Daniela Maristany, MD
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine
Publications (3)
Top publication keywords:
HumansCell MembraneKidney DiseasesCoronary Artery DiseaseReceptors, Tumor Necrosis Factor, Type IComorbidityLearningNarrationPhysiciansStudents, MedicalGlomerular Filtration RateAlbuminuriaCreatinineProfessionalismCardiovascular Diseases
The Problem and Power of Professionalism: A Critical Analysis of Medical Students' and Residents' Perspectives and Experiences of Professionalism.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2023 Maristany D, Hauer KE, Leep Hunderfund AN, Elks ML, Bullock JL, Kumbamu A, O'Brien BC -
Associations of TNFR1 with kidney function outcomes by age, gender, and baseline kidney function status: Data from the Heart and Soul Study.
Data in brief 2017 Park M, Maristany D, Huang D, Shlipak MG, Whooley M -
Associations of tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor type 1 with kidney function decline, cardiovascular events, and mortality risk in persons with coronary artery disease: Data from the Heart and Soul Study.
Atherosclerosis 2017 Park M, Maristany D, Huang D, Shlipak MG, Whooley M