Andreea Seritan, MD
School of Medicine
Dr. Seritan is a geriatric psychiatrist who works to understand and manage the psychiatric manifestations of neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Seritan developed and co-leads the Clinical Neurosciences Area of Distinction for psychiatry residents, is a member of the UCSF Haile T.
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Debas Academy of Medical Educators, and has been serving as the Faculty Mentoring facilitator for the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences since 2021. Before joining UCSF, Dr. Seritan was on the faculty at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine, where she developed and led the medical student wellness program, also serving as assistant, then associate dean for student wellness.
Dr. Seritan’s research interests include the psychiatric aspects of movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease and the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Additional interests include faculty development, gender equity in academia, medical student and physician wellness, competency-based medical education, and the mental health impacts of climate change.
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- Exceptional Physician Award, UCSF Health, 2024
- Distinguished Fellow, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 2023
- Roberts Award for Inspirational Mentorship in Academic Psychiatry, Association for Academic Psychiatry, 2019
- Distinguished Fellow, Association for Academic Psychiatry, 2016
- Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatry Association, 2015
- Exceptional Mentor Award, American Medical Women's Association, 2013
Education & Training
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- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training University of California 2017
- Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship University of California, Los Angeles 2004
- Psychiatry Residency Baylor College of Medicine 2003
- MD School of Medicine Carol Davila Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy 1992
Publications (73)
Top publication keywords:
Mood DisordersDisruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct DisordersMental HealthTremorParkinson DiseaseAtaxiaMental DisordersDeep Brain StimulationFaculty, MedicalStaff DevelopmentFragile X SyndromeFragile X Mental Retardation ProteinPsychiatryStudents, MedicalClimate Change
Do "Calls to Action" Lead to Action?
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2025 Coverdale J, Beresin EV, Balon R, Guerrero APS, Morreale MK, Louie AK, Aggarwal R, Seritan AL, Thomas LA, Castillo EG, Brenner AM -
Perceptual Differences: Remediation Versus Retaliation in Resident Training.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2024 Balon R, Morreale MK, Aggarwal R, Thomas L, Beresin EV, Louie AK, Seritan AL, Castillo E, Guerrero APS, Coverdale J, Brenner AM -
Fraud: A Growing Threat to Academia's Credibility.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2024 Balon R, Louie AK, Morreale MK, Seritan AL, Guerrero APS, Thomas L, Aggarwal R, Beresin EV, Castillo EG, Coverdale J, Brenner AM -
Artificial Intelligence and Medical Education, Academic Writing, and Journal Policies: A Focus on Large Language Models.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2024 Morreale MK, Balon R, Beresin EV, Seritan A, Castillo EG, Thomas LA, Louie AK, Aggarwal R, Guerrero APS, Coverdale J, Brenner AM -
Is It Time to Rethink Psychiatry Residency Training? Part III: Training General Psychiatrists to Be General Psychiatrists.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2024 Brenner AM, Aggarwal R, Beresin EV, Seritan A, Louie AK, Guerrero APS
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The Climate Formulation: Addressing Climate Change in Mental Health Practice.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2024 Wang RS, Seritan AL, Hatcher A, Asghar-Ali AA -
Climate Change and Aging: Implications for Psychiatric Care.
Current psychiatry reports 2024 Mehta MM, Johnson AE, Ratnakaran B, Seritan I, Seritan AL -
Competency-Based Climate Change and Mental Health Education: An Emerging Paradigm.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2024 Seritan AL -
Evolving Perspectives on Wellness and Stress.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2024 Brenner AM, Guerrero APS, Morreale MK, Seritan A, Aggarwal R, Castillo EG, Coverdale J, Thomas L, Balon R, Louie AK, Beresin EV -
Elevated Mood Induced by Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation: A Video-Recorded Case Report.
Tremor and other hyperkinetic movements (New York, N.Y.) 2024 Coutinho PB, Johnson KA, Seritan AL, Galifianakis NB, Coleman R, Wang D, Racine CA, Ostrem JL, Starr PA, de Hemptinne C -
The impact of climate change on older adults’ mental health: A primer for clinicians
OBM Geriatrics 2023 Seritan AL. -
Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Psychotic Symptoms in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Narrative Review.
Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 2023 Seritan AL -
The American Psychiatric Association Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Eating Disorders.
The American journal of psychiatry 2023 Crone C, Fochtmann LJ, Attia E, Boland R, Escobar J, Fornari V, Golden N, Guarda A, Jackson-Triche M, Manzo L, Mascolo M, Pierce K, Riddle M, Seritan A, Uniacke B, Zucker N, Yager J, Craig TJ, Hong SH… -
Calling to Action Our Personal Behaviors in Mitigating Climate Change.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2022 Coverdale J, Seritan AL, Brenner AM -
Climate Change and Mental Health Curricula: Addressing Barriers to Teaching.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2022 Seritan AL, Coverdale J, Brenner AM -
Online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for People with Parkinson's Disease and Their Caregivers: a Pilot Study.
