Dean Jamison
Professor Emeritus
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
School of Medicine
Publications (110)
Top publication keywords:
Cost-Benefit AnalysisDeveloped CountriesLife ExpectancyHealth PolicyGlobal HealthInvestmentsCommunicable Disease ControlHealth PrioritiesChild MortalityMortalityFinancing, GovernmentPublic HealthDeveloping CountriesInternational CooperationPoliomyelitis
The evolution of serious health-related suffering from 1990 to 2021: an update to The Lancet Commission on global access to palliative care and pain relief.
The Lancet. Global health 2025 Knaul FM, Arreola-Ornelas H, Kwete XJ, Bhadelia A, Rosa WE, Touchton M, Méndez-Carniado O, Vargas Enciso V, Pastrana T, Friedman JR, Connor SR, Downing J, Jamison DT, Krakauer EL, Watkins D, Calderon-… -
Halving premature death and improving quality of life at all ages: cross-country analyses of past trends and future directions.
Lancet (London, England) 2024 Norheim OF, Chang AY, Bolongaita S, Barraza-Lloréns M, Fawole A, Gebremedhin LT, González-Pier E, Jha P, Johnson EK, Karlsson O, Kiros M, Lewington S, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Pate M, Sargent JL, Tang X, … -
Global health 2050: the path to halving premature death by mid-century.
Lancet (London, England) 2024 Jamison DT, Summers LH, Chang AY, Karlsson O, Mao W, Norheim OF, Ogbuoji O, Schäferhoff M, Watkins D, Adeyi O, Alleyne G, Alwan A, Anand S, Belachew R, Berkley SF, Bertozzi SM, Bolongaita S, Bundy D, … -
The economic value of reducing avoidable mortality.
Nature medicine 2024 Chang AY, Stevens GA, Cardoso DS, Cao B, Jamison DT -
Pakistan's Progress on Universal Health Coverage: Lessons Learned in Priority Setting and Challenges Ahead in Reinforcing Primary Healthcare.
International journal of health policy and management 2024 Alwan A, Jamison DT, Siddiqi S, Vassall A
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Scientific advances and the end of tuberculosis: a report from the Lancet Commission on Tuberculosis.
Lancet (London, England) 2023 Reid M, Agbassi YJP, Arinaminpathy N, Bercasio A, Bhargava A, Bhargava M, Bloom A, Cattamanchi A, Chaisson R, Chin D, Churchyard G, Cox H, Denkinger CM, Ditiu L, Dowdy D, Dybul M, Fauci A, Fedaku E, … -
Routine Pediatric Surgical Emergencies: Incidence, Morbidity, and Mortality During the 1st 8000 Days of Life-A Narrative Review.
World journal of surgery 2023 Abbas A, Laverde R, Yap A, Stephens CQ, Samad L, Seyi-Olajide JO, Ameh EA, Ozgediz D, Lakhoo K, Bickler SW, Meara JG, Bundy D, Jamison DT, Klazura G, Sykes A, Philipo GS, GICS -
Surgically Correctable Congenital Anomalies: Reducing Morbidity and Mortality in the First 8000 Days of Life.
World journal of surgery 2023 Banu T, Sharma S, Chowdhury TK, Aziz TT, Martin B, Seyi-Olajide JO, Ameh E, Ozgediz D, Lakhoo K, Bickler SW, Meara JG, Bundy D, Jamison DT, Klazura G, Sykes A, Yap A, Philipo GS, GICS -
Seizing opportunities to end TB: a call for ambition and optimism on World TB Day.
Lancet (London, England) 2023 Reid M, Yamey G, Goosby E, Jamison D, Schäferhoff M -
One vaccine to counter many diseases? Modeling the economics of oral polio vaccine against child mortality and COVID-19.
Frontiers in public health 2022 Chang AY, Aaby P, Avidan MS, Benn CS, Bertozzi SM, Blatt L, Chumakov K, Khader SA, Kottilil S, Nekkar M, Netea MG, Sparrow A, Jamison DT -
Estimates of Treatable Deaths Within the First 20 Years of Life from Scaling Up Surgical Care at First-Level Hospitals in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
World journal of surgery 2022 Sykes AG, Seyi-Olajide J, Ameh EA, Ozgediz D, Abbas A, Abib S, Ademuyiwa A, Ali A, Aziz TT, Chowdhury TK, Abdelhafeez H, Ignacio RC, Keller B, Klazura G, Kling K, Martin B, Philipo GS, Thangarajah H, … -
Comparing the impact on COVID-19 mortality of self-imposed behavior change and of government regulations across 13 countries.
