Dante Capaldi, PhD
Assistant Professor
Radiation Oncology
School of Medicine

Dante Capaldi, PhD, DABR, is an Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the Medical Physics Residency Program at the UCSF Department of Radiation Oncology.

He completed his PhD in Medical Biophysics at Western University, Canada, where he developed and evaluated imaging biomarkers of pulmonary structure and function using MRI and CT without the use of exogenous contrast agents or specialized equipment for characterization of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and non-small cell lung cancer. Subsequently, he completed his Medical Physics Residency and NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University, where his clinical research focused on SRS treatments of cranial lesions and advanced imaging methods in assessing treatment response.

Education & Training

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  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2022
  • Residency Medical Physics Stanford University 2021
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship Medical Physics Stanford University 2020
  • PhD Medical Biophysics University of Western Ontario 2018


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Publications (48)

Top publication keywords:
HeliumMagnetic Resonance ImagingLungRadiosurgeryPhantoms, ImagingProtonsAsthmaPrinting, Three-DimensionalRespirationTungstenSmartphoneRadiotherapy, Image-GuidedPulmonary Disease, Chronic ObstructiveWhole-Body IrradiationPulmonary Ventilation