Brian Borsari, PhD
School of Medicine 415-221-4810 ext. 26078
Brian Borsari received his PhD in clinical psychology from Syracuse University in 2003. Dr. Borsari is currently a Health Behavior Consultant and Clinician Researcher at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
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His research interests there involve the assessment and treatment of addictive behaviors, training VA staff in motivational interviewing and other client-centered communication to facilitate behavior change, and developing interventions to assist student service members/veterans who are attending college. He is also Professor in Residence in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. His research conducted through the Northern California Institute of Research and Education (NCIRE), also known as the Veterans Health Research Institute, include the development and implementation of brief motivational interventions with college student drinkers, the social influences on alcohol (e.g., modeling and norms), high risk behaviors such as pregaming and drinking games, development and evaluation of interventions using mobile technology, and in-session processes of motivational interviewing that are related to behavior change.
Education & Training
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- Postdoctoral Fellowship Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies Brown University 2005
- Pre-Doctoral Internship Clinical Psychology Boston Consortium of Clinical Psychology 2003
- Clinical Psychology Arts and Sciences Syracuse University 2003
- Bachelors of Science Psychology College of William and Mary 1995
- PSYCHOLOGIST PSY28588 8/23/16
- PSYCHOLOGIST PS00949 6/8/06
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- Publications (
Grants and Projects
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- Behavioral economic and wellness-based approaches for reducing alcohol use and consequences among diverse non-student emerging adults, NIH, 2021-2026
- The Impact of Insomnia Treatment on Heavy Alcohol Use among Returning Veterans, NIH, 2019-2024
- Integration of Motivational Interviewing and Behavioral Economics Theories to Enhance Measurement of Client Language as a Mechanism of Behavior Change, NIH, 2020-2024
- Development of a Mobile Mindfulness Intervention for Alcohol Use Disorder and PTSD among OEF/OIF Veterans, NIH, 2020-2023
- Automatic Coding of Therapist and Client Language in Motivational Interviewing to Predict Reductions in Alcohol Use and Problems Using Machine-based Dyadic Multimodal Representation Learning, NIH, 2019-2023
- Client Language Analysis in Veterans and Non-Veterans with Low Motivation to Quit Smoking: Identifying Mechanisms of Change, NIH, 2021-2023
- Foster Care Mental Health Family Navigator, NIH, 2020-2023
- Integrated Alcohol and PTSD Intervention with Veterans in Primary Care, Center for Mental Healthcare and Outcomes Research (VA HSR&D Center of Innovation), 2021-2022
- Chronic Pain and Adherence to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Examination of the Impact of COVID-19, Center for Mental Healthcare and Outcomes Research (VA HSR&D Center of Innovation), 2021-2022
- N-Acetylcysteine for Smoking Cessation in Tobacco and Cannabis Co-Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP), 2020-2022
- QUERI Adaptation Training Hub, VQ HSR&D, 2019-2021
- Comparative effectiveness of patient-centered strategies to improve pain management and opioid safety for Veterans, PCORI, 2016-2021
- Technology-Assisted Motivational Interviewing for Smoking: The TAMI Coach, Tobacco Related Disease Research Program, 2019-2021
- An Integrated Brief Alcohol and PTSD Intervention for Veterans in Primary Care, NIAAA, 2018-2021
- Integrating Alcohol Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment into Presurgical Care, NIH, 2016-2021
- Integrated Treatment for Veterans with Co-Occurring Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder, NIH, 2019-2020
- The Impact of CBT for Insomnia on Alcohol Treatment Outcomes among Veterans, NIH, 2018-2020
- Adaptation of the Motivational Interviewing Skills Code to Identify Clinician and Client Language Predicting Reduced Opioid Use Risk and Increased Use of Alternative Pain Care Strategies in Veterans, NIH, 2019-2020
- Implementation of a Pragmatic Trial of Whole Health Team vs. Primary Care Group Education to Promote Non-Pharmacological Strategies to Improve Pain, Functioning, and Quality of Life in Veterans, NIH, 2017-2019
- Sexual assault prevention for men in the military, CDMRP, 2015-2019
- Marijuana use, problems, and cannabis use disorders in OIF/OEF/OND veterans, NIH, 2012-2017
- mHealth Delivery of a Motivational Intervention to Address Heavy Drinking Among College Freshmen, NIH, 2015-2017
- Improving Opioid Saftey in Veterans Using Collaborative Care and Decision Support, NIH, 2013-2017
- Improving brief alcohol interventions with a behavioral economic supplement, NIH, 2011-2017
- Technical, Relational, & Conditional Process Models of MI Efficacy: Meta-Analysis, NIH, 2015-2017
- Enhanced Treatment for Binge Drinking Depressed College Students, NIH, 2011-2016
- Integrated Alcohol and Sexual Assault Intervention for College Men, NIH, 2012-2015
- Examining in-session Processes of Motivational Interviewing, VISN 1, 2013-2015
- Within-Session Mechanisms of Behavior Change in At-Risk College Students, NIH, 2009-2014
- Sequential and Component Analyses of MI Mechanisms with College Drinkers, NIH, 2009-2014
- Stepped Care for Mandated College Students, NIH, 2005-2011
- Enhancing College ETOH Interventions with a Substance-Free Activity Supplement, NIH, 2008-2011
- Two Brief Alcohol Interventions for College Students, NIH, 2000-1900
Publications (190)
Top publication keywords:
MotivationPeer GroupAlcohol DrinkingAlcohol Drinking in CollegeSex OffensesVeteransPlay and PlaythingsAlcoholismUniversitiesMandatory ProgramsAlcohol-Related DisordersMotivational InterviewingCrisis InterventionStudentsPsychotherapy, Brief
Evaluating the combination of a Brief Motivational Intervention plus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and heavy episodic drinking in college students.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2019 Pedrelli P, Borsari B, Merrill JE, Fisher LB, Nyer M, Shapero BG, Farabaugh A, Hayden ER, Levine MT, Fava M, Weiss RD -
Introduction to the special issue: Responding to the opioid crisis: Perspectives, challenges and directions.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2019 Borsari B, Read JP -
Improvement in therapist skills over sessions in brief motivational interventions predicts client language and alcohol use outcomes.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2019 Borsari B, Hopkins LB, Manuel JK, Apodaca TR, Mastroleo NR, Jackson KM, Magill M, Norona JC, Carey KB -
Associations among trauma, depression, and alcohol use profiles and treatment motivation and engagement in college students.
