Brian Borsari, PhD
School of Medicine 415-221-4810 ext. 26078

Brian Borsari received his PhD in clinical psychology from Syracuse University in 2003. Dr. Borsari is currently a Health Behavior Consultant and Clinician Researcher at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

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His research interests there involve the assessment and treatment of addictive behaviors, training VA staff in motivational interviewing and other client-centered communication to facilitate behavior change, and developing interventions to assist student service members/veterans who are attending college. He is also Professor in Residence in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. His research conducted through the Northern California Institute of Research and Education (NCIRE), also known as the Veterans Health Research Institute, include the development and implementation of brief motivational interventions with college student drinkers, the social influences on alcohol (e.g., modeling and norms), high risk behaviors such as pregaming and drinking games, development and evaluation of interventions using mobile technology, and in-session processes of motivational interviewing that are related to behavior change.

Education & Training

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  • Postdoctoral Fellowship Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies Brown University 2005
  • Pre-Doctoral Internship Clinical Psychology Boston Consortium of Clinical Psychology 2003
  • Clinical Psychology Arts and Sciences Syracuse University 2003
  • Bachelors of Science Psychology College of William and Mary 1995
  • PSYCHOLOGIST PSY28588 8/23/16
  • PSYCHOLOGIST PS00949 6/8/06


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Grants and Projects

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Publications (190)

Top publication keywords:
MotivationPeer GroupAlcohol DrinkingAlcohol Drinking in CollegeSex OffensesVeteransPlay and PlaythingsAlcoholismUniversitiesMandatory ProgramsAlcohol-Related DisordersMotivational InterviewingCrisis InterventionStudentsPsychotherapy, Brief

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