Archana Venkataraman, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Cellular Molecular Pharmacology
School of Medicine
Education & Training
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- PhD Neuroscience Emory University 05/2020
- MS Biology Texas A&M University 05/2013
- B Tech Biotechnology Anna University 05/2009
Publications (11)
Top publication keywords:
Septal NucleiEnterochromaffin CellsFearZona IncertaThalamusMechanoreceptorsBrainDopamineConditioning, ClassicalExtinction, PsychologicalMemory, Long-TermCytoskeletal ProteinsPituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating PolypeptideTransient Receptor Potential ChannelsVisceral Pain
Gut enterochromaffin cells drive visceral pain and anxiety.
Nature 2023 Bayrer JR, Castro J, Venkataraman A, Touhara KK, Rossen ND, Morrie RD, Maddern J, Hendry A, Braverman KN, Garcia-Caraballo S, Schober G, Brizuela M, Castro Navarro FM, Bueno-Silva C, Ingraham HA, … -
Expanding the canon: An inclusive neurobiology of thalamic and subthalamic fear circuits.
Neuropharmacology 2022 Venkataraman A, Dias BG -
Mechanosensory Stimulation via Nanchung Expressing Neurons Can Induce Daytime Sleep in Drosophila.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2021 Lone SR, Potdar S, Venkataraman A, Sharma N, Kulkarni R, Rao S, Mishra S, Sheeba V, Sharma VK -
Incerto-thalamic modulation of fear via GABA and dopamine.
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2021 Venkataraman A, Hunter SC, Dhinojwala M, Ghebrezadik D, Guo J, Inoue K, Young LJ, Dias BG -
Neuropsychiatric disease classification using functional connectomics - results of the connectomics in neuroimaging transfer learning challenge.
Medical image analysis 2021 Schirmer MD, Venkataraman A, Rekik I, Kim M, Mostofsky SH, Nebel MB, Rosch K, Seymour K, Crocetti D, Irzan H, Hütel M, Ourselin S, Marlow N, Melbourne A, Levchenko E, Zhou S, Kunda M, Lu H, Dvornek NC…
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Modulation of fear generalization by the zona incerta.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019 Venkataraman A, Brody N, Reddi P, Guo J, Gordon Rainnie D, Dias BG -
PACAP increases Arc/Arg 3.1 expression within the extended amygdala after fear conditioning in rats.
Neurobiology of learning and memory 2018 Meloni EG, Kaye KT, Venkataraman A, Carlezon WA -
Differential requirement of de novo Arc protein synthesis in the insular cortex and the amygdala for safe and aversive taste long-term memory formation.
Behavioural brain research 2018 Guzmán-Ramos K, Venkataraman A, Morin JP, Osorio-Gómez D, Bermúdez-Rattoni F -
Bi-directional effects of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) on fear-related behavior and c-Fos expression after fear conditioning in rats.
Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015 Meloni EG, Venkataraman A, Donahue RJ, Carlezon WA -
Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide Disrupts Motivation, Social Interaction, and Attention in Male Sprague Dawley Rats.
Biological psychiatry 2015 Donahue RJ, Venkataraman A, Carroll FI, Meloni EG, Carlezon WA -
Or47b-neurons promote male-mating success in Drosophila.
Biology letters 2015 Lone SR, Venkataraman A, Srivastava M, Potdar S, Sharma VK