Journal of American college health : J of ACH 2018 Borsari B, Yalch MM, Pedrelli P, Radomski S, Bachrach RL, Read JP -
Does a Brief Motivational Intervention Reduce Frequency of Pregaming in Mandated Students?
Substance use & misuse 2016 Borsari B, Merrill JE, Yurasek A, Miller MB, Carey KB -
Mandated college students' response to sequentially administered alcohol interventions in a randomized clinical trial using stepped care.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2015 Borsari B, Magill M, Mastroleo NR, Hustad JT, Tevyaw TO, Barnett NP, Kahler CW, Eaton E, Monti PM -
In-session processes of brief motivational interventions in two trials with mandated college students.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2014 Borsari B, Apodaca TR, Jackson KM, Mastroleo NR, Magill M, Barnett NP, Carey KB -
Addressing alcohol use and problems in mandated college students: a randomized clinical trial using stepped care.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2012 Borsari B, Hustad JT, Mastroleo NR, Tevyaw TO, Barnett NP, Kahler CW, Short EE, Monti PM -
Two brief alcohol interventions for mandated college students.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2005 Borsari B, Carey KB -
Descriptive and injunctive norms in college drinking: a meta-analytic integration.
Journal of studies on alcohol 2003 Borsari B, Carey KB -
Peer influences on college drinking: a review of the research.
Journal of substance abuse 2001 Borsari B, Carey KB -
Effects of a brief motivational intervention with college student drinkers.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2000 Borsari B, Carey KB
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Bidirectional links between sleep and pain among heavy-drinking veterans with insomnia.
Sleep advances : a journal of the Sleep Research Society 2024 Tracy EL, So CJ, Shoemaker SD, Kanaley JA, Trull T, Manrique-Acevedo C, McCrae CS, Borsari B, Miller MB -
Care Models to Improve Pain and Reduce Opioids Among Patients Prescribed Long-Term Opioid Therapy: The VOICE Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA internal medicine 2024 Krebs EE, Becker WC, Nelson DB, DeRonne BM, Jensen AC, Kats AM, Morasco BJ, Frank JW, Makris UE, Allen KD, Naylor JC, Mixon AS, Bohnert A, Reznik TE, Painter JT, Hudson TJ, Hagedorn HJ, Manuel JK, … -
Insomnia treatment effects on negative emotionality among veterans in treatment for alcohol use disorder.
Alcohol, clinical & experimental research 2024 Miller MB, Carpenter RW, Nance M, Freeman LK, Metrik J, Borsari B, McCrae CS, Merrill JE, Carey KB, McGeary JE -
Prior Sexual Aggression as a Moderator of an Integrated Alcohol and Sexual Assault Prevention Program for Heavy Drinking College Men: A Brief Report.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2024 Orchowski LM, Merrill JE, Peterson R, Barnett NP, Berkowitz A, Borsari B, Oesterle DW, Zlotnick C -
Learning & motivational talk in smoking cessation interventions: An examination of session language in two randomized trials.
Patient education and counseling 2024 Borsari B, Herbst E, Ladd BO, Delacruz J, Mastroleo N, Smith AR, Fetterling T, Poole L, Baxley C, Wu A, Jackson K, Myers M, Catley D -
From alcohol and other drug treatment mediator to mechanism to implementation: A systematic review and the cases of self-efficacy, social support, and craving.
Alcohol, clinical & experimental research 2024 Maisto SA, Moskal D, Firkey MK, Bergman BG, Borsari B, Hallgren KA, Houck JM, Hurlocker M, Kiluk BD, Kuerbis A, Reid AE, Magill M -
Behavioral economic and wellness-based approaches for reducing alcohol use and consequences among diverse non-student emerging adults: study protocol for Project BLUE, a randomized controlled trial.
Trials 2024 Murphy JG, Dennhardt AA, Tempchin J, Colgonis HE, McDevitt-Murphy ME, Borsari B, Berlin KS -
The Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders on Veterans' Interpersonal Difficulties.
Substance use & misuse 2024 Norona JC, Borsari B, Yalch MM, Baxley C, Gnys M, DeMarce JM -
Behavioral Economic and Wellness-based Approaches for Reducing Alcohol Use and Consequences Among Diverse Non-Student Emerging Adults: Study Protocol for Project BLUE, a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Research square 2024 Murphy JG, Dennhardt AA, Tempchin J, Colgonis HE, McDevitt-Murphy M, Borsari B, Berlin KS -
A pilot trial of a brief intervention for cannabis use supplemented with a substance-free activity session or relaxation training.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2024 Murphy JG, Dennhardt AA, Utzelmann B, Borsari B, Ladd BO, Martens MP, White HR, Yurasek AM, Campbell KW, Witkiewitz K -
Integrated Alcohol Use and Sexual Assault Prevention Program for College Men Who Engage in Heavy Drinking: Randomized Pilot Study.
JMIR formative research 2023 Orchowski LM, Merrill JE, Oesterle DW, Barnett NP, Borsari B, Zlotnick C, Haikalis MP, Bekowitz AD -
Qualitative Analysis of Bystander Intervention Among Young Adult Male Soldiers Who Engage in At-Risk Drinking.
Journal of interpersonal violence 2023 Orchowski LM, Oesterle DW, Borsari B, Berry-Cabán CS, Kazemi DM, Kahler CW, Berkowitz AD -
Perpetuating and protective factors in insomnia across racial/ethnic groups of veterans.