Health services research 2021 Jamison JC, Bundy D, Jamison DT, Spitz J, Verguet S -
Achieving global mortality reduction targets and universal health coverage: The impact of COVID-19.
PLoS medicine 2021 Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Watkins D, Bharali I, Nsiah-Boateng E, Diab MM, Dwomoh D, Jamison DT, Kumar P, Kennedy McDade K, Nonvignon J, Ogundeji Y, Zeng FG, Zimmerman A, Yamey G -
The East-West Divide in Response to COVID-19.
Engineering (Beijing, China) 2021 Jamison DT, Wu KB -
Old vaccines for new infections: Exploiting innate immunity to control COVID-19 and prevent future pandemics.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021 Chumakov K, Avidan MS, Benn CS, Bertozzi SM, Blatt L, Chang AY, Jamison DT, Khader SA, Kottilil S, Netea MG, Sparrow A, Gallo RC -
A global compact to counter vaccine nationalism.
Lancet (London, England) 2021 Jha P, Jamison DT, Watkins DA, Bell J -
Letter to the Editor.
Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis 2021 Chumakov K, Jamison DT, Aaby P, Benn CS, Gallo RC -
Country performance against COVID-19: rankings for 35 countries.
BMJ global health 2020 Jamison DT, Lau LJ, Wu KB, Xiong Y -
Protecting essential health services in low-income and middle-income countries and humanitarian settings while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
BMJ global health 2020 Blanchet K, Alwan A, Antoine C, Cros MJ, Feroz F, Amsalu Guracha T, Haaland O, Hailu A, Hangoma P, Jamison D, Memirie ST, Miljeteig I, Jan Naeem A, Nam SL, Norheim OF, Verguet S, Watkins D, Johansson … -
Economic consequences of better health: insights from clinical data.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2020 Ogbuoji O, Vollmer S, Jamison DT, Bärnighausen T -
Measuring development assistance for health systems strengthening and health security: an analysis using the Creditor Reporting System database.
F1000Research 2020 Kraus J, Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Petitjean H, Hale J, Karakulah K, Kardish C, Pineda E, Sanders F, Beyeler N, Fewer S, Nugent R, Jamison DT, Oppenheim B, Gill I -
Resource requirements for essential universal health coverage: a modelling study based on findings from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition.
The Lancet. Global health 2020 Watkins DA, Qi J, Kawakatsu Y, Pickersgill SJ, Horton SE, Jamison DT -
National Burden Estimates of healthy life lost in India, 2017: an analysis using direct mortality data and indirect disability data.
The Lancet. Global health 2019 Menon GR, Singh L, Sharma P, Yadav P, Sharma S, Kalaskar S, Singh H, Adinarayanan S, Joshua V, Kulothungan V, Yadav J, Watson LK, Fadel SA, Suraweera W, Rao MVV, Dhaliwal RS, Begum R, Sati P, Jamison … -
International Funding for Global Common Goods for Health: An Analysis Using the Creditor Reporting System and G-FINDER Databases.
Health systems and reform 2019 Schäferhoff M, Chodavadia P, Martinez S, McDade KK, Fewer S, Silva S, Jamison D, Yamey G -
Health-care investments for the urban populations, Bangladesh and India.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2019 Wu DC, Banzon EP, Gelband H, Chin B, Malhotra V, Khetrapal S, Watkins D, Ra S, Jamison DT, Jha P -
Malaria eradication within a generation: ambitious, achievable, and necessary.
Lancet (London, England) 2019 Feachem RGA, Chen I, Akbari O, Bertozzi-Villa A, Bhatt S, Binka F, Boni MF, Buckee C, Dieleman J, Dondorp A, Eapen A, Sekhri Feachem N, Filler S, Gething P, Gosling R, Haakenstad A, Harvard K, Hatefi … -
Building a tuberculosis-free world: The Lancet Commission on tuberculosis.
Lancet (London, England) 2019 Reid MJA, Arinaminpathy N, Bloom A, Bloom BR, Boehme C, Chaisson R, Chin DP, Churchyard G, Cox H, Ditiu L, Dybul M, Farrar J, Fauci AS, Fekadu E, Fujiwara PI, Hallett TB, Hanson CL, Harrington M, … -
Standardized Sensitivity Analysis in BCA: An Education Case Study.
