Christine Glastonbury, MBBS
School of Medicine 415-353-2486

Christine Glastonbury, MBBS, is a Neuroradiologist and a Professor of Clinical Radiology. She is also the Radiology Vice Chair for Academic Affairs at the University of California, San Francisco. She obtained her MBBS from the University of Adelaide, South Australia in 1991, and completed her residency in Diagnostic Radiology at Royal Adelaide Hospital in Adelaide, Australia.

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Her fellowship in General Radiology was completed at Hammersmith and Charing Cross Hospitals in London with oncology radiology training at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Surrey, UK. Following this she completed a two-year fellowship in Neuroradiology, followed by a Body MR fellowship at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

Dr. Glastonbury’s particular academic and clinical interest is in the area of the Head and Neck (HN) Imaging and in the imaging of brain degenerative, autoimmune and neoplastic disease. She works closely with the Radiation Oncologists and Head and Neck surgeons on a weekly basis to improve the care of HN cancer patients at UCSF. Dr. Glastonbury is a member of the Head & Neck Expert Panel for the development of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Cancer Staging System, 9th Edition and was a co-author of 6 chapters in the H&N cancer staging section for the 8th edition. Dr Glastonbury has written and been co-editor for multiple chapters in multiple textbooks and an AJNR Special Review edition in the subspecialty of Head and Neck Imaging. She has also written and published more than 130 articles and received multiple awards for scientific and education exhibits at scientific meetings.

Dr Glastonbury is a member of multiple committees for the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), is on the executive committee of the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR) and the Executive Council of the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS). At UCSF Dr Glastonbury is the Radiology Chief of Mentoring and redeveloped the Junior Faculty Radiology Mentoring Program at UCSF. She is chair of the UCSF Senate Committee on Committees and the Radiology Merits and Promotions committee, is a member of the Radiology Diversity Committee and a co-founder and strong advocate for Women in Radiology.

Expertise: Neuroradiology

Subspecialty Expertise: Head and Neck

Professional Interests: Head and neck cancer, neck surgery, hearing loss, neurosurgery, brain imaging, Mentoring, Quality Assurance, Women in Radiology

Education and Training:

  • Medical School: University of Adelaide, South Australia - MBBS
  • Internship: Royal Adelaide Hospital Adelaide, Australia
  • Residency: Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia - Diagnostic Radiology
  • Residency: Hammersmith and Charming Cross Hospitals, London - General Radiology
  • Fellowship: Royal Marsden Hospital, Surrey, UK - General Radiology
  • Fellowship: University of Utah, Salt Lake City - Neuroradiology
  • Fellowship: University of Utah, Salt Lake City - Body MR
  • Diploma of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists on completion of the Australian Radiology Boards
  • General Medical Council of the United Kingdom
  • ECFMG Full Certification
  • California State Medical License
  • Board Certification from the American Board of Radiology
  • California Radiology X-Ray Supervisor and Operator
  • California State Medical License
  • Certificate of Added Qualification in Neuroradiology
  • Medical Board of Australia


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  • Outstanding Contributions in Neuroradiology Education Award, American Society of Neuroradiology, 2024
  • Outstanding Faculty Mentoring, Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, 2021
  • Honored Educator Award, Radiological Society of North America, 2020
  • Nominated for Radiology Award for Outstanding Faculty Mentoring, UCSF Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, 2015-2020
  • Patel Memorial Lecturer & Visiting Professor, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, 2015
  • Kenneth D. Dolan Memorial Lecture, "HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Carcinoma", University of Iowa, 2012
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, 2009
  • Professional Leadership Award, American Association of Women in Radiology, 2007
  • Francis A. Sooy Teaching Award, UCSF Department of OTOHNS, 2006
  • Radiology Editors Recognition Award with Distinction, University of California, San Francisco, 2004
  • Nomination, Kaiser Excellence in Teaching Award, University of California, San Francisco, 2003
  • Fellow of the Year, University of Utah, 2001


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  • brain imaging
  • Head and neck cancer
  • neurosurgery
  • hearing loss
  • neck surgery


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Publications (162)

Top publication keywords:
Head and Neck NeoplasmsCranial NervesOrbital DiseasesSinusitisNasopharyngeal NeoplasmsNeoplasm StagingCarcinoma, Squamous CellParanasal Sinus DiseasesTomography, X-Ray ComputedPituitary NeoplasmsBell PalsyParotid NeoplasmsDiagnostic ImagingParanasal SinusesMagnetic Resonance Imaging

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