Journal of sleep research 2023 Rubi S, Monk JK, Shoemaker S, Miller C, Prabhu N, Flores LY, Bernard D, McCrae CS, Borsari B, Miller MB -
A Family-Based Mental Health Navigator Intervention for Youth in the Child Welfare System: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
JMIR research protocols 2023 Tolou-Shams M, Ramaiya M, Lara Salas J, Ezimora I, Shumway M, Duerr Berrick J, Aguilera A, Borsari B, Dauria E, Friedling N, Holmes C, Grandi A -
A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of Primary Care Treatment Integrating Motivation and Exposure Treatment (PC-TIME) in Veterans With PTSD and Harmful Alcohol Use.
Behavior therapy 2023 Possemato K, Mastroleo NR, Balderrama-Durbin C, King P, Davis A, Borsari B, Rauch SAM -
The Intersection between Alcohol use and Sexual Activity among Young Adult Male U.S. Service Members.
Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMH 2023 Orchowski LM, Meerhaeghe BM, Lane AR, Kazemi DM, Borsari B, Berry-Cabán CS -
Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Alcohol Treatment Outcomes Among US Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA psychiatry 2023 Miller MB, Carpenter RW, Freeman LK, Dunsiger S, McGeary JE, Borsari B, McCrae CS, Arnedt JT, Korte P, Merrill JE, Carey KB, Metrik J -
Reducing Alcohol Use Before and After Surgery: Qualitative Study of Two Treatment Approaches.
JMIR perioperative medicine 2023 Chapman L, Ren T, Solka J, Bazzi AR, Borsari B, Mello MJ, Fernandez AC -
N-acetylcysteine for smoking cessation among dual users of tobacco and cannabis: Protocol and rationale for a randomized controlled trial.
Contemporary clinical trials 2023 Herbst ED, Pennington DL, Borsari B, Manuel J, Yalch M, Alcid E, Martinez Rivas M, Delacruz J, Rossi N, Garcia B, Wong N, Batki SL -
Cannabis demand and use among veterans: A prospective examination.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2023 Aston ER, Meshesha LZ, Stevens AK, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Prospective Associations Between Anxiety Sensitivity, Distress Intolerance, Depressive Symptoms, and Indices of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among Veterans.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2023 McCarty KN, Stevens AK, Gunn RL, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Development of a mobile mindfulness smartphone app for post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol use problems for veterans: Beta test results and study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Contemporary clinical trials 2023 Davis JP, Pedersen ER, Borsari B, Bowen S, Owen J, Sedano A, Fitzke R, Delacruz J, Tran DD, Buch K, Saba S, Canning L, Bunyi J -
Addictions treatment mechanisms of change science and implementation science: A critical review.
Alcohol, clinical & experimental research 2023 Magill M, Maisto S, Borsari B, Glass JE, Hallgren K, Houck J, Kiluk B, Kuerbis A -
An Application of the Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression Among Young Adult Male Soldiers.
Journal of interpersonal violence 2023 Orchowski LM, Oesterle DW, Berry-Cabán CS, Borsari B, Kahler CW, Kazemi DM, Berkowitz AD -
Rationale and design of a multisite randomized clinical trial examining an integrated behavioral treatment for veterans with co-occurring chronic pain and opioid use disorder: The pain and opioids integrated treatment in veterans (POSITIVE) trial.
Contemporary clinical trials 2023 Vowles KE, Witkiewitz K, Clarke E, Schmidt Z, Borsari B, Edwards KE, Korecki JR, Moniz-Lewis DI, Bondzie JA, Mullins C, Thoreson CI, Delacruz J, Wilkins CH, Nelson S, Delventura J, Henderson R, Katz A… -
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol-induced blackout in a diverse sample of veterans.
Alcohol, clinical & experimental research 2022 Miller MB, Freeman LK, Aranda A, Shoemaker S, Sisk D, Rubi S, Everson AT, Flores LY, Williams MS, Dorimé-Williams ML, McCrae CS, Borsari B -
Effects of buprenorphine on opioid craving in comparison to other medications for opioid use disorder: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Addictive behaviors 2022 Baxley C, Borsari B, Reavis JV, Manuel JK, Herbst E, Becker W, Pennington D, Batki SL, Seal K -
Design, methods, and recruitment outcomes of the Veterans' Pain Care Organizational Improvement Comparative Effectiveness (VOICE) study.
Contemporary clinical trials 2022 Krebs EE, Becker WC, Nelson D, DeRonne BM, Nugent S, Jensen AC, Amundson EC, Manuel JK, Borsari B, Kats AM, Seal KH -
Development and Initial Testing of a Brief, Integrated Intervention Aimed at Reducing Heavy Alcohol Use and PTSD among Military Veterans in Primary Care.
Professional psychology, research and practice 2022 Mastroleo NR, Possemato K, King PR, Balderrama-Durbin C, Crinnin C, Cigrang J, Read JP, Borsari B, Maisto SA, Rauch SAM -
Preoperative alcohol interventions for elective surgical patients: Results from a randomized pilot trial.
Surgery 2022 Fernandez AC, Chapman L, Ren TY, Baxley C, Hallway AK, Tang MJ, Waljee JF, Friedmann PD, Mello M, Borsari B, Blow F -
Identifying correlates of suicide ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis of 148 sociodemographic and pandemic-specific factors.
Journal of psychiatric research 2022 Dolsen EA, Nishimi K, LeWinn KZ, Byers AL, Tripp P, Woodward E, Khan AJ, Marx BP, Borsari B, Jiha A, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A -
Cost-Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing to Reduce Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among Patients With Depression.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2022 Satre DD, Parthasarathy S, Young-Wolff KC, Meacham MC, Borsari B, Hirschtritt ME, Van Dyke L, Sterling SA -
Prospective associations between sleep disturbances and cannabis use among Veterans: A behavioral economic approach.