Journal of benefit-cost analysis 2019 Pradhan E, Jamison DT -
Conducting Benefit-Cost Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Introduction to the Special Issue.
Journal of benefit-cost analysis 2019 Robinson LA, Hammitt JK, Jamison DT, Walker DG -
Valuing Protection against Health-Related Financial Risks.
Journal of benefit-cost analysis 2019 Skinner J, Chalkidou K, Jamison DT -
Financing Global Common Goods for Health: When the World is a Country.
Health systems and reform 2019 Yamey G, Jamison D, Hanssen O, Soucat A -
Alma-Ata at 40 years: reflections from the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health.
Lancet (London, England) 2018 Watkins DA, Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Adeyi O, Alleyne G, Alwan A, Berkley S, Feachem R, Frenk J, Ghosh G, Goldie SJ, Guo Y, Gupta S, Knaul F, Kruk M, Nugent R, Ogbuoji O, Qi J, Reddy S, Saxenian H, … -
Investing in non-communicable disease prevention and management to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
Lancet (London, England) 2018 Nugent R, Bertram MY, Jan S, Niessen LW, Sassi F, Jamison DT, Pier EG, Beaglehole R -
How to convene an international health or development commission: ten key steps.
Health policy and planning 2018 Yamey G, Summers LH, Jamison DT, Brinton J -
The Lancet Commission on tuberculosis: building a tuberculosis-free world.
Lancet (London, England) 2018 Goosby E, Jamison D, Swaminathan S, Reid M, Zuccala E -
Pandemic risk: how large are the expected losses?
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2017 Fan VY, Jamison DT, Summers LH -
Universal health coverage and intersectoral action for health: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition.
Lancet (London, England) 2017 Jamison DT, Alwan A, Mock CN, Nugent R, Watkins D, Adeyi O, Anand S, Atun R, Bertozzi S, Bhutta Z, Binagwaho A, Black R, Blecher M, Bloom BR, Brouwer E, Bundy DAP, Chisholm D, Cieza A, Cullen M, … -
Investment in child and adolescent health and development: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition.
Lancet (London, England) 2017 Bundy DAP, de Silva N, Horton S, Patton GC, Schultz L, Jamison DT, Disease Control Priorities-3 Child and Adolescent Health and Development Authors Group -
Alleviating the access abyss in palliative care and pain relief-an imperative of universal health coverage: the Lancet Commission report.
Lancet (London, England) 2017 Knaul FM, Farmer PE, Krakauer EL, De Lima L, Bhadelia A, Jiang Kwete X, Arreola-Ornelas H, Gómez-Dantés O, Rodriguez NM, Alleyne GAO, Connor SR, Hunter DJ, Lohman D, Radbruch L, Del Rocío Sáenz … -
Ranking 93 health interventions for low- and middle-income countries by cost-effectiveness.
PloS one 2017 Horton S, Gelband H, Jamison D, Levin C, Nugent R, Watkins D -
Financing of international collective action for epidemic and pandemic preparedness.
The Lancet. Global health 2017 Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Aars OK, Bloom B, Carroll D, Chawla M, Dzau V, Echalar R, Gill IS, Godal T, Gupta S, Jamison D, Kelley P, Kristensen F, Mundaca-Shah C, Oppenheim B, Pavlin J, Salvado R, Sands … -
Comparative effectiveness of two disparate policies on child health: experimental evidence from the Philippines.
Health policy and planning 2017 Peabody JW, Quimbo S, Florentino J, Shimkhada R, Javier X, Paculdo D, Jamison D, Solon O -
[Investing in health: the economic case. Report of the WISH Investing in Health Forum 2016].
Salud publica de Mexico 2017 Yamey G, Beyeler N, Wadge H, Jamison D -
Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Health Policy Assessment: A Tutorial.
PharmacoEconomics 2016 Verguet S, Kim JJ, Jamison DT -
Mexico's path towards the Sustainable Development Goal for health: an assessment of the feasibility of reducing premature mortality by 40% by 2030.
The Lancet. Global health 2016 González-Pier E, Barraza-Lloréns M, Beyeler N, Jamison D, Knaul F, Lozano R, Yamey G, Sepúlveda J -
Why has under-5 mortality decreased at such different rates in different countries?
Journal of health economics 2016 Jamison DT, Murphy SM, Sandbu ME -
Task-sharing or public finance for the expansion of surgical access in rural Ethiopia: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis.