Journal of technology in behavioral science 2022 Seritan AL, Iosif AM, Prakash P, Wang SS, Eisendrath S -
The Climate Change and Mental Health Task Force: One Academic Psychiatry Department's Efforts to Heed the Call to Action.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2022 Seritan AL, Hasser C, Burke MG, Bussmann GL, Charlesworth A, Cooper R, Fortuna LR, Herbst ED, Jayaratne A, Richards A, Stuart BK, Epel E -
The COVID-19 Geropsychiatry Rounds: A Curriculum for Healthcare Providers
OBM Geriatrics 2022 Seritan AL -
Prefrontal Physiomarkers of Anxiety and Depression in Parkinson's Disease.
Frontiers in neuroscience 2021 de Hemptinne C, Chen W, Racine CA, Seritan AL, Miller AM, Yaroshinsky MS, Wang SS, Gilron R, Little S, Bledsoe I, San Luciano M, Katz M, Chang EF, Dawes HE, Ostrem JL, Starr PA -
Elevated Mood States in Patients With Parkinson's Disease Treated With Deep Brain Stimulation: Diagnosis and Management Strategies.
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 2021 Seritan AL, Spiegel LL, Weinstein JL, Racine CA, Brown EG, Volz M, de Hemptinne C, Starr PA, Ostrem JL -
Women with Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome.
Movement disorders clinical practice 2020 Schneider A, Summers S, Tassone F, Seritan A, Hessl D, Hagerman P, Hagerman R -
The Time Is Now: Climate Change and Mental Health.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2020 Seritan AL, Seritan I -
The Many Roads to Mindfulness: A Review of Nonmindfulness-Based Interventions that Increase Mindfulness.
Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) 2019 Xia T, Hu H, Seritan AL, Eisendrath S -
Developmental Approaches to Faculty Development.
The Psychiatric clinics of North America 2019 Teshima J, McKean AJS, Myint MT, Aminololama-Shakeri S, Joshi SV, Seritan AL, Hilty DM -
A Historical Review of Key Events and Components of Faculty and Professional Development in Psychiatry.
The Psychiatric clinics of North America 2019 Hilty DM, Yager J, Seritan AL, Levine R, DeJong SM, Borus J -
Telepsychiatry for patients with movement disorders: a feasibility and patient satisfaction study.
Journal of clinical movement disorders 2019 Seritan AL, Heiry M, Iosif AM, Dodge M, Ostrem JL -
Ages at Onset of Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease.
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 2019 Seritan AL, Rienas C, Duong T, Delucchi K, Ostrem JL -
The Psychiatric Assessment and Brief Intervention Program: Partnering With Primary Care Providers.
The primary care companion for CNS disorders 2018 Seritan AL, Haller E, Linde P, Orgera S, Fisher WS, Iosif AM, Jackson-Triche M, Bourgeois JA -
Improving Mental Health Training for Primary Care Residents: A Resident-Led Educational Intervention.
The primary care companion for CNS disorders 2017 Ureste PJ, Duong TL, Seritan AL, Iosif AM, Hilty DM -
Support for Military Medical Students-One School's Experience.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2017 Seritan AL, Paterniti DA -
Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome.
Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 2016 Seritan AL, Kim K, Benjamin I, Seritan I, Hagerman RJ -
Psychiatric disorders among women with the fragile X premutation without children affected by fragile X syndrome.
American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2016 Gossett A, Sansone S, Schneider A, Johnston C, Hagerman R, Tassone F, Rivera SM, Seritan AL, Hessl D -
A gender and sexuality curriculum for psychiatry residents
Med Sci Educ 2016 Seritan A, Aminololama-Shakeri S -
Clinically significant psychiatric symptoms among male carriers of the fragile X premutation, with and without FXTAS, and the mediating influence of executive functioning.
The Clinical neuropsychologist 2016 Grigsby J, Brega AG, Bennett RE, Bourgeois JA, Seritan AL, Goodrich GK, Hagerman RJ -
From Industry to Generativity: The First 12 Years of the Association for Academic Psychiatry Master Educator Program.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2016 Blitzstein SM, Seritan AL, Sockalingam S, Randall M, Kablinger A, Lieff S, Azzam A -
Care Seeking Patterns Among Women Who Have Experienced Gender-Based Violence in Afghanistan.
Violence against women 2015 Stokes S, Seritan AL, Miller E -
Psychosis and catatonia in fragile X: Case report and literature review.
Intractable & rare diseases research 2015 Winarni TI, Schneider A, Ghaziuddin N, Seritan A, Hagerman RJ -
Thorny Laurels: the Impostor Phenomenon in Academic Psychiatry.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2015 Seritan AL, Mehta MM -
Where are the women?
