Doranne Donesky, RN, PhD, NP
Professor Emeritus
Physiological Nursing
School of Nursing 415-476-0984

Prior to her transition to Professor Emeritus at UCSF, Dr. Donesky was Director of Interprofessional Palliative Care Education at the UCSF School of Nursing.

She founded the academic minor in palliative care for advanced practice nursing students in 2014 and collaborated with colleagues from medicine, social work, and spiritual care to inaugurate Practice-PC, an interprofessional continuing education course in palliative care for practicing clinicians. She continues as Founder and Nurse Lead for Practice-PC, which is now sponsored by the UCSF Division of Palliative Medicine.

Her research focuses on non-pharmacologic symptom management interventions for people with chronic lung disease. Projects include a Tele-Yoga program using simplified interactive multipoint videoconferencing technology for patients with both COPD and heart failure, and innovative models of care for patients with chronic illness living in rural communities where palliative care and hospice are not available.

She practices as a nurse practitioner at Queen of the Valley Hospital on the inpatient palliative care service. She also facilitates a Zoom-based distance Better Breathers group where she works with people living with chronic lung disease and their families.


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  • Sojourn Scholar, Cambia Foundation, 2016-2018
  • Faculty Scholar, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 2016-2018

Education & Training

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  • Ph.D. Nursing University of California, San Francisco 2003
  • M.S. Nursing University of California, San Francisco 1990

Publications (61)

Top publication keywords:
Hospice and Palliative Care NursingEducation, NursingTerminal CareEducation, Nursing, ContinuingPatient Care TeamYogaDyspneaSelf CarePulmonary Disease, Chronic ObstructiveInterprofessional RelationsPalliative CarePractice Patterns, Nurses'SpiritualityPastoral CareChaplaincy Service, Hospital