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Hepatocytes From Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Display a Disease-specific Gene Expression Profile.
Gastroenterology 2021 Duwaerts CC, Le Guillou D, Her CL, Phillips NJ, Willenbring H, Mattis AN, Maher JJ
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Drug-induced hepatic steatosis in absence of severe mitochondrial dysfunction in HepaRG cells: proof of multiple mechanism-based toxicity.
Cell biology and toxicology 2020 Allard J, Bucher S, Massart J, Ferron PJ, Le Guillou D, Loyant R, Daniel Y, Launay Y, Buron N, Begriche K, Borgne-Sanchez A, Fromenty B -
Drug-induced liver injury in obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.) 2019 Allard J, Le Guillou D, Begriche K, Fromenty B -
Endotoxin regulates matrix genes increasing reactive oxygen species generation by intercellular communication between palmitate-treated hepatocyte and stellate cell.
Journal of cellular physiology 2018 Dornas W, Glaise D, Bodin A, Sharanek A, Burban A, Le Guillou D, Robert S, Dutertre S, Aninat C, Corlu A, Lagente V -
Possible Involvement of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in a Cellular Model of NAFLD Progression Induced by Benzo[a]pyrene/Ethanol CoExposure.
Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2018 Bucher S, Le Guillou D, Allard J, Pinon G, Begriche K, Tête A, Sergent O, Lagadic-Gossmann D, Fromenty B -
Drug-Induced Alterations of Mitochondrial DNA Homeostasis in Steatotic and Nonsteatotic HepaRG Cells.
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 2018 Le Guillou D, Bucher S, Begriche K, Hoët D, Lombès A, Labbe G, Fromenty B -
Co-exposure to benzo[a]pyrene and ethanol induces a pathological progression of liver steatosis in vitro and in vivo.
Scientific reports 2018 Bucher S, Tête A, Podechard N, Liamin M, Le Guillou D, Chevanne M, Coulouarn C, Imran M, Gallais I, Fernier M, Hamdaoui Q, Robin MA, Sergent O, Fromenty B, Lagadic-Gossmann D -
Bisphenol a induces steatosis in HepaRG cells using a model of perinatal exposure.
Environmental toxicology 2016 Bucher S, Jalili P, Le Guillou D, Begriche K, Rondel K, Martinais S, Zalko D, Corlu A, Robin MA, Fromenty B -
A cellular model to study drug-induced liver injury in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Application to acetaminophen.
Toxicology and applied pharmacology 2015 Michaut A, Le Guillou D, Moreau C, Bucher S, McGill MR, Martinais S, Gicquel T, Morel I, Robin MA, Jaeschke H, Fromenty B -
Chronic exposure to low doses of pharmaceuticals disturbs the hepatic expression of circadian genes in lean and obese mice.
Toxicology and applied pharmacology 2014 Anthérieu S, Le Guillou D, Coulouarn C, Begriche K, Trak-Smayra V, Martinais S, Porceddu M, Robin MA, Fromenty B -
Relationships between radial glial progenitors and 5-HT neurons in the paraventricular organ of adult zebrafish - potential effects of serotonin on adult neurogenesis.
The European journal of neuroscience 2013 Pérez MR, Pellegrini E, Cano-Nicolau J, Gueguen MM, Menouer-Le Guillou D, Merot Y, Vaillant C, Somoza GM, Kah O