Addictive behaviors 2022 Berey BL, Aston ER, Kearns NT, McGeary JE, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Impact of discrimination and coping on Veterans' willingness to seek treatment for physical and mental health problems.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2022 Miller MB, Monk JK, Flores LY, Everson AT, Martinez LD, Massey K, Blanke EM, Dorimé-Williams ML, Williams MS, McCrae CS, Borsari B -
Change in alcohol demand following a brief intervention predicts change in alcohol use: A latent growth curve analysis.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2022 Gex KS, Acuff SF, Campbell KW, Mun EY, Dennhardt AA, Borsari B, Martens MP, Murphy JG -
Motives for and Barriers to Research Participation Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Veterans.
Military medicine 2022 Miller MB, Flores LY, Dorimé-Williams ML, Williams MS, Martinez LD, Freeman LK, Everson AT, Hall NA, Monk JK, McCrae CS, Borsari B -
Prior trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
Journal of psychiatric research 2022 Nishimi K, Borsari B, Tripp P, Jiha A, Dolsen EA, Woolley JD, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A -
Correlates of Bystander Intervention Attitudes and Intentions Among Young Adult Active Duty Male Soldiers.
Journal of interpersonal violence 2022 Orchowski LM, Berkowitz A, Oesterle D, Berry-Cabán C, Borsari B, Kahler CW, Kazemi DM -
Cultural adaptations of motivational interviewing: A systematic review.
Psychological services 2022 Self KJ, Borsari B, Ladd BO, Nicolas G, Gibson CJ, Jackson K, Manuel JK -
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms associated with protective and risky behaviors for coronavirus disease 2019.
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2022 Nishimi K, Borsari B, Marx BP, Tripp P, Woodward E, Rosen RC, Cohen BE, Maven D, Jiha A, Woolley JD, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A -
Beyond BASICS: A scoping review of novel intervention content to enhance the efficacy of brief alcohol interventions for emerging adults.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2022 Murphy JG, Gex KS, Dennhardt AA, Miller AP, O'Neill SE, Borsari B -
Clusters of COVID-19 protective and risky behaviors and their associations with pandemic, socio-demographic, and mental health factors in the United States.
Preventive medicine reports 2021 Nishimi K, Borsari B, Marx BP, Rosen RC, Cohen BE, Woodward E, Maven D, Tripp P, Jiha A, Woolley JD, Neylan TC, O'Donovan A -
Beliefs About Perioperative Opioid and Alcohol Use among Elective Surgical Patients Who Report Unhealthy Drinking: A Qualitative Study.
Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 2021 Fernandez AC, Lin LA, Bazzi AR, Boissoneault J, Borsari B, Blow F -
Trajectories of reward availability moderate the impact of brief alcohol interventions on alcohol severity in heavy-drinking young adults.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2021 Murphy JG, Campbell KW, Joyner KJ, Dennhardt AA, Martens MP, Borsari B -
Protocol for the Project SAVE randomised controlled trial examining CBT for insomnia among veterans in treatment for alcohol use disorder.
BMJ open 2021 Miller MB, Metrik J, McGeary JE, Borsari B, McCrae CS, Maddoux J, Arnedt JT, Merrill JE, Carey KB -
Analysis of Behavior Classification in Motivational Interviewing.
Proceedings of the conference. Association for Computational Linguistics. North American Chapter. Meeting 2021 Tavabi L, Tran T, Stefanov K, Borsari B, Woolley JD, Scherer S, Soleymani M -
Telephone veteran peer coaching for mental health treatment engagement among rural veterans: The importance of secondary outcomes and qualitative data in a randomized controlled trial.
The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association 2021 Seal KH, Pyne JM, Manuel JK, Li Y, Koenig CJ, Zamora KA, Abraham TH, Mesidor MM, Hill C, Uddo M, Hamilton M, Borsari B, Bertenthal D, Casey JJ, Kelly PA -
Emotion dysregulation moderates the relationship between alcohol use and eating pathology among heavy-drinking college men.
Journal of clinical psychology 2021 Horvath SA, Kolp HM, Andersen CV, Johnson EE, Racine SE, Borsari B, Stuart GL, Gidycz CA, Shorey RC -
Drinking less on cannabis use days: The moderating role of UPPS-P impulsive personality traits.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2021 Waddell JT, Gunn RL, Corbin WR, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Changes in secondary outcomes associated with brief interventions for problem gambling in methadone patients.
Addictive behaviors 2021 Baxley C, Weinstock J, Rash CJ, Yalch MM, Borsari B, Garner AA, Benware J -
Gaps in Alcohol Screening and Intervention Practices in Surgical Healthcare: A Qualitative Study.
Journal of addiction medicine 2021 Fernandez AC, Guetterman TC, Borsari B, Mello MJ, Mellinger J, Tonnesen H, Hosanagar A, Morris AM, Blow FC -
Randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing for alcohol and cannabis use within a predominantly Hispanic adolescent sample.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2021 Feldstein Ewing S, Bryan AD, Dash GF, Lovejoy TI, Borsari B, Schmiege SJ -
A pilot trial of collaborative care with motivational interviewing to reduce opioid risk and improve chronic pain management.
Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2021 Borsari B, Li Y, Tighe J, Manuel JK, Gökbayrak NS, Delucchi K, Morasco BJ, Abadjian L, Cohen BE, Baxley C, Seal KH -
Whole Health Options and Pain Education (wHOPE): A Pragmatic Trial Comparing Whole Health Team vs Primary Care Group Education to Promote Nonpharmacological Strategies to Improve Pain, Functioning, and Quality of Life in Veterans-Rationale, Methods, and Implementation.
Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 2020 Seal KH, Becker WC, Murphy JL, Purcell N, Denneson LM, Morasco BJ, Martin AM, Reddy K, Iseghem TV, Krebs EE, Painter JM, Hagedorn H, Pyne JM, Hixon J, Maguen S, Neylan TC, Borsari B, DeRonne B, Gibson… -
Multimodal Automatic Coding of Client Behavior in Motivational Interviewing.
Proceedings of the ... ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. ICMI (Conference) 2020 Tavabi L, Borsari B, Stefanov K, Woolley JD, Soleymani M, Zhang L, Scherer S -
A Qualitative Analysis of Sexual Consent among Heavy-drinking College Men.
