Carly Demopoulos, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine

Dr. Carly Demopoulos is a clinical neuropsychologist and developmental neuroscientist. Her expertise is in utilizing multimodal neuroimaging, behavioral, and neuropsychological data to investigate the impact of sensorimotor abilities on children with neurodevelopmental disorders, with a particular focus on autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Her current research focuses on understanding the sensory, motor, and neural mechanisms that underlie the heterogenous presentation of speech and voice characteristics as well as broader verbal and non-verbal communication in individuals with ASD.

Education & Training

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, & Neuroimaging University of California-San Francisco 10/2018
  • PhD Clinical Psychology Illinois Institute of Technology 2013
  • Internship Neuropsychology University of California-San Diego 2013
  • MA Psychology Columbia University Teachers College 2002
  • BA Psychology University of Chicago 2000


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Grants and Projects

Publications (22)

Top publication keywords:
Autism Spectrum DisorderAutistic DisorderNonverbal CommunicationSensation DisordersHearing LossFacial ExpressionMagnetoencephalographySpeechSocial PerceptionBrain WavesTinnitusChromosome DisordersAffectAuditory PerceptionConnectome