Ann Poncelet, MD
School of Medicine 415-353-2273
Ann Poncelet, MD is Professor of Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She specializes in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders, particularly brachial neuritis, inflammatory myopathies and neuropathies, myasthenia gravis, and neuromuscular complications of rheumatologic disorders.
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She is the Director of the UCSF Brachial Neuritis Center with an inter-professional team that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of brachial neuritis. She is the William G. Irwin Endowed Chair and Director of the Haile T Debas /UCSF Academy of Medical Educators. As the Director of the Academy of Medical Educators, her role is to support educators and the education mission at UCSF. This includes overseeing a matched endowed chair program for educators, an internal grants program for educational innovation, a rigorous Academy membership application process and engaging the Academy in important UCSF initiatives such as anti-racism/anti-oppression and faculty wellness. She has a passion for medical education from direct teaching to education leadership. She ran the core neurology clerkship for medical students from 1997-2007 then led a team to create the first longitudinal integrated clerkship (LIC) at an urban academic medical center. She co-directed this program from 2007-2016 and initiated an effort to create a similar program for UCSF medical students at Kaiser Permanente, Oakland. The design, implementation and evaluation of these programs resulted in multiple publications with a focus on the impact of longitudinal relationships with patients and the peer community. She has served as a consultant for the development of longitudinal clerkships for dozens of medical schools nationally and internationally. In 2018, she co-chaired the San Joaquin Valley PRIME task force which created a unique medical school track at UCSF to address a significant workforce shortage in the San Joaquin Valley. The program launched in August 2019.
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- Frank A. Rubino Award for Excellence in Clinical Neurology Teaching, American Academy of Neurology, 2020
- Distinguished Neurology Teacher Award, American Neurological Association, 2019
- William G. Irwin Endowed Chair, UCSF, 2016
- Mr. & Mrs. David George Rowe & Stephen W. Rowe Endowed Chair for Teaching in Neurology, UCSF, 2005-2016
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2017
- Fellowship EMG Fellowship Mayo Clinic 1993
- Residency Neurology Stanford University 1992
- M.D. School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco 1988
- BA Government Colby College 1983
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- inflammatory myopathy
- academy of medical educators
- neuromuscular medicine
- medical education
- myasthenia gravis
- brachial neuritis
- longitudinal integrated clerkships
- professional identity formation
- autoimmune neuropathies
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- UCSF Brachial Neuritis Center (
- Clinical Profile at UCSF Medical Center (
Publications (54)
Top publication keywords:
Education, Medical, UndergraduateHealth OccupationsEducation, MedicalHealth EducationOrganizational CultureAcademic Medical CentersContinuity of Patient CareProfessionalismMedicineWorkplaceCurriculumPreceptorshipClinical ClerkshipStudents, MedicalHealth Educators
Education Research: Rewarding Our Educators: Design and Evaluation of a Program to Fund Teaching in Neurology.
Neurology. Education 2024 Cornes S, Chang L, Collins S, Richie M, Foster-Barber A, Josephson SA, Poncelet A -
Post-procedural Brachial Neuritis: Clinical, Electrodiagnostic and Neuroimaging features.
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 2024 Ambati VS, Madugala N, Anderson N, Poncelet AN, Bedell BR, Kolala RP, Mummaneni PV, Shah VN -
Neuralgic amyotrophy: An update in evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment approaches.
Muscle & nerve 2024 Gabet JM, Anderson N, Groothuis JT, Zeldin ER, Norbury JW, Jack AS, Jacques L, Sneag DB, Poncelet A -
450 Inflammatory Brachial Plexitis Mimics Postoperative Iatrogenic Neurological Deficits.
Neurosurgery 2024 Vardhaan Sai Ambati, Neha Madugala, Noriko Anderson, Vinil Shah, Praveen V. Mummaneni, Ann Poncelet -
Scapular Winging and Dyskinesis.
Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology 2024 Nens van Alfen, Ann Poncelet
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Comment on "The Vital Importance of Professionalism in Medical Education".
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2023 Li D, Poncelet A -
Aligning structures with values to sustain health professions education research.
Medical education 2023 Poncelet AN, O'Sullivan PS -
Identifying Value Factors in Institutional Leaders' Perspectives on Investing in Health Professions Educators.