Journal of interpersonal violence 2020 Orchowski LM, Oesterle DW, Moreno O, Yusufov M, Berkowitz A, Abbey A, Barnett NP, Borsari B -
Examining motivational pathways from adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms to cannabis use: Results from a prospective study of veterans.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2020 Stevens AK, Gunn RL, Jackson KM, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Statistically derived patterns of behavioral economic risk among heavy-drinking college students: A latent profile analysis.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2020 Campbell KW, Voss AT, Acuff SF, Pebley K, Berlin KS, Martens MP, Borsari B, Dennhardt AA, Murphy JG -
Cannabis use and posttraumatic stress disorder: prospective evidence from a longitudinal study of veterans.
Psychological medicine 2020 Metrik J, Stevens AK, Gunn RL, Borsari B, Jackson KM -
Oxytocin-enhanced group therapy for methamphetamine use disorder: Randomized controlled trial.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2020 Stauffer CS, Moschetto JM, McKernan S, Meinzer N, Chiang C, Rapier R, Hsiang E, Norona J, Borsari B, Woolley JD -
Effectiveness of a Theory-Based mHealth Intervention for High-Risk Drinking in College Students.
Substance use & misuse 2020 Kazemi DM, Borsari B, Levine MJ, Li S, Shehab M, Fang F, Norona JC -
Integration of motivational interviewing and behavioral economic theories to enhance brief alcohol interventions: Rationale and preliminary examination of client language.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2020 Ladd BO, Murphy JG, Borsari B -
Longitudinal associations between negative urgency, symptoms of depression, cannabis and alcohol use in veterans.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2020 Gunn RL, Stevens AK, Micalizzi L, Jackson KM, Borsari B, Metrik J -
High Opportunity Cost Demand as an Indicator of Weekday Drinking and Distinctly Severe Alcohol Problems: A Behavioral Economic Analysis.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2019 Joyner KJ, Meshesha LZ, Dennhardt AA, Borsari B, Martens MP, Murphy JG -
A longitudinal examination of daily patterns of cannabis and alcohol co-use among medicinal and recreational veteran cannabis users.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2019 Gunn R, Jackson K, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Conclusion to the special issue: Responding to the opioid crisis-perspectives, challenges, and directions.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2019 Read JP, Borsari B -
Longitudinal Associations between Sleep, Intrusive Thoughts, and Alcohol Problems Among Veterans.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2019 Miller MB, Metrik J, Borsari B, Jackson KM -
Temporal precedence of self-regulation over depression and alcohol problems: Support for a model of self-regulatory failure.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2019 Acuff SF, Soltis KE, Dennhardt AA, Borsari B, Martens MP, Witkiewitz K, Murphy JG -
A randomized clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of a brief alcohol intervention supplemented with a substance-free activity session or relaxation training.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2019 Murphy JG, Dennhardt AA, Martens MP, Borsari B, Witkiewitz K, Meshesha LZ -
Brief Motivational Interventions Are Associated with Reductions in Alcohol-Induced Blackouts Among Heavy Drinking College Students.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2019 Acuff SF, Voss AT, Dennhardt AA, Borsari B, Martens MP, Murphy JG -
Oxytocin-enhanced motivational interviewing group therapy for methamphetamine use disorder in men who have sex with men: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials 2019 Stauffer CS, Moschetto JM, McKernan SM, Hsiang E, Borsari B, Woolley JD -
Cannabis use and anxiety sensitivity in relation to physical health and functioning in post-9/11 veterans
Cognitive Therapy and Research 2019 Stewart, K., Ferris, S. A., Jackson, K. M., Borsari, B., & Metrik, J. M. -
Optimizing pain treatment interventions (OPTI): A pilot randomized controlled trial of collaborative care to improve chronic pain management and opioid safety-Rationale, methods, and lessons learned.
Contemporary clinical trials 2018 Seal KH, Borsari B, Tighe J, Cohen BE, Delucchi K, Morasco BJ, Li Y, Sachs E, Abadjian L, Watson EC, Manuel JK, Vella L, Trafton J, Midboe A -
Real-time demonstration of a mHealth app designed to reduce college students hazardous drinking.
Psychological services 2018 Kazemi DM, Borsari B, Levine MJ, Shehab M, Nelson M, Dooley B, Stinson B, Fang F, Li S -
Psychiatric Disorders and Comorbid Cannabis Use: When Should We Be Concerned and What Can We Do About It?
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2018 Satre DD, Borsari B, Tompkins DA, Ramo D -
Sexual Assault Prevention for Heavy Drinking College Men: Development and Feasibility of an Integrated Approach.
Violence against women 2018 Orchowski LM, Barnett NP, Berkowitz A, Borsari B, Oesterle D, Zlotnick C -
Alcohol Use and Risk Factors for Sexual Aggression: Differences According to Relationship Status.
Journal of interpersonal violence 2018 Norona JC, Borsari B, Oesterle DW, Orchowski LM -
Cannabis Use and Anxiety Sensitivity in Relation to Physical Health and Functioning in post-9/11 Veterans.
Cognitive therapy and research 2018 Stewart KL, Farris SG, Jackson KM, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Do what you say and say what you are going to do: A preliminary meta-analysis of client change and sustain talk subtypes in motivational interviewing.
Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research 2018 Magill M, Bernstein MH, Hoadley A, Borsari B, Apodaca TR, Gaume J, Tonigan JS -
Self-regulation as a mediator of the effects of a brief behavioral economic intervention on alcohol-related outcomes: A preliminary analysis.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2018 Soltis KE, Acuff SF, Dennhardt AA, Borsari B, Martens MP, Murphy JG -
Heterogeneity of Pregamers by Consumption and Reinforcement Reasons: A Latent Profile Analysis.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2018 Haas AL, Wickham RE, Zamboanga BL, Read JP, Borsari B -
Negative urgency partially accounts for the relationship between major depressive disorder and marijuana problems.
Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation 2018 Gunn RL, Jackson KM, Borsari B, Metrik J -
Daily Patterns of Marijuana and Alcohol Co-Use Among Individuals with Alcohol and Cannabis Use Disorders.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2018 Metrik J, Gunn RL, Jackson KM, Sokolovsky AW, Borsari B -
Evaluations of Sexual Assault Prevention Programs in Military Settings: A Synthesis of the Research Literature.
Military medicine 2018 Orchowski LM, Berry-Cabán CS, Prisock K, Borsari B, Kazemi DM -
Mechanisms of Behavior Change Within Peer-Implemented Alcohol Interventions.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2018 Eaton EM, Magill M, Capone C, Cramer MA, Mastroleo NR, Reavy R, Borsari B -
Medicinal versus Recreational Cannabis Use among Returning Veterans.
Translational issues in psychological science 2018 Metrik J, Bassett SS, Aston ER, Jackson KM, Borsari B -
REMIT: Development of a mHealth theory-based intervention to decrease heavy episodic drinking among college students.
Addiction research & theory 2017 Kazemi DM, Borsari B, Levine MJ, Lamberson KA, Dooley B -
A meta-analysis of motivational interviewing process: Technical, relational, and conditional process models of change.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2017 Magill M, Apodaca TR, Borsari B, Gaume J, Hoadley A, Gordon REF, Tonigan JS, Moyers T -
Systematic review of surveillance by social media platforms for illicit drug use.
Journal of public health (Oxford, England) 2017 Kazemi DM, Borsari B, Levine MJ, Dooley B -
Trajectories of in-session change language in brief motivational interventions with mandated college students.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2017 Borsari B, Apodaca TR, Jackson KM, Fernandez A, Mastroleo NR, Magill M, Barnett NP, Carey KB -
Future so bright? Delay discounting and consideration of future consequences predict academic performance among college drinkers.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2017 Acuff SF, Soltis KE, Dennhardt AA, Borsari B, Martens MP, Murphy JG -
Marijuana use in the context of alcohol interventions for mandated college students.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2017 Yurasek AM, Merrill JE, Metrik J, Miller MB, Fernandez AC, Borsari B -
Insomnia severity as a mediator of the association between mental health symptoms and alcohol use in young adult veterans.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2017 Miller MB, DiBello AM, Carey KB, Borsari B, Pedersen ER -
Validation of a Seven-Factor Structure for the Motives for Playing Drinking Games Measure.
Assessment 2017 Zamboanga BL, Audley S, Olthuis JV, Blumenthal H, Tomaso CC, Bui N, Borsari B -
A Systematic Review of the mHealth Interventions to Prevent Alcohol and Substance Abuse.
Journal of health communication 2017 Kazemi DM, Borsari B, Levine MJ, Li S, Lamberson KA, Matta LA -
Mental health treatment utilization in OIF/OEF National Guard and Reserve troops with and without DSM diagnoses.
The American journal of orthopsychiatry 2017 Primack JM, Borsari B, Benz MB, Reddy MK, Shea MT -
Student service members/veterans on campus: Challenges for reintegration.
The American journal of orthopsychiatry 2017 Borsari B, Yurasek A, Miller MB, Murphy JG, McDevitt-Murphy ME, Martens MP, Darcy MG, Carey KB -
Do brief motivational interventions reduce drinking game frequency in mandated students? An analysis of data from two randomized controlled trials.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2016 Fernandez AC, Yurasek AM, Merrill JE, Miller MB, Zamboanga BL, Carey KB, Borsari B -
The impact of sleep and psychiatric symptoms on alcohol consequences among young adults.
Addictive behaviors 2016 Miller MB, Van Reen E, Barker DH, Roane BM, Borsari B, McGeary JE, Seifer R, Carskadon MA -
The mediating roles of coping, sleep, and anxiety motives in cannabis use and problems among returning veterans with PTSD and MDD.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2016 Metrik J, Jackson K, Bassett SS, Zvolensky MJ, Seal K, Borsari B -
Does mental status impact therapist and patient communication in emergency department brief interventions addressing alcohol use?
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2016 Borsari B, Apodaca TR, Yurasek A, Monti PM -
Gender Differences in the Relationships Among Major Depressive Disorder, Heavy Alcohol Use, and Mental Health Treatment Engagement Among College Students.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2016 Pedrelli P, Borsari B, Lipson SK, Heinze JE, Eisenberg D -
Current Alcohol Use is Associated with Sleep Patterns in First-Year College Students.
Sleep 2016 Van Reen E, Roane BM, Barker DH, McGeary JE, Borsari B, Carskadon MA -
Drinking Location and Pregaming as Predictors of Alcohol Intoxication Among Mandated College Students.
Substance use & misuse 2016 Miller MB, Borsari B, Fernandez AC, Yurasek AM, Hustad JT -
Pregaming, Drinking Duration, and Movement as Unique Predictors of Alcohol Use and Cognitions Among Mandated College Students.
Substance use & misuse 2016 Yurasek A, Miller MB, Mastroleo N, Lazar V, Borsari B -
Extreme Consumption Drinking Gaming and Prepartying Among High School Students.
Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse 2016 Tomaso CC, Zamboanga BL, Haas AL, Kenney SR, Ham LS, Borsari B -
Informing alcohol interventions for student service members/veterans: Normative perceptions and coping strategies.
Addictive behaviors 2016 Miller MB, Brett EI, Leavens EL, Meier E, Borsari B, Leffingwell TR -
Do As I Say, Not As I Do.
Journal of drug education 2016 Logan DE, Mastroleo NR, Wood MD, Borsari B -
Drinking Game Participation Among High School and Incoming College Students: A Narrative Review.
Journal of addictions nursing 2016 Zamboanga BL, Tomaso CC, Cloutier RM, Blumenthal H, Kenney SR, Borsari B -
Summer Versus School-Year Alcohol Use Among Mandated College Students.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2016 Miller MB, Merrill JE, Yurasek AM, Mastroleo NR, Borsari B -
Predicting utilization of healthcare services in the veterans health administration by returning women veterans: The role of trauma exposure and symptoms of posttraumatic stress.
