Dorie Apollonio, PhD, MPP
Clinical Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy 415-502-1942

Dr. Apollonio is Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco. Her research considers the activities of industries implicated in the spread of non-communicable diseases, including tobacco, pharmaceuticals, cannabis, alcohol, and food.

Recent work addresses identifying tobacco cessation strategies for vulnerable populations, understanding the scope of tobacco and cannabis co-use, assessing the spread of laws addressing new tobacco and cannabis delivery systems, and reviewing the health implications of policies that allow opioid-to-cannabis substitution. Her work has been published in journals in multiple disciplines, including law, medicine, pharmacy, political science, public health, and public policy. She has served as an instructor and research mentor in the UCSF School of Pharmacy since 2004, and has earned multiple teaching awards.

Education & Training

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 08/2021
  • MPP Harvard University
  • BA Macalester College
  • PhD University of California, Berkeley
  • American Legacy Foundation Fellow University of California, San Francisco


  • opiates
  • cannabis
  • vulnerable populations
  • homelessness
  • mental health disorders
  • heart disease
  • sugar
  • health policy
  • cancer
  • tobacco control
  • substance use

Grants and Projects

Publications (99)

Top publication keywords:
Drug OverdoseTobacco UseSmoking CessationTobacco ProductsTobacco IndustryCannabisCommerceMarketingSmokingPharmacistsTaxesCommunity Pharmacy ServicesPharmaciesPoison Control CentersPublic Policy