Health policy and planning 2015 Shrime MG, Verguet S, Johansson KA, Desalegn D, Jamison DT, Kruk ME -
Health Gains and Financial Protection from Pneumococcal Vaccination and Pneumonia Treatment in Ethiopia: Results from an Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
PloS one 2015 Johansson KA, Memirie ST, Pecenka C, Jamison DT, Verguet S -
[Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation].
Salud publica de Mexico 2015 Jamison DT, Summers LH, Alleyne G, Arrow KJ, Berkley S, Binagwaho A, Bustreo F, Evans D, Feachem RG, Frenk J, Ghosh G, Goldie SJ, Guo Y, Gupta S, Horton R, Kruk ME, Mahmoud A, Mohohlo LK, Ncube M, … -
[Global health 2035: implications for Mexico (commentary)].
Salud publica de Mexico 2015 Beyeler N, González-Pier E, Alleyne G, Barraza-Lloréns M, Frenk J, Pablos-Mendez A, Pérez-Cuevas R, Regalia F, Sepúlveda J, Jamison D, Yamey G -
Mortality risks in children aged 5-14 years in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic empirical analysis.
The Lancet. Global health 2015 Hill K, Zimmerman L, Jamison DT -
How much donor financing for health is channelled to global versus country-specific aid functions?
Lancet (London, England) 2015 Schäferhoff M, Fewer S, Kraus J, Richter E, Summers LH, Sundewall J, Yamey G, Jamison DT -
Comparing the health and social protection effects of measles vaccination strategies in Ethiopia: An extended cost-effectiveness analysis.
Social science & medicine (1982) 2015 Driessen J, Olson ZD, Jamison DT, Verguet S -
A premature mortality target for the SDG for health is ageist - Authors' reply.
Lancet (London, England) 2015 Norheim OF, Jha P, Admasu K, Jamison DT, Peto R -
Health gains and financial risk protection: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment and prevention of diarrhoea in Ethiopia.
BMJ open 2015 Pecenka CJ, Johansson KA, Memirie ST, Jamison DT, Verguet S -
Health gains and financial risk protection afforded by public financing of selected interventions in Ethiopia: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis.
The Lancet. Global health 2015 Verguet S, Olson ZD, Babigumira JB, Desalegn D, Johansson KA, Kruk ME, Levin CE, Nugent RA, Pecenka C, Shrime MG, Memirie ST, Watkins DA, Jamison DT -
Cardiovascular disease and impoverishment averted due to a salt reduction policy in South Africa: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis.
Health policy and planning 2015 Watkins DA, Olson ZD, Verguet S, Nugent RA, Jamison DT -
The consequences of tobacco tax on household health and finances in rich and poor smokers in China: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis.
The Lancet. Global health 2015 Verguet S, Gauvreau CL, Mishra S, MacLennan M, Murphy SM, Brouwer ED, Nugent RA, Zhao K, Jha P, Jamison DT -
An extended cost-effectiveness analysis of publicly financed HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer in China.
Vaccine 2015 Levin CE, Sharma M, Olson Z, Verguet S, Shi JF, Wang SM, Qiao YL, Jamison DT, Kim JJ -
Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition: improving health and reducing poverty.
Lancet (London, England) 2015 Jamison DT -
Essential surgery: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition.
Lancet (London, England) 2015 Mock CN, Donkor P, Gawande A, Jamison DT, Kruk ME, Debas HT, DCP3 Essential Surgery Author Group -
Annual rates of decline in child, maternal, HIV, and tuberculosis mortality across 109 countries of low and middle income from 1990 to 2013: an assessment of the feasibility of post-2015 goals.
The Lancet. Global health 2014 Verguet S, Norheim OF, Olson ZD, Yamey G, Jamison DT -
Avoiding 40% of the premature deaths in each country, 2010-30: review of national mortality trends to help quantify the UN sustainable development goal for health.
Lancet (London, England) 2014 Norheim OF, Jha P, Admasu K, Godal T, Hum RJ, Kruk ME, Gómez-Dantés O, Mathers CD, Pan H, Sepúlveda J, Suraweera W, Verguet S, Woldemariam AT, Yamey G, Jamison DT, Peto R -
Valuing vaccines using value of statistical life measures.
Vaccine 2014 Laxminarayan R, Jamison DT, Krupnick AJ, Norheim OF -
Reassessing the value of vaccines.
The Lancet. Global health 2014 Bärnighausen T, Berkley S, Bhutta ZA, Bishai DM, Black MM, Bloom DE, Constenla D, Driessen J, Edmunds J, Evans D, Griffiths U, Hansen P, Hashmani FN, Hutubessy R, Jamison DT, Jha P, Jit M, Johnson H, … -
Investing in health--authors' reply.
