Dolores Shoback, MD
School of Medicine 415-750-2089

Dr. Dolores Shoback cares for patients with a variety of disorders related to the endocrine system, focusing particularly on metabolic bone disease, parathyroid disorders and osteoporosis. She also directs UCSF's physician training program in diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism.

Shoback's research interests include metabolic bone disease, the calcium-sensing receptor and parathyroid hormone.

Shoback completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania. She earned her medical degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and completed a residency in internal medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. She completed a fellowship in endocrinology at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Education & Training

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  • M.D. School of Medicine Johns Hopkins 1977


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Grants and Projects

Publications (143)

Top publication keywords:
HyperparathyroidismVitamin DBone DensityReceptors, Calcium-SensingHypercalcemiaHypoparathyroidismOsteoporosisParathyroid HormoneCalciumOsteoporosis, PostmenopausalHyperparathyroidism, PrimaryParathyroid GlandsOsteoporotic FracturesBone Density Conservation AgentsHypocalcemia