Psychological services 2015 Ryan ET, McGrath AC, Creech SK, Borsari B -
Which Individual Therapist Behaviors Elicit Client Change Talk and Sustain Talk in Motivational Interviewing?
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2015 Apodaca TR, Jackson KM, Borsari B, Magill M, Longabaugh R, Mastroleo NR, Barnett NP -
Brief Motivational Interventions Are Associated With Reductions in Alcohol-Impaired Driving Among College Drinkers.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2015 Teeters JB, Borsari B, Martens MP, Murphy JG -
A systematic review of behavioural interventions to reduce preoperative alcohol use.
Drug and alcohol review 2015 Fernandez AC, Claborn KR, Borsari B -
Descriptive norms and expectancies as mediators of a brief motivational intervention for mandated college students receiving stepped care for alcohol use.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2015 Yurasek AM, Borsari B, Magill M, Mastroleo NR, Hustad JT, Tevyaw TO, Barnett NP, Kahler CW, Monti PM -
Associations among Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress, and Hazardous Drinking in College Students: Considerations for Intervention.
Current addiction reports 2015 Read JP, Radomski S, Borsari B -
The Impact of Military Deployment and Reintegration on Children and Parenting: A Systematic Review.
Professional psychology, research and practice 2014 Creech SK, Hadley W, Borsari B -
Tailgating and pregaming by college students with alcohol offenses: patterns of alcohol use and beliefs.
Substance use & misuse 2014 Hustad JT, Mastroleo NR, Urwin R, Zeman S, LaSalle L, Borsari B -
Drinking games, tailgating, and pregaming: precollege predictors of risky college drinking.
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 2014 Moser K, Pearson MR, Hustad JT, Borsari B -
Not just fun and games: a review of college drinking games research from 2004 to 2013.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2014 Zamboanga BL, Olthuis JV, Kenney SR, Correia CJ, Van Tyne K, Ham LS, Borsari B -
Sustain talk predicts poorer outcomes among mandated college student drinkers receiving a brief motivational intervention.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2014 Apodaca TR, Borsari B, Jackson KM, Magill M, Longabaugh R, Mastroleo NR, Barnett NP -
The Hazardous Drinking Games Measure (HDGM): a multi-site implementation.
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 2014 Borsari B, Peterson C, Zamboanga BL, Correia CJ, Olthuis JV, Ham LS, Grossbard J -
Towards the development of laboratory methods for studying drinking games: initial findings, methodological considerations, and future directions.
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 2014 Silvestri MM, Lewis JM, Borsari B, Correia CJ -
Response of heavy-drinking voluntary and mandated college students to a peer-led brief motivational intervention addressing alcohol use.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2014 Mastroleo NR, Oakley WC, Eaton EM, Borsari B -
The technical hypothesis of motivational interviewing: a meta-analysis of MI's key causal model.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2014 Magill M, Gaume J, Apodaca TR, Walthers J, Mastroleo NR, Borsari B, Longabaugh R -
A pilot study of two supervision approaches for peer-led alcohol interventions with mandated college students.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2014 Mastroleo NR, Magill M, Barnett NP, Borsari B -
The comparative effectiveness of individual and group brief motivational interventions for mandated college students.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2014 Hustad JT, Mastroleo NR, Kong L, Urwin R, Zeman S, Lasalle L, Borsari B -
The role of alcohol perceptions as mediators between personality and alcohol-related outcomes among incoming college-student drinkers.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2014 Hustad JT, Pearson MR, Neighbors C, Borsari B -
Phone-delivered brief motivational interventions for mandated college students delivered during the summer months.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2014 Borsari B, Short EE, Mastroleo NR, Hustad JT, Tevyaw TO, Barnett NP, Kahler CW, Monti PM -
Hospitalizations for students with an alcohol-related sanction: gender and pregaming as risk factors.
Journal of American college health : J of ACH 2014 Ahmed R, Hustad JT, LaSalle L, Borsari B -
Universal prevention for alcohol use disorders: 1940-2014.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Supplement 2014 Borsari B -
Commentary on Kuntsche & Labhart (2013): when and why does pre-gaming occur?
Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2013 Borsari B, Mastroleo NR, Hustad JT, Zamboanga BL -
Trouble brewing: pregaming among high school and incoming college students.
Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services 2013 Zamboanga BL, Tomaso CC, Haas AL, Olthuis JV, Borish S, Borsari B -
Are "extreme consumption games" drinking games? Sometimes it's a matter of perspective.
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 2013 Zamboanga BL, Pearce MW, Kenney SR, Ham LS, Woods OE, Borsari B -
Combined MI + CBT for Depressive Symptoms and Binge Drinking Among Young Adults: Two Case Studies.
Journal of cognitive psychotherapy 2013 Pedrelli P, Borsari B, Palm KM, Dalton E, Fava M -
Characterizing high school students who play drinking games using latent class analysis.
Addictive behaviors 2013 Borsari B, Zamboanga BL, Correia C, Olthuis JV, Van Tyne K, Zadworny Z, Grossbard JR, Horton NJ -
Examining alcohol and alcohol-free versions of a Simulated Drinking Game Procedure.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2013 Silvestri MM, Cameron JM, Borsari B, Correia CJ -
Alcohol use, military sexual trauma, expectancies, and coping skills in women veterans presenting to primary care.
Addictive behaviors 2013 Creech SK, Borsari B -
An update of research examining college student alcohol-related consequences: new perspectives and implications for interventions.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2012 Mallett KA, Varvil-Weld L, Borsari B, Read JP, Neighbors C, White HR -
Knowing where they're going: destination-specific pregaming behaviors in a multiethnic sample of college students.
Journal of clinical psychology 2012 Zamboanga BL, Casner HG, Olthuis JV, Borsari B, Ham LS, Schwartz SJ, Bersamin M, Van Tyne K, Pedersen ER -
How does the Brief CEOA match with self-generated expectancies in mandated students?
