Bettina Pedemonte
School of Medicine

Dr. Pedemonte is a researcher in the Neurology Department at UCSF Memory and Aging Center (MAC) where she is designing a cognitive assessment battery for dyscalculia.

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She has developed extensive expertise in evaluating students with dyscalculia and designing individualized educational plans and interventions for them. In the dyslexia center, where she is currently working, she is designing and testing a battery to evaluate specific difficulties students have in mathematics. This battery is designed to identify the specific subtypes of dyscalculia (difficulty with numbers, calculation, arithmetic facts, or visuospatial comprehension). One of the main purposes of this study is to connect subtypes of dyscalculia with other learning differences and to map them with specific brain areas.

Education & Training

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  • PhD Mathematics University of Genoa
  • PhD Science of Education University of Grenoble

Publications (1)