Candy Tsourounis, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy 415-502-5091

Dr. Candy Tsourounis is Professor of Clinical Pharmacy in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy at the University of California San Francisco. Dr. Tsourounis is involved in providing evidence-based reviews of recently approved prescription medications and performing medication utilization analyses in the Department's Medication Outcomes Center.

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Dr. Tsourounis has various areas of research interest including value-based care, quality improvement, implementation science, evidence-based practice, and dietary supplements. Dr. Tsourounis’ research focus has been on dietary supplements and drug-supplement interactions. Currently, Dr. Tsourounis is very interested in demonstrating the value of pharmacists in medication management and value-based initiatives. Dr. Tsourounis is very involved in educating consumers and health professionals on the rational use of medicines. Dr. Tsourounis serves as a clinical consultant and editor for various drug-related publications and computer software programs used by pharmacists and pharmacy learners worldwide. She has coordinated various continuing education programs for national pharmacy societies and serves as a speaker nationally and internationally on the practice of pharmacy.

Education & Training

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  • Residency School of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Practice University of California, San Francisco


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Publications (41)

Top publication keywords:
Delivery of Health CareLegislation, FoodVitaminsPhytotherapyAdrenal Cortex HormonesElectronic Nicotine Delivery SystemsDietary SupplementsTobacco ProductsDrugs, Chinese HerbalUnited States Food and Drug AdministrationTrace ElementsComplementary TherapiesOsteoporosis, PostmenopausalMineralsMetered Dose Inhalers

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