JAMA network open 2023 Poncelet A, Collins S, Fiore D, Rosenbluth G, Loeser H, Sawaya GF, Teherani A, Chang A -
Instilling Resiliency in Surgical Education: The Benefits of Longitudinal Medical Student Learning.
The Journal of surgical research 2021 Abel MK, Collins C, Lancaster EM, Poncelet A, Lin MYC, Bongiovanni T, Wick EC -
Chapter 22 Neurologic Disorders Associated With Bone and Joint Disease.
2021 Ann Noelle Poncelet, Andrew P. Rose-Innes -
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2020 Lucey CR, Hauer K, O'Sullivan P, Poncelet A, Souza KH, Davis J -
Correction to: The do's, don'ts and don't knows of establishing a sustainable longitudinal integrated clerkship.
Perspectives on medical education 2020 Bartlett M, Couper I, Poncelet A, Worley P -
The do's, don'ts and don't knows of establishing a sustainable longitudinal integrated clerkship.
Perspectives on medical education 2020 Bartlett M, Couper I, Poncelet A, Worley P -
Continuity in Undergraduate Medical Education: Mission Not Accomplished.
Journal of general internal medicine 2019 Evans DB, Henschen BL, Poncelet AN, Wilkerson L, Ogur B -
Current state of educational compensation in academic neurology: Results of a US national survey.
Neurology 2019 Weber D, Sarva H, Weaver J, Wang F, Chou J, Cornes S, Nickels K, Safdieh JE, Poncelet A, Stern BJ -
Learning to balance efficiency and innovation for optimal adaptive expertise.
Medical teacher 2018 Pusic MV, Santen SA, Dekhtyar M, Poncelet AN, Roberts NK, Wilson-Delfosse AL, Cutrer WB -
Going from good to great: explicating norms through continuity in the clinical workplace.
Medical education 2017 Poncelet A, Lai CJ -
Longitudinal integrated clerkships.
Medical teacher 2016 Hudson JN, Poncelet AN, Weston KM, Bushnell JA, A Farmer E -
Student Continuity with Patients: A System Delivery Innovation to Benefit Patient Care and Learning (Continuity Patient Benefit).
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 2015 Poncelet AN, Hudson JN -
Quantitative ultrasound of denervated hand muscles.
Muscle & nerve 2015 Simon NG, Ralph JW, Lomen-Hoerth C, Poncelet AN, Vucic S, Kiernan MC, Kliot M -
Learners, performers, caregivers, and team players: Descriptions of the ideal medical student in longitudinal integrated and block clerkships.
Medical teacher 2015 O'Brien BC, Hirsh D, Krupat E, Batt J, Hansen LA, Poncelet AN, Ogur B, Hauer KE -
Workplace learning through peer groups in medical school clerkships.
Medical education online 2014 Chou CL, Teherani A, Masters DE, Vener M, Wamsley M, Poncelet A -
A comparison of ultrasonographic and electrophysiologic 'inching' in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow.
Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 2014 Simon NG, Ralph JW, Poncelet AN, Engstrom JW, Chin C, Kliot M -
Teaching patient-centered communication skills: a telephone follow-up curriculum for medical students.
Medical education online 2014 Saba GW, Chou CL, Satterfield J, Teherani A, Hauer K, Poncelet A, Chen HC -
5. Segmental changes in ulnar nerve ultrasound across the elbow and their pathophysiological significance in ulnar neuropathy.
Clinical Neurophysiology 2014 Neil G. Simon, Jeffrey W. Ralph, Ann Poncelet, John W. Engstrom, Cynthia Chin, Michel Kliot -
Using tablets to support self-regulated learning in a longitudinal integrated clerkship.
Medical education online 2014 Alegría DA, Boscardin C, Poncelet A, Mayfield C, Wamsley M -
Chapter 22 Neurologic Disorders Associated with Bone and Joint Disease.
Aminoff\u0027s Neurology and General Medicine 2014 Ann Noelle Poncelet, Andrew P. Rose-Innes -
Creating a longitudinal integrated clerkship with mutual benefits for an academic medical center and a community health system.
The Permanente journal 2014 Poncelet AN, Mazotti LA, Blumberg B, Wamsley MA, Grennan T, Shore WB -
Transformative learning through longitudinal integrated clerkships.
Medical education 2013 Greenhill J, Poncelet AN -
Patient views of continuity relationships with medical students.