Lancet (London, England) 2014 Yamey G, Jamison DT, Summers LH -
Universal public finance of tuberculosis treatment in India: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis.
Health economics 2014 Verguet S, Laxminarayan R, Jamison DT -
Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation.
Lancet (London, England) 2013 Jamison DT, Summers LH, Alleyne G, Arrow KJ, Berkley S, Binagwaho A, Bustreo F, Evans D, Feachem RG, Frenk J, Ghosh G, Goldie SJ, Guo Y, Gupta S, Horton R, Kruk ME, Mahmoud A, Mohohlo LK, Ncube M, … -
Advancing social and economic development by investing in women's and children's health: a new Global Investment Framework.
Lancet (London, England) 2013 Stenberg K, Axelson H, Sheehan P, Anderson I, Gülmezoglu AM, Temmerman M, Mason E, Friedman HS, Bhutta ZA, Lawn JE, Sweeny K, Tulloch J, Hansen P, Chopra M, Gupta A, Vogel JP, Ostergren M, Rasmussen B… -
Impact of supplemental immunisation activity (SIA) campaigns on health systems: findings from South Africa.
Journal of epidemiology and community health 2013 Verguet S, Jassat W, Bertram MY, Tollman SM, Murray CJ, Jamison DT, Hofman KJ -
Improving life expectancy: how many years behind has the USA fallen? A cross-national comparison among high-income countries from 1958 to 2007.
BMJ open 2013 Verguet S, Jamison DT -
Supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) in South Africa: comprehensive economic evaluation of an integrated child health delivery platform.
Global health action 2013 Verguet S, Jassat W, Bertram MY, Tollman SM, Murray CJ, Jamison DT, Hofman KJ -
The global burden of neonatal hypothermia: systematic review of a major challenge for newborn survival.
BMC medicine 2013 Lunze K, Bloom DE, Jamison DT, Hamer DH -
Estimates of performance in the rate of decline of under-five mortality for 113 low- and middle-income countries, 1970-2010.
Health policy and planning 2013 Verguet S, Jamison DT -
Performance in rate of decline of adult mortality in the OECD, 1970-2010.
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2012 Verguet S, Jamison DT -
Public health. From financing to fevers: lessons of an antimalarial subsidy program.
Science (New York, N.Y.) 2012 Laxminarayan R, Arrow K, Jamison D, Bloom BR -
The Affordable Medicines Facility--malaria: killing it slowly.
Lancet (London, England) 2012 Arrow KJ, Danzon PM, Gelband H, Jamison D, Laxminarayan R, Mills A, Mwabu G, Panosian C, Peto R, White NJ -
Measles control in Sub-Saharan Africa: South Africa as a case study.
Vaccine 2012 Verguet S, Jassat W, Hedberg C, Tollman S, Jamison DT, Hofman KJ -
What can a UN health summit do?
Science translational medicine 2011 Nugent RA, Jamison DT -
Costs and financial feasibility of malaria elimination.
Lancet (London, England) 2010 Sabot O, Cohen JM, Hsiang MS, Kahn JG, Basu S, Tang L, Zheng B, Gao Q, Zou L, Tatarsky A, Aboobakar S, Usas J, Barrett S, Cohen JL, Jamison DT, Feachem RG -
Public financing of health in developing countries: a cross-national systematic analysis.
Lancet (London, England) 2010 Lu C, Schneider MT, Gubbins P, Leach-Kemon K, Jamison D, Murray CJ -
Developing priorities for addressing surgical conditions globally: furthering the link between surgery and public health policy.
World journal of surgery 2010 Mock C, Cherian M, Juillard C, Donkor P, Bickler S, Jamison D, McQueen K -
Key concepts for estimating the burden of surgical conditions and the unmet need for surgical care.
World journal of surgery 2010 Bickler S, Ozgediz D, Gosselin R, Weiser T, Spiegel D, Hsia R, Dunbar P, McQueen K, Jamison D -
The global health system: lessons for a stronger institutional framework.
PLoS medicine 2010 Moon S, Szlezák NA, Michaud CM, Jamison DT, Keusch GT, Clark WC, Bloom BR -
The global health system: actors, norms, and expectations in transition.
PLoS medicine 2010 Szlezák NA, Bloom BR, Jamison DT, Keusch GT, Michaud CM, Moon S, Clark WC -
Increasing access to surgical services in sub-saharan Africa: priorities for national and international agencies recommended by the Bellagio Essential Surgery Group.
