Debbie Brickley, DrPH, MPH
Academic Administrator
Pandemic Prep & Response

Dr. Brickley is the Director of Learning for UCSF's Pandemic Initiative for Equity and Action (UPIEA) and has 20 years of experience in global health research and training. She has a background in epidemiology and biostatistics, primarily focused on global HIV prevention research and training.

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, she served as a contact tracer for the city of San Francisco, after which she began leading training efforts for contact tracers and case investigators in California and beyond. Dr. Brickley is also Deputy Director of the International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS) program. This program, ongoing since 1988 and funded by NIMH, provides training and mentoring in HIV prevention research design, scientific manuscript writing, grant writing and mentoring for scientists from resource-limited settings.

Education & Training

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  • Dr.P.H. Public Health University of California, Berkeley 12/2006
  • M.P.H. Epidemiology & Biostatistics University of California, Berkeley 05/1999
  • B.S. Biological Sciences Stanford University 06/1994


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  • Training & education
  • COVID-19
  • Global public health

Grants and Projects

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Publications (16)

Top publication keywords:
HIV SeropositivityPrejudiceData CollectionNeeds AssessmentReproductive Health ServicesResearchHIV InfectionsContact TracingStereotypingInternationalitySafe SexDeveloping CountriesInternational CooperationTraining SupportAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome