Annika Balraj, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
School of Medicine 415-502-3127
Publications (6)
Top publication keywords:
RetinaPattern Recognition, VisualNeural ConductionRetinal Cone Photoreceptor CellsOptical PhenomenaPsychomotor PerformanceAxonsMyelin SheathLarvaDemyelinating DiseasesZebrafishOligodendrogliaSize PerceptionOptic NerveRetinal Ganglion Cells
Loss of optic nerve oligodendrocytes during maturation alters retinal organization.
Experimental eye research 2023 Balraj A, Clarkson-Paredes C, Miller RH -
The Developmental Progression of Eight Opsin Spectral Signals Recorded from the Zebrafish Retinal Cone Layer Is Altered by the Timing and Cell Type Expression of Thyroxin Receptor β2 (trβ2) Gain-Of-Function Transgenes.
eNeuro 2022 Nelson RF, Balraj A, Suresh T, Elias LJ, Yoshimatsu T, Patterson SS -
Refinement of axonal conduction and myelination in the mouse optic nerve indicate an extended period of postnatal developmental plasticity.
Developmental neurobiology 2022 Balraj A, Clarkson-Paredes C, Pajoohesh-Ganji A, Kay MW, Mendelowitz D, Miller RH -
Strain variations in cone wavelength peaks in situ during zebrafish development.
Visual neuroscience 2019 Nelson RF, Balraj A, Suresh T, Torvund M, Patterson SS -
The optimal experimental design for multiple alternatives perceptual search.
Attention, perception & psychophysics 2018 Finlayson NJ, Manser-Smith K, Balraj A, de Haas B, Schwarzkopf DS -
Cortical idiosyncrasies predict the perception of object size.
Nature communications 2016 Moutsiana C, de Haas B, Papageorgiou A, van Dijk JA, Balraj A, Greenwood JA, Schwarzkopf DS