Claus Niemann, MD
Professor Emeritus
School of Medicine 415-502-2162

My group is interested in identifying why obese individuals are at greater risk of liver injury in the setting of trauma or surgery. My long-term goal is to understand the relationship between metabolic and immunologic processes in the liver. One potential link between these underlying mechanisms could be the peptide leptin, which can profoundly modify inflammatory and metabolic pathways.

The goal of this research effort is to improve understanding of the impact of leptin on acute inflammatory cascade and metabolic response during hepatic ischemia-reperfusion. This will benefit patients by improving risk-stratification of candidates for hepatic surgery and possibly lead to preventive therapies for ischemia-reperfusion injury.


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  • Ischemia reperfusion injury
  • Liver transplantation
  • Metabolomics
  • Organ donation
  • Inflammatory response to injury
  • Intensive Insulin Therapy in Deceased Donors-to improve renal allograft function and transplanted allograft outcomes
  • Renal and hepatic injury during surgery


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Publications (121)

Top publication keywords:
HypothermiaBrain DeathHepatectomyTissue DonorsKidney TransplantationPerioperative CareHypothermia, InducedTissue and Organ HarvestingOrgan PreservationGraft SurvivalTissue and Organ ProcurementReperfusion InjuryDelayed Graft FunctionLiver TransplantationIntraoperative Care