Beth Bourdeau, PhD
School of Medicine
Beth Bourdeau PhD is an Academic Specialist in the Department of Medicine's Division of Prevention Science at the University of California, San Francisco. She received her doctoral training in Child Development and Family Studies at Purdue University, with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy, and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at UC Berkeley's School of Public Health.
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Dr. Bourdeau has served as Co-Investigator and Project Director for multiple studies funded by NIH, CDC, HRSA, SAMHSA, state and local health departments, and other funders. She is currently the Deputy Director of the CDC-funded Prevention Research Center and Project Director for two HRSA-funded multisite initiatives (Rapid Start ART, 2iS) and one CDC-funded implementation study (INVITE-Home).
Her research focuses on interventions to reduce risk-taking behavior among adolescents and young adults, with attention to Latinx and sexual minority status populations. Methodologically, Dr. Bourdeau specializes in outcome research and program evaluation, with a focus on person-centered analytic approaches and cross-cultural adaptation of measures.
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- LRP Award for Health Disparities Research, NIH - National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, 2009-2011
- LRP Award for Health Disparities Research, NIH - National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, 2007-2009
Education & Training
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- NIAAA Post Doctoral Fellowship Public Health University of California, Berkeley 09/2006
- PhD Child Development and Family Studies Purdue University 08/2004
- MS Child Development and Family Studies Purdue University 05/1999
- BS Family Studies University of Arizona 12/1994
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- Gender and sexual minority
- Nightclubs
- Latinx sexuality
- Adolescence
- Emerging Adulthood
- Program Evaluation
- Sexual Aggression
- Adolescent development in family context
- Implementation Science
- Sexuality
- Adolescent and young adult health and risk-taking behaviors
- Alcohol
Grants and Projects
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- Prevention Research Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2024-2029
- Innovative Administration of Long-Acting Injectables for HIV Treatment Enhancement at Home (INVITE-Home), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023-2027
- Using Innovative Intervention Strategies (2iS) to Improve Health Outcomes among People with HIV - Evaluation Center (EC), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau - Division of Policy and Data (EAD), 2021-2025
- UCSF Prevention Research Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2019-2024
- Building Capacity to Implement Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Start for Improved Care Engagement in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Provider (ETAP), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau - Division of Policy and Data (SPNS), 2020-2024
- Evidence-Informed Interventions (E2i) to Improve Health Outcomes among People Living with HIV – Evaluation Center (EC), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau - Division of Policy and Data (EAD), 2017-2021
- UCSF Prevention Research Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2014-2019
- Group-based Intervention for Alcohol, Drugs, and Aggression among Club Patrons, National Insititute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 2014-2019
- Web-based Family Prevention of Alcohol and Risky Sex for Older Teens, National Insititute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 2012-2018
- Prevention of Young Adult Drug Use in Club Settings, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 2009-2014
- Drinking Patterns at Clubs: Using oral assays and portal methodology, National Insititute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 2009-2012
- Family Strengths in Preventing Adolescent Drug Use, National Insititute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 2006-2010
- Alcohol Availability and Underage Drinking, National Insititute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 1983
Publications (36)
Top publication keywords:
MusicStudentsSafety ManagementAlcohol DrinkingAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeUniversitiesPeer GroupHIV InfectionsFinancial ManagementUnsafe SexViolenceRisk-TakingAggressionSexual BehaviorSocial Environment
Insights on HIV Care Engagement Strategies from Seven Interventions Serving Key Populations in the United States: A Qualitative Study.
AIDS patient care and STDs 2025 Moran L, Bolton AT, Maiorana A, Guzé MA, Bourdeau B, Shade SB, Rebchook GM, Saberi P, Palomares M, Hinchcliffe G, Keuroghlian AS, Psihopaidas D, Myers JJ, Koester KA -
Telehealth Interventions to Improve HIV Care Continuum Outcomes: A Narrative Review.
AIDS patient care and STDs 2025 Krebs D, Goldhammer H, Dorfman M, Moore MP, Chavis NS, Psihopaidas D, Downes A, Bourdeau B, Saberi P, Grasso C, Mayer KH, Keuroghlian AS -
Measuring Implementation Outcomes Change Over Time Using an Adapted Checklist for Assessing Readiness to Implement (CARI).
AIDS and behavior 2025 Bourdeau B, Guzé MA, Rebchook GM, Shade SB, Psihopaidas D, Chavis NS, Myers JJ -
Closing the Dissemination Gap: Accessible Toolkits for the Rapid Replication of Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve Health Outcomes Among People with HIV.
AIDS and behavior 2024 Goldhammer H, Marc LG, Massaquoi M, Cancio R, Cahill S, Downes A, Rebchook G, Bourdeau B, Head J, Psihopaidas D, Chavis NS, Cohen SM, Mayer KH, Keuroghlian AS -
Correction: A Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Learning Approach for the Implementation of Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve HIV-Related Health Outcomes.
AIDS and behavior 2024 Keuroghlian AS, Marc L, Goldhammer H, Massaquoi M, Downes A, Stango J, Bryant H, Cahill S, Yen J, Perez AC, Head JM, Mayer KH, Myers J, Rebchook GM, Bourdeau B, Psihopaidas D, Chavis NS, Cohen SM
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A Co-Created Tool to Help Counter Health Misinformation for Spanish-Speaking Communities in the San Francisco Bay Area.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2024 Abascal Miguel L, Maiorana A, Saggese GSR, Campbell CK, Bourdeau B, Arnold EA -
A Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Learning Approach for the Implementation of Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve HIV-Related Health Outcomes.
AIDS and behavior 2024 Keuroghlian AS, Marc L, Goldhammer H, Massaquoi M, Downes A, Stango J, Bryant H, Cahill S, Yen J, Perez AC, Head JM, Mayer KH, Myers J, Rebchook GM, Bourdeau B, Psihopaidas D, Chavis NS, Cohen SM -
Rapid start antiretroviral therapies for improved engagement in HIV care: implementation science evaluation protocol.
BMC health services research 2023 Bourdeau B, Shade SB, Koester KA, Rebchook GM, Steward WT, Agins BM, Myers JJ, Phan SH, Matosky M -
Interventions for Integrating Behavioral Health Services Into HIV Clinical Care: A Narrative Review.
Open forum infectious diseases 2022 Goldhammer H, Marc LG, Chavis NS, Psihopaidas D, Massaquoi M, Cahill S, Bryant H, Bourdeau B, Mayer KH, Cohen SM, Keuroghlian AS -
Supporting Community Partners in Reducing HIV-Related Health Disparities: Technical Assistance Across a Spectrum of Intensity.
Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing 2022 Mangosing D, Kumalo-Sakutukwa G, Bourdeau B, Rebchook G, Lightfoot M, Myers JJ -
Efficacy of a Web-Based Intervention (Smart Choices 4 Teens) for Facilitating Parent-Adolescent Communication About Relationships and Sexuality: Randomized Controlled Trial.
JMIR pediatrics and parenting 2021 Bourdeau B, Miller BA, Byrnes HF, Woodall WG, Buller DB, Grube JW -
Implementation Science Protocol: evaluating evidence-informed interventions to improve care for people with HIV seen in Ryan White HIV/AIDS program settings.
AIDS care 2021 Bourdeau B, Shade S, Koester K, Rebchook G, Dawson-Rose C, Guzé M, Psihopaidas D, Cohen SM, Myers J -
Impact of Group Cohesion Among Drinking Groups at Nightclubs on Risk From Alcohol and Other Drug Use.
Journal of drug issues 2019 Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Bourdeau B, Johnson MB -
Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Overuse Among Nightclub Patrons: A Randomized Trial of a Group-Based Mobile Intervention at Nightclubs.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2019 Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Bourdeau B, Johnson MB, Buller DB, Berteletti J, Rogers VA -
Prevention of alcohol use in older teens: A randomized trial of an online family prevention program.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2019 Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Grube JW, Bourdeau B, Buller DB, Wang-Schweig M, Woodall WG -
Social Drinking Groups and Risk Experience in Nightclubs: Latent Class Analysis.
