Ann Poncelet, MD
School of Medicine 415-353-2273

Ann Poncelet, MD is Professor of Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She specializes in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders, particularly brachial neuritis, inflammatory myopathies and neuropathies, myasthenia gravis, and neuromuscular complications of rheumatologic disorders.

She is the Director of the UCSF Brachial Neuritis Center with an inter-professional team that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of brachial neuritis. She is the William G. Irwin Endowed Chair and Director of the Haile T Debas /UCSF Academy of Medical Educators. As the Director of the Academy of Medical Educators, her role is to support educators and the education mission at UCSF. This includes overseeing a matched endowed chair program for educators, an internal grants program for educational innovation, a rigorous Academy membership application process and engaging the Academy in important UCSF initiatives such as anti-racism/anti-oppression and faculty wellness. She has a passion for medical education from direct teaching to education leadership. She ran the core neurology clerkship for medical students from 1997-2007 then led a team to create the first longitudinal integrated clerkship (LIC) at an urban academic medical center. She co-directed this program from 2007-2016 and initiated an effort to create a similar program for UCSF medical students at Kaiser Permanente, Oakland. The design, implementation and evaluation of these programs resulted in multiple publications with a focus on the impact of longitudinal relationships with patients and the peer community. She has served as a consultant for the development of longitudinal clerkships for dozens of medical schools nationally and internationally. In 2018, she co-chaired the San Joaquin Valley PRIME task force which created a unique medical school track at UCSF to address a significant workforce shortage in the San Joaquin Valley. The program launched in August 2019.


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  • Frank A. Rubino Award for Excellence in Clinical Neurology Teaching, American Academy of Neurology, 2020
  • Distinguished Neurology Teacher Award, American Neurological Association, 2019
  • William G. Irwin Endowed Chair, UCSF, 2016
  • Mr. & Mrs. David George Rowe & Stephen W. Rowe Endowed Chair for Teaching in Neurology, UCSF, 2005-2016

Education & Training

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2017
  • Fellowship EMG Fellowship Mayo Clinic 1993
  • Residency Neurology Stanford University 1992
  • M.D. School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco 1988
  • BA Government Colby College 1983


  • inflammatory myopathy
  • academy of medical educators
  • neuromuscular medicine
  • medical education
  • myasthenia gravis
  • brachial neuritis
  • longitudinal integrated clerkships
  • professional identity formation
  • autoimmune neuropathies


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Publications (54)

Top publication keywords:
Education, Medical, UndergraduateHealth OccupationsEducation, MedicalHealth EducationOrganizational CultureAcademic Medical CentersContinuity of Patient CareProfessionalismMedicineWorkplaceCurriculumPreceptorshipClinical ClerkshipStudents, MedicalHealth Educators