Casey Tompkins-Rhoades, MD
School of Medicine 415-476-1239

Dr. Casey Tompkins-Rhoades is a surgical resident in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at UCSF. She earned an undergraduate degree in Bioengineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2017 and worked in medical device research and development before earning her medical degree at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Dr. Tompkins-Rhoades is interested in expanding reconstructive options and outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color as well as addressing specific healthcare disparities for pediatric patients with craniosynostosis.

Education & Training

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  • MD Doctor of Medicine University of Pittsburgh 05/2021
  • BS Bioengineering University of Pittsburgh 05/2017

Publications (3)

Top publication keywords:
AxonsCollagen Type IIIStem Cell TransplantationMacacaCollagen Type IDermisGlial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic FactorNeovascularization, PhysiologicDelayed-Action PreparationsNerve RegenerationPPAR gammaSchwann CellsAdipogenesisAdipose TissueBurns