PLoS medicine 2009 Luboga S, Macfarlane SB, von Schreeb J, Kruk ME, Cherian MN, Bergström S, Bossyns PB, Denerville E, Dovlo D, Galukande M, Hsia RY, Jayaraman SP, Lubbock LA, Mock C, Ozgediz D, Sekimpi P, Wladis A, … -
Financing of global health: tracking development assistance for health from 1990 to 2007.
Lancet (London, England) 2009 Ravishankar N, Gubbins P, Cooley RJ, Leach-Kemon K, Michaud CM, Jamison DT, Murray CJ -
Bridging the gap between public health and surgery: access to surgical care in low- and middle-income countries.
Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons 2009 Ozgediz D, Dunbar P, Mock C, Cherion M, Rogers SO, Riviello R, Meara JG, Jamison D, Macfarlane SB, Burkle F, McQueen K -
The burden of surgical conditions and access to surgical care in low- and middle-income countries.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2008 Ozgediz D, Jamison D, Cherian M, McQueen K -
Financing health improvements in India.
Health affairs (Project Hope) 2008 Deolalikar AB, Jamison DT, Jha P, Laxminarayan R -
Global and regional burden of disease and risk factors, 2001: systematic analysis of population health data.
Lancet (London, England) 2006 Lopez AD, Mathers CD, Ezzati M, Jamison DT, Murray CJ -
Advancement of global health: key messages from the Disease Control Priorities Project.
Lancet (London, England) 2006 Laxminarayan R, Mills AJ, Breman JG, Measham AR, Alleyne G, Claeson M, Jha P, Musgrove P, Chow J, Shahid-Salles S, Jamison DT -
Making antimalarial agents available in Africa.
The New England journal of medicine 2005 Arrow KJ, Gelband H, Jamison DT -
International differences in the impact of doctors on health: a multilevel analysis of OECD countries.
Journal of health economics 2005 Or Z, Wang J, Jamison D -
Reply to commentary on "Malnutrition and dietary protein".
Food and nutrition bulletin 2003 Jamison DT, Leslie J, Musgrove P -
Malnutrition and dietary protein: evidence from China and from international comparisons.
Food and nutrition bulletin 2003 Jamison DT, Leslie J, Musgrove P -
Is syndromic management better than the current approach for treatment of STDs in China? Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of syndromic management for male STD patients.
Sexually transmitted diseases 2003 Liu H, Jamison D, Li X, Ma E, Yin Y, Detels R -
Modeling the effects of health on economic growth.
Journal of health economics 2001 Bhargava A, Jamison DT, Lau LJ, Murray CJ -
Child mortality patterns in rural areas of Anhui and Henan provinces in China, 1990.
Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES 1998 Jin SG, Yang GH, Bos E, Wang J, Luo JH, Yang J, Ma EB, Tong MX, Jamison D -
International collective action in health: objectives, functions, and rationale.
Lancet (London, England) 1998 Jamison DT, Frenk J, Knaul F -
Poverty and mortality among the elderly: measurement of performance in 33 countries 1960-92.
Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 1997 Wang J, Jamison DT, Bos E, Vu MT -
Investing in health wisely. The role of needs-based technology assessment.
International journal of technology assessment in health care 1995 Jamison DT, Saxenian H, Bergevin Y -
The evaluation of potential global morbidity attributable to intestinal nematode infections.
Parasitology 1994 Chan MS, Medley GF, Jamison D, Bundy DA -
Economics and the argument for parasitic disease control.
Science (New York, N.Y.) 1994 Evans DB, Jamison DT -
The global burden of disease in 1990: summary results, sensitivity analysis and future directions.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1994 Murray CJ, Lopez AD, Jamison DT -
Disease control priorities in developing countries: health policy responses to epidemiological change.
American journal of public health 1991 Jamison DT, Mosley WH -
The health sector in developing countries: problems for the 1990s and beyond.
Annual review of public health 1990 Mosley WH, Jamison DT, Henderson DA -
The distribution and impact of health resource availability in China.
The International journal of health planning and management 1985 Prescott N, Jamison DT -
Studies of a familial platelet disorder.
Blood 1985 Dowton SB, Beardsley D, Jamison D, Blattner S, Li FP -
Health sector finance in China.
World health statistics quarterly. Rapport trimestriel de statistiques sanitaires mondiales 1984 Prescott N, Jamison DT