Medical teacher 2013 Poncelet AN, Wamsley M, Hauer KE, Lai C, Becker T, O'Brien B -
More is better: students describe successful and unsuccessful experiences with teachers differently in brief and longitudinal relationships.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2012 Hauer KE, O'Brien BC, Hansen LA, Hirsh D, Ma IH, Ogur B, Poncelet AN, Alexander EK, Teherani A -
The role of role: learning in longitudinal integrated and traditional block clerkships.
Medical education 2012 Hauer KE, Hirsh D, Ma I, Hansen L, Ogur B, Poncelet AN, Alexander EK, O'Brien BC -
Students' workplace learning in two clerkship models: a multi-site observational study.
Medical education 2012 O'Brien BC, Poncelet AN, Hansen L, Hirsh DA, Ogur B, Alexander EK, Krupat E, Hauer KE -
An innovative quality improvement curriculum for third-year medical students.
Medical education online 2012 Levitt DS, Hauer KE, Poncelet A, Mookherjee S -
Better learning, better doctors, better delivery system: possibilities from a case study of longitudinal integrated clerkships.
Medical teacher 2012 Hirsh D, Walters L, Poncelet AN -
2012 Linda Bol, Douglas J. Hacker, Andrew Mattarella-Micke, Sian L. Beilock, Norbert M. Seel, Claus Andreas Foss Rosenstand, Lowell Dean Tong, Christian Burke, Ann N. Poncelet, Shawn Ell, Monica Zilioli, … -
Case-Based Learning on the Web.
2012 Lowell Dean Tong, Christian Burke, Ann N. Poncelet -
Development of a longitudinal integrated clerkship at an academic medical center.
Medical education online 2011 Poncelet A, Bokser S, Calton B, Hauer KE, Kirsch H, Jones T, Lai CJ, Mazotti L, Shore W, Teherani A, Tong L, Wamsley M, Robertson P -
Transition to clerkship courses: preparing students to enter the workplace.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2010 O'Brien BC, Poncelet AN -
The longitudinal integrated clerkship.
The virtual mentor : VM 2009 Poncelet AN, Hauer KE, O'Brien B -
Burden, responsibility, and reward: preceptor experiences with the continuity of teaching in a longitudinal integrated clerkship.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2009 Teherani A, O'Brien BC, Masters DE, Poncelet AN, Robertson PA, Hauer KE -
Longitudinal, integrated clerkship education: better for learners and patients. Point.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2009 Hauer KE, O'Brien B, Poncelet AN -
Preparing medical students for clerkships: a descriptive analysis of transition courses.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2008 Poncelet A, O'Brien B -
QS321. A Novel Approach to Surgical Education in the Third Year of Medical School at the University of California, San Francisco.
Journal of Surgical Research 2008 Seunggu Han, Derek Ward, Jasmine Lai, Arianne Teherani, Ann Poncelet, Patricia Robertson, John Maa -
Chapter 24 Neurological Disorders Associated With Bone and Joint Disease.
Neurology and General Medicine 2008 Ann Noelle Poncelet, Andrew P. Rose-Innes -
Thalidomide treatment for prurigo nodularis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected subjects: efficacy and risk of neuropathy.
Archives of dermatology 2004 Maurer T, Poncelet A, Berger T -
Peripheral neuropathy in scleroderma.
Muscle & nerve 2003 Poncelet AN, Connolly MK -
Diabetic polyneuropathy. Risk factors, patterns of presentation, diagnosis, and treatment.
Geriatrics 2003 Poncelet AN -
Blink reflexes and the silent period in tetanus.
Muscle & nerve 2000 Poncelet AN -
The neurologic complications of Paget's disease.
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 1999 Poncelet A -
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension resulting in stupor caused by diencephalic compression.
Neurology 1998 Pleasure SJ, Abosch A, Friedman J, Ko NU, Barbaro N, Dillon W, Fishman RA, Poncelet AN -
An algorithm for the evaluation of peripheral neuropathy.
American family physician 1998 Poncelet AN -
Comparison of transthecal and subcutaneous single-injection digital block techniques.
The Journal of hand surgery 1997 Low CK, Vartany A, Engstrom JW, Poncelet A, Diao E -
Myokymic discharges of the tongue after radiation to the head and neck.
Neurology 1996 Poncelet AN, Auger RG, Silber MH