Caroline McCoach, MD, PhD
Volunteer Assistant Clinical Professor
School of Medicine


Caroline McCoach is a thoracic oncologist who focuses on the treatment of patients with lung cancer as well as other thoracic malignancies. Her goal is to provide a personalized approach to treatment, based on each patient’s cancer type in combination with their individual treatment goals.

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Her primary research focus is on treatment of cancers driven by genetic mutations or alterations such as ALK, ROS1, EGFR, and others. She is also working to find treatments to prevent or delay the development of resistance to targeted therapies as well as increase the efficacy of standard targeted therapies by using rational combination treatments. She works closely with laboratory based researchers to develop new and improved treatments for lung cancer patients.

Education & Training

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  • Clinical Fellowship University of Colorado 2017
  • Research Fellowship University of California, Davis 2014
  • Residency/ Chief Residency University of California, Davis 2013
  • MD University of Colorado 2009
  • PhD Biochemistry Stanford University 2005


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  • ROS1
  • Non-small cell lung cancer
  • targeted therapy
  • EGFR
  • ALK
  • oncogenic drivers

Publications (49)

Top publication keywords:
Protein Kinase InhibitorsProto-Oncogene Proteins c-retClonal EvolutionCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungGene FusionLung NeoplasmsDrug Resistance, NeoplasmErbB ReceptorsBrain NeoplasmsMolecular Targeted TherapyAntineoplastic AgentsProtein-Tyrosine KinasesCell-Free Nucleic AcidsPyrazolesOncogene Proteins, Fusion

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