Addictive behaviors 2012 Peterson C, Borsari B, Mastroleo NR, Read J, Carey KB -
A randomized controlled trial of a behavioral economic supplement to brief motivational interventions for college drinking.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2012 Murphy JG, Dennhardt AA, Skidmore JR, Borsari B, Barnett NP, Colby SM, Martens MP -
Overestimation of peer substance use: additional perspectives.
Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2012 Borsari B, Carey KB -
Correlates of alcohol-related regretted sex among college students.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2012 Orchowski LM, Mastroleo NR, Borsari B -
A behavioral economic supplement to brief motivational interventions for college drinking.
Addiction research & theory 2012 Murphy JG, Skidmore JR, Dennhardt AA, Martens MP, Borsari B, Barnett NP, Colby SM -
Do coaches make a difference off the field? The examination of athletic coach influence on early college student drinking.
Addiction research & theory 2012 Mastroleo NR, Marzell M, Turrisi R, Borsari B -
Clinical Considerations in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders with Veterans.
Journal of contemporary psychotherapy 2011 Borsari B, Capone C, Mastroleo NR, Monti PM -
Does clinician continuity over two brief motivational sessions improve outcomes in college students?
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2011 Short EE, Fernandez A, Borsari B, Hustad JT, Wood M -
Pregaming in high school students: relevance to risky drinking practices, alcohol cognitions, and the social drinking context.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2011 Zamboanga BL, Borsari B, Ham LS, Olthuis JV, Van Tyne K, Casner HG -
College alcohol citations result in modest reductions in student drinking.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2010 Hustad JT, Eaton Short E, Borsari B, Barnett NP, O'Leary Tevyaw T, Kahler CW -
Brief motivational and parent interventions for college students: a randomized factorial study.
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2010 Wood MD, Fairlie AM, Fernandez AC, Borsari B, Capone C, Laforge R, Carmona-Barros R -
Resident assistant and college students' perceptions of alcohol use.
Addictive behaviors 2010 King JJ, Borsari B, Chen J -
Hostility in mandated students: exploratory analysis and implications for treatment.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2010 Barthelmes CK, Borsari B, Hustad JT, Barnett NP -
Web-based screening and brief motivational intervention reduces alcohol use in heavy-drinking undergraduates at up to 6 months.
Evidence-based medicine 2010 Hustad JT, Borsari B -
Web-based alcohol prevention for incoming college students: a randomized controlled trial.
Addictive behaviors 2009 Hustad JT, Barnett NP, Borsari B, Jackson KM -
Alcohol use in the Greek system, 1999-2009: a decade of progress.
Current drug abuse reviews 2009 Borsari B, Hustad JT, Capone C -
Projected alcohol dose influences on the activation of alcohol expectancies in college drinkers.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2009 Read JP, Lau-Barraco C, Dunn ME, Borsari B -
Collateral reports in the college setting: a meta-analytic integration.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2009 Borsari B, Muellerleile P -
Readiness to change in brief motivational interventions: a requisite condition for drinking reductions?
Addictive behaviors 2008 Borsari B, Murphy JG, Carey KB -
Profiles of college students mandated to alcohol intervention.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2008 Barnett NP, Borsari B, Hustad JT, Tevyaw TO, Colby SM, Kahler CW, Monti PM -
Validation of the 30-day version of the Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire for use in longitudinal studies.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2008 Kahler CW, Hustad J, Barnett NP, Strong DR, Borsari B -
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorders in College Students.
Journal of college student psychotherapy 2008 Borsari B, Read JP, Campbell JF -
Fraternity and sorority involvement, social influences, and alcohol use among college students: a prospective examination.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2007 Capone C, Wood MD, Borsari B, Laird RD -
Drinking before drinking: pregaming and drinking games in mandated students.
Addictive behaviors 2007 Borsari B, Boyle KE, Hustad JT, Barnett NP, O'Leary Tevyaw T, Kahler CW -
Predictors of motivation to change alcohol use among referred college students.
Addictive behaviors 2007 Shealy AE, Murphy JG, Borsari B, Correia CJ -
Peer enhancement of a brief motivational intervention with mandated college students.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2007 Tevyaw TO, Borsari B, Colby SM, Monti PM -
Stepped care for mandated college students: a pilot study.
The American journal on addictions 2007 Borsari B, O'Leary Tevyaw T, Barnett NP, Kahler CW, Monti PM -
Predictors of alcohol use during the first year of college: implications for prevention.
Addictive behaviors 2007 Borsari B, Murphy JG, Barnett NP -
Patterns and importance of self-other differences in college drinking norms.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2006 Carey KB, Borsari B, Carey MP, Maisto SA -
How the quality of peer relationships influences college alcohol use.
Drug and alcohol review 2006 Borsari B, Carey KB -
The utility of collateral informant assessment in college alcohol research: results from a longitudinal prevention trial.
Journal of studies on alcohol 2005 Laforge RG, Borsari B, Baer JS -
Brief alcohol interventions with mandated or adjudicated college students.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2004 Barnett NP, Tevyaw TO, Fromme K, Borsari B, Carey KB, Corbin WR, Colby SM, Monti PM -
Relationships between binge drinking and substance-free reinforcement in a sample of college students: a preliminary investigation.
Addictive behaviors 2003 Correia CJ, Carey KB, Simons J, Borsari BE -
Self-reported drinking-game participation of incoming college students.
Journal of American college health : J of ACH 2003 Borsari B, Bergen-Cico D, Carey KB -
Measuring substance-free and substance-related reinforcement in the natural environment.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2002 Correia CJ, Carey KB, Borsari B -
Differential utility of three indexes of risky drinking for predicting alcohol problems in college students.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2001 Borsari B, Neal DJ, Collins SE, Carey KB -
Understanding fraternity drinking: five recurring themes in the literature, 1980-1998.
Journal of American college health : J of ACH 1999 Borsari BE, Carey KB -
Predicting drug use: application of behavioral theories of choice.
Addictive behaviors 1998 Correia CJ, Simons J, Carey KB, Borsari BE