Devang Prajapati, MD
Volunteer Clinical Professor
Gastroenterology - Fresno
School of Medicine 559-225-6100
Devang N. Prajapati, M.D. Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF Gastroenterologist, VA-VACCHCS
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- Awarded 2nd Place, Resident Research Day, University of California San Francisco-Fresno, 2017
- Presidential Poster Award, American College of Gastroenterology, 2016
- Certificate of Recognition, Veterans Affairs Central California Healthcare System, 2005
- Nominated for Healing Hands Award, Veterans Affairs Central California Healthcare System, 2004
- Trainee Research Award, 1st Place Population Science, Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Centere, 2002
Education & Training
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- Fellowship Gastroenterology/Hepatology Medical College of Wisconsin 2002
- Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Training Gastroenterology Medical College of Wisconsin 2001
- Residency Internal Medicine University of Toronto 1999
- Internship Internal Medicine University of Toronto 1996
- MD University of Toronto 1995
- B.Sc. Biochemistry University of Toronto 1991
Publications (26)
Top publication keywords:
Clostridium InfectionsEsophageal and Gastric VaricesCrohn DiseaseInflammatory Bowel DiseasesAspirinIsoxazolesIntussusceptionPortasystemic Shunt, Transjugular IntrahepaticSepsisBiliary Tract DiseasesAcute Kidney InjuryIleal DiseasesColonoscopyColonic DiseasesSphincter of Oddi
Long-term aspirin use in patients hospitalized with ischemic colitis.
Annals of gastroenterology 2023 Iqbal H, Haddadin R, Zhang P, Haidary H, Prajapati D -
The impact of aspirin use on outcomes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Insights from a national database.
International journal of colorectal disease 2023 Iqbal H, Arora GS, Singh I, Kohli I, Chaudhry H, Sohal A, Prajapati D -
The Impact of COVID-19 on Outcomes of Ischemic Colitis: A Nationwide Retrospective Analysis.
Gastroenterology research 2023 Iqbal H, Haddadin R, Zhang P, Haidary H, Prajapati D -
Baseline Features and Reasons for Nonparticipation in the Colonoscopy Versus Fecal Immunochemical Test in Reducing Mortality From Colorectal Cancer (CONFIRM) Study, a Colorectal Cancer Screening Trial.
JAMA network open 2023 Robertson DJ, Dominitz JA, Beed A, Boardman KD, Del Curto BJ, Guarino PD, Imperiale TF, LaCasse A, Larson MF, Gupta S, Lieberman D, Planeta B, Shaukat A, Sultan S, Menees SB, Saini SD, Schoenfeld P, … -
Does use of long-term aspirin impact outcomes in patients with acute pancreatitis?
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology 2023 Chaudhry H, Sohal A, Dukovic D, Kohli I, Sharma R, Singla P, Prajapati D, Yang J
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McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome: A rare cause of chronic diarrhea treated with endoscopic polypectomy.
SAGE open medical case reports 2023 Chaudhry H, Iqbal H, Gill A, Prajapati D -
The burden of acute pancreatitis on COVID-19 in the United States.
Annals of gastroenterology 2023 Chaudhry H, Sohal A, Kohli I, Dukovic D, Sharma R, Singla P, Hu B, Prajapati D, Yang J -
The burden of Clostridioides difficile on COVID-19 hospitalizations in the USA.
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 2023 Sohal A, Chaudhry H, Singla P, Sharma R, Kohli I, Dukovic D, Prajapati D -
Iron Man: Non-HFE Hemochromatosis Without Significant Fibrosis.
ACG case reports journal 2023 Chaudhry H, Sohal A, Petrosyan A, Laput G, Roytman M, Prajapati D -
Gender differences in esophageal variceal bleeding in the United States.
Annals of medicine 2022 Sohal A, Chaudhry H, Dhaliwal A, Singla P, Gupta G, Sharma R, Dukovic D, Prajapati D -
Hospitalization Outcomes of Acute Pancreatitis in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients.
Gastroenterology research 2022 Chaudhry H, Dhaliwal A, Bains K, Sohal A, Singla P, Sharma R, Dukovic D, Kohli I, Gupta G, Prajapati D -
Hospital frailty risk score predicts worse outcomes in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Annals of gastroenterology 2022 Sohal A, Chaudhry H, Kohli I, Gupta G, Singla P, Sharma R, Dukovic D, Prajapati D -
A Rare Case of Rectal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Nigro Protocol.
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives 2022 Chaudhry H, Sandhu S, Tasso D, Prajapati D -
A Head Scratcher: Hepatocellular Carcinoma Manifesting as a Subcutaneous Scalp Lesion.
ACG case reports journal 2022 Lin J, Chaudhry H, Gill A, Roytman M, Prajapati D, Slater D -
Role of endoscopic evaluation prior to diagnostic transesophageal echocardiography: Is it necessary?
JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 2022 Sandhu S, Alhankawi D, Roytman M, Jain R, Prajapati D -
Salmonella typhimurium as a Rare Cause of Small Bowel Obstruction.
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives 2022 Sandhu S, Alhankawi D, Prajapati D -
Marked Hyperbilirubinemia Associated with Primary Myelofibrosis Responsive to Ruxolitinib.
Case reports in hepatology 2022 Sandhu S, Chaudhry H, Zhang S, Prajapati D -
Colocolonic intussusception identified during endoscopy: an incidental diagnosis.
Endoscopy 2022 Hu S, Carson WK, Chintanaboina JK, Prajapati DN -
Emphysematous Pancreatitis Mimicking Bowel Perforation.
ACG case reports journal 2021 Sandhu S, Alhankawi D, Chintanaboina J, Prajapati D -
Acute esophageal necrosis complicated by refractory stricture formation.
JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 2021 Sandhu S, Wang T, Prajapati D -
Leflunomide treatment of Crohn's disease patients intolerant to standard immunomodulator therapy.
Journal of clinical gastroenterology 2003 Prajapati DN, Knox JF, Emmons J, Saeian K, Csuka ME, Binion DG -
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and other functional biliary disorders: evaluation and treatment.
Gastroenterology clinics of North America 2003 Prajapati DN, Hogan WJ -
Case report: "Popcorn" dystrophic ileal calcification in a patient with Crohn's disease.
Inflammatory bowel diseases 2003 Prajapati DN, Kim JP, Spinelli KS, Sudakoff G, Stewart ET, Komorowski RA, Telford GL, Binion DG -
Volume and yield of screening colonoscopy at a tertiary medical center after change in medicare reimbursement.
The American journal of gastroenterology 2003 Prajapati DN, Saeian K, Binion DG, Staff DM, Kim JP, Massey BT, Hogan WJ -
Infliximab retreatment in adults and children with Crohn's disease: risk factors for the development of delayed severe systemic reaction.
The American journal of gastroenterology 2002 Kugathasan S, Levy MB, Saeian K, Vasilopoulos S, Kim JP, Prajapati D, Emmons J, Martinez A, Kelly KJ, Binion DG -
Successful treatment of an acute flare of steroid-resistant Crohn's colitis during pregnancy with unfractionated heparin.
Inflammatory bowel diseases 2002 Prajapati DN, Newcomer JR, Emmons J, Abu-Hajir M, Binion DG