Claire Brindis, DrPH
Distinguished Professor
Institute for Health Policy Studies
School of Medicine 415-517-4521

Claire Brindis, DrPH, is a Distinguished Emerita Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy (on Recall), Department of Pediatrics and Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Health Sciences and Emerita Director of the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

Dr. Brindis is also the Co-Director of the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center( and a Founding Director of the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences and PRL-IHPS, UCSF. She serves as the lead evaluator for the Clinical and Translation Sciences Institute, as Core Faculty of the ARCHES Program (Advancing Research Careers of Historically Excluded Scholars), leading its evaluation efforts, as well as serving as Senior Advisor to the UC Center on Climate, Health and Equity. An Elected Member of the National Academy of Medicine, she served as a member (2018-2021) and the Vice-Chair (2021-2024) of its Council. She concurrently Chairs the Standing Committee on Reproductive Health, Equity. and Society for the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in Washington, DC, comprised of experts evaluating the health, social, and economic implications of access to reproductive health care in the United States and globally ( Dr. Brindis also serves as the Chair of the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Education (DBASSE) for the National Research Council/NASEM.

Incorporating a variety of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, as well as community participatory research, Dr. Brindis’ research focuses on program evaluation and the translation of research into policy at the local, state, and national level. As a bilingual, bi-cultural researcher, Dr. Brindis’ research and personal commitment focus on ameliorating the impact of social, health, and economic disparities among ethnic/racial populations, with a particular focus on women, young adults, and adolescents and reproductive health, as well as Latino/a health. For example, in the area of reproductive health, Dr. Brindis led a multidisciplinary evaluation team evaluating California’s Office of Family Planning’s Family PACT program, a Federal 1115 Medicaid waiver. Evaluation findings indicate that this program has successfully served annually nearly 1.3 million women and men, helping to avert approximately 300,000 pregnancies per year annually. For every dollar spent on the program, an estimated savings of $5.83 in medical and social costs is realized through the prevention of unintended pregnancies up to five years after birth. Previous research projects include evaluations of the state of California’s comprehensive teenage pregnancy prevention programs, the UCSF Pre-term Birth Initiative, and the effectiveness of water policies in California schools.

Throughout these and other projects, Dr. Brindis is committed to the translation of research into action, as well as pursuing strategies for closing the gap between evidence-based innovation and its application to policy and programs. As a result, within the interface of research and public policy, Dr. Brindis is often called upon to help a variety of community groups, local, state, and the federal government, and international entities in helping to translate research findings for purposes of policy planning and development of new program interventions. As a policy advisor to federal, state and local policymakers and private foundations, her research has been utilized extensively in the planning of state and federal initiatives, including the implementation of the first school-based health center in California, the development of statewide adolescent pregnancy prevention initiatives, the development of the first California strategic plan for adolescent health, as well as at the federal level, the development of essential health benefits for women’s preventive health services.

Apart from numerous peer-review journal articles, Dr. Brindis, along with the UCSF Center on Social Disparities in Health and the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, completed research and developed a film aimed at policymakers and communities, entitled, “A Question of Hope: Reducing Latina Teen Childbearing in California” (;) Spanish version: In addition, she has also co-authored a monograph on implementing the Healthy People 2010 Adolescent Health Objectives, with the CDC and the Federal Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, “Improving Adolescent Health: A Guidebook for States and Communities” ( and co-authored a report “Creating a Health Research and Policy Agenda for Im/migration Between Mexico and California” Dr. Brindis co-authored “Advocacy and Policy Change Evaluation: Theory and Practice" (Stanford Press, 2017).

Dr. Brindis is past chair of the Population, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Section of the American Public Health Association (2003-2004) and President of the Board of Directors for Advocates for Youth, Washington D.C. (2003-2005). Dr. Brindis has served on many expert panels, including the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Pediatric Health and Health Care Quality Measures, the Committee on Preventive Services for Women, the Committee on the Health and Well-Being of Young Adults, and the Committee on Neurobiological and Social-Behavioral Research on Adolescent Health. At UCSF, she is past chair of the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women. She is the recipient of numerous state and national awards, including the California Department of Health Services with the 2000 Beverlee A. Myers Award for Excellence in Public Health, the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, Washington, DC, with the annual 2001 John C. MacQueen Lecture Award, the 2005 Federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau Director's Award: “In recognition of Contributions Made to the Health of Infants, Mothers, Children, Adolescents & Children with Special Needs”, the UCSF’s Chancellor’s Award for the Advancement of Women in 2009, election to the IOM (now National Academy of Medicine) in 2010 and elected to the NAM Council in 2019, the selection in 2012 as Alumni Hall of Fame awardee from the UCLA School of Public Health, the 2014 Carl Schultz Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Public Health Association, UCSF’s Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award in 2016, and in 2019, selected as one of the UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health’s most influential alumni on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary of its establishment and the Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the UCSF School of Medicine. In 2021, she received the 2020 Pioneer Award from the National School-Based Assembly and the 2020 APHA Martha May Eliot Award in Maternal and Child Health, followed by 2021Title V Lifetime Achievement Award from the Federal Bureau of Maternal and Child Health. - See more at:


  • Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Lifetime Achievement Award, UC Berkeley, 2024
  • Edward A.Dickson Emerita Professor Award, UCSF, 2022-2024
  • 2020 Title V Lifetime Achievement Award, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, 2021
  • Martha May Eliot Award in Maternal and Child Health, APHA, 2020
  • Pioneer Award, School-Based Alliance, 2020
  • 75th Anniversary Honoree “In Recognition of 75 Most Influential Public Health Alumni”, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, 2018
  • Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award, UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program, 2016
  • Carl S. Shultz Award for Lifetime Achievement, American Public Health Association: Population, Reproductive, and Sexual Health Section, 2014
  • Alumni Hall of Fame: Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Public Health, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, 2012
  • Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (IOM) member, Elected Member, 2011
  • Telly Award, Bronze Award, Telly Award for Film, 'A Question of Hope', Social Issues Category, 2009
  • Chancellors Award for the Advancement of Women, 'In Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to the, University of California, San Francisco, 2009
  • Champion Award for vision and commitment in creating and sustaining the California Office of Family, California Family Health Council, Inc, 2006
  • Award for service on No on 85 Campaign 'Above and Beyond', Campaign for Teen Safety, 2006
  • Outstanding Researcher Award in honor of the dedication and leadership in the field of adolescent pr, Healthy Teen Network, 2006
  • Hilary E.C. Millar Award for Innovative Approaches to Adolescent Health Care, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2006
  • Special Election Award, Campaign for Teen Safety, 2005
  • Directors Award: In Recognition of Contributions Made to the Health of Infants, Mothers, Children, A, Federal Maternal & Child Health Bureau, 2005
  • Commendation by Lieutenant Governor Cruz M. Bustamante Honoring Outstanding Research on Adolescent a, State of California, 2005
  • Morris Blum Memorial Lecture, Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, 2005
  • Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women, Fellow-Hedwig van Ameringen, 2004
  • Champions of Diversity, University of California, San Francisco, 2003
  • John C. MacQueen Lecture Award, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, 2001
  • Collaborative Award Winner, Special Recognition Award, Maternal and Child Health Branch, California Department of Health Services, 2001
  • Women Faculty Recognition Award, University of California, San Francisco, 2001
  • Mark Pearlman Outstanding Service Award, California Child, Youth and Family Coalition, 2000
  • Beverlee A. Meyer Award in Excellence, California Department of Health Services, 2000
  • Distinguished Service to the Public and the State of California, California State Senate Resolution, State of California, 2000
  • Integrity Award, Office of Inspector General, Office of Evaluation and Inspections, U.S. Department of Health, Human, 1994
  • Community Leadership Award, National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, Washington, D.C., 1991
  • Special Recognition Award, California Alliance Concerned with School Age Parents, 1988

Education & Training

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  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champion Training University of California, San Francisco 2021
  • Dr.PH Public Health/Behavioral Sciences University of California, Berkeley 1982
  • M.P.H. Public Health University of California, Los Angeles 1973
  • B.A. Sociology, Cum Laude University of California, Los Angeles 1972


  • population health
  • sugar science
  • team science
  • knowledge transfer
  • interdisciplinary research collaboration
  • migration and health
  • community clinics serving the underserved
  • climate
  • health and equity
  • reproductive health services for men
  • women and adolescents
  • health disparities and social determinants of health
  • global reproductive health
  • program evaluation
  • faculty development of historically excluded faculty
  • United States healthcare reform
  • adolescent pregnancy and pregnancy prevention
  • policy advocacy
  • adolescent and child health policy
  • adolescent and young adult health and risk-taking behaviors
  • Latino/a health
  • Reproductive Health and Reproductive Justice
  • community coalitions focused on childhood asthma
  • mentoring junior faculty or trainees
  • Advancing the Careers of Historically Excluded Scholars


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Grants and Projects

  • Leadership Training in Adolescent Health, HRSA/MCHB, 2023-2027
  • UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), NCATS, 2021-2026
  • Implementation of Health-E You/Salud iTu to Promote Adolescent-Centered Contraceptive Care, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), 2021-2025
  • UCSF-Kaiser Department of Research Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women?s Health (BIRCWH) Program, NIH, 2000-2025
  • State Adolescent and Young Adult Health Capacity Building Program, HRSA/MCHB, 2014-2023
  • Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Training Project, DHHS/HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau, 1977-2022
  • Digital Initiative for Youth (DIY), Family and Youth Services Bureau, 2016-2021
  • The California Preterm Birth Initiative, Benioff Foundation, 2017-2021
  • Launching the Digital Food Industry Documents Archive, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, 2017-2019
  • Economic Analysis for Prevention of Disease (EMPoD), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, 2014-2019
  • Reducing Health Disparities in Unintended Pregnancies Among Hispanic Adolescents Using a Patient-Centered Computer-Based Clinic Intervention, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, 2015-2018
  • Adolescent & Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC), DHHS/HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau, National Adolescent Health Information Center, 2014-2018
  • Alameda County School Health Centers Evaluation, Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, 2017-2018
  • Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project Evaluation, California Department of Public Health, 2015-2018
  • SpeakOut: Empowering Teen to Teen Communication about Highly Effective Contraception, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health, 2015-2018

Publications (397)

Top publication keywords:
Sexual BehaviorHealth Services AccessibilitySchool Health ServicesAdolescent Health ServicesReproductive Health ServicesInsurance, HealthContraceptionFamily Planning ServicesHealth PolicyPregnancy in AdolescenceSex EducationHealth PromotionAdolescent BehaviorSupreme Court DecisionsPatient Protection and Affordable Care Act