Health, risk & society 2017 Bourdeau B, Miller BA, Voas RB, Johnson MB, Byrnes HF -
Using Panel Vendors for Recruitment Into a Web-Based Family Prevention Program: Methodological Considerations.
Evaluation & the health professions 2017 Wang-Schweig M, Miller BA, Buller DB, Byrnes HF, Bourdeau B, Rogers V -
Drinking group characteristics related to willingness to engage in protective behaviors with the group at nightclubs.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2016 Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Bourdeau B, Johnson MB, Voas RB -
Night club patrons who feel safe will return: Evidence to encourage management to address club violence.
Journal of safety research 2015 Johnson MB, Voas R, Miller BA, Byrnes H, Bourdeau B -
Clubbing With Familiar Social Groups: Relaxed Vigilance and Implications for Risk.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2015 Johnson MB, Voas R, Miller B, Bourdeau B, Byrnes H -
Method of transportation and drinking among club patrons.
Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour 2015 Bourdeau B, Miller BA, Johnson MB, Voas RB -
Experiencing aggression in clubs: social group and individual level predictors.
Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research 2015 Miller BA, Bourdeau B, Johnson M, Voas R -
Defining Alcohol-Specific Rules Among Parents of Older Adolescents: Moving Beyond No Tolerance.
Journal of family communication 2012 Bourdeau B, Miller B, Vanya M, Duke M, Ames G -
Parental Strategies for Knowledge of Adolescents' Friends: Distinct from Monitoring?
Journal of child and family studies 2011 Bourdeau B, Miller BA, Duke MR, Ames GM -
The role of beliefs in sexual behavior of adolescents: Development and validation of an Adolescent Sexual Expectancies Scale (ASEXS).
Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence 2011 Bourdeau B, Grube JW, Bersamin MM, Fisher DA -
Television Use, Sexual Behavior, and Relationship Status at Last Oral Sex and Vaginal Intercourse.
Sexuality & culture 2010 Bersamin MM, Bourdeau B, Fisher DA, Grube JW -
The role of drinking locations in university student drinking: findings from a national web-based survey.
Drug and alcohol dependence 2010 Kypri K, Paschall MJ, Langley JD, Baxter J, Bourdeau B -
Day laborers and occupational stress: testing the Migrant Stress Inventory with a Latino day laborer population.
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 2010 Duke MR, Bourdeau B, Hovey JD -
Drinking and alcohol-related harm among New Zealand university students: findings from a national Web-based survey.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2008 Kypri K, Paschall MJ, Langley J, Baxter J, Cashell-Smith M, Bourdeau B -
Latino sexual styles: developing a nuanced understanding of risk.
Journal of sex research 2008 Bourdeau B, Thomas VK, Long JK -
Understanding the relationship between alcohol and sex: Latino and white college students and problematic sexual experiences while drinking.
Journal of American college health : J of ACH 2007 Bourdeau B, Saltz R, Bersamin M, Grube J -
Blending prevention models: An effective substance use and HIV prevention program for minority youth
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 2006 Stevens, S., Leybas-Amedia, V., Bourdeau, B., McMichael, L., & Nyitray, A. -
Using values inquiry to develop a meaningful and manageable evaluation plan: A case study
American Journal of Evaluation 2004 Renger, R. & Bourdeau, B. -
Counseling gifted clients and their families: Comparing clients’ and counselors’ perspectives
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education 2002 Bourdeau, B. & Thomas, V. K. -
Retrofitting: Learning theory and instructional design in marriage and family counseling curricula
The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families 2002 Bourdeau, B. & Mooney, M. E. (2002) -
HIV risk and the freedom to act without thinking: Alcohol use and sexual behavior among adolescents on probation
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 1998 Piercy, F., Fontes, L. A., Choice, P., & Bourdeau, B. (1998)