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2014 Seritan A -
ERP abnormalities elicited by word repetition in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) and amnestic MCI.
Neuropsychologia 2014 Yang JC, Chi L, Teichholtz S, Schneider A, Nanakul R, Nowacki R, Seritan A, Reed B, DeCarli C, Iragui VJ, Kutas M, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ, Olichney JM -
Memantine effects on verbal memory in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS): a double-blind brain potential study.
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2014 Yang JC, Niu YQ, Simon C, Seritan AL, Chen L, Schneider A, Moghaddam ST, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ, Olichney JM -
The office of student wellness: innovating to improve student mental health.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2014 Seritan AL, Rai G, Servis M, Pomeroy C -
Helping psychiatry residents cope with patient suicide.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2014 Prabhakar D, Balon R, Anzia JM, Gabbard GO, Lomax JW, Bandstra BS, Eisen J, Figueroa S, Theresa G, Ruble M, Seritan AL, Zisook S -
Memantine for fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2014 Seritan AL, Nguyen DV, Mu Y, Tassone F, Bourgeois JA, Schneider A, Cogswell JB, Cook KR, Leehey MA, Grigsby J, Olichney JM, Adams PE, Legg W, Zhang L, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ -
Towards an Understanding of Neuropsychiatric Manifestations in Fragile X Premutation Carriers.
Future neurology 2014 Besterman AD, Wilke SA, Mulligan TE, Allison SC, Hagerman R, Seritan AL, Bourgeois JA -
Abnormal semantic processing in females with fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome.
Genes, brain, and behavior 2013 Yang JC, Simon C, Schneider A, Seritan AL, Hamilton L, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ, Olichney JM -
Phenotypes of hypofrontality in older female fragile X premutation carriers.
Annals of neurology 2013 Yang JC, Simon C, Niu YQ, Bogost M, Schneider A, Tassone F, Seritan A, Grigsby J, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ, Olichney JM -
Ages of Onset of Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Fragile X Premutation Carriers.
Current psychiatry reviews 2013 Seritan AL, Bourgeois JA, Schneider A, Mu Y, Hagerman RJ, Nguyen DV -
Current psychiatry reviews 2013 Seritan A, Cogswell J, Grigsby J -
Caregiver Burden in Fragile X Families.
Current psychiatry reviews 2013 Iosif AM, Sciolla AF, Brahmbhatt K, Seritan AL -
Current psychiatry reviews 2013 Seritan AL, Ortigas M, Seritan S, Bourgeois JA, Hagerman RJ -
Postpartum Depression in Women with the FMR1 Premutation.
Current psychiatry reviews 2013 Obadia RW, Iosif AM, Seritan AL -
Psychiatric features in high-functioning adult brothers with fragile x spectrum disorders.
The primary care companion for CNS disorders 2013 Schneider A, Seritan A, Tassone F, Rivera SM, Hagerman R, Hessl D -
Neural substrates of executive dysfunction in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS): a brain potential study.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 2012 Yang JC, Chan SH, Khan S, Schneider A, Nanakul R, Teichholtz S, Niu YQ, Seritan A, Tassone F, Grigsby J, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ, Olichney JM -
Neuropathological, clinical and molecular pathology in female fragile X premutation carriers with and without FXTAS.
Genes, brain, and behavior 2012 Tassone F, Greco CM, Hunsaker MR, Seritan AL, Berman RF, Gane LW, Jacquemont S, Basuta K, Jin LW, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ -
The state of medical student wellness: a call for culture change.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2012 Seritan A, Hunt J, Shy A, Rea M, Worley L -
Case report: Dystonia in a fragile X carrier.
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2011 Zhang L, Sukharev D, Schneider A, Olichney JM, Seritan A, Hagerman RJ -
Assessment of patient and caregiver needs in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome by utilizing Q-sort methodology.
Aging & mental health 2010 Gane LW, Iosif AM, Flynn-Wilson L, Venturino M, Hagerman RJ, Seritan AL -
Postpartum depression: an original survey of screening practices within a healthcare system.
Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology 2010 Chadha-Hooks PL, Hui Park J, Hilty DM, Seritan AL -
Lifetime prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in fragile X premutation carriers.
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2010 Bourgeois JA, Seritan AL, Casillas EM, Hessl D, Schneider A, Yang Y, Kaur I, Cogswell JB, Nguyen DV, Hagerman RJ -
Clinician-educator tracks for residents: three pilot programs.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2010 Jibson MD, Hilty DM, Arlinghaus K, Ball VL, McCarthy T, Seritan AL, Servis ME -
Abnormal N400 word repetition effects in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome.
Brain : a journal of neurology 2010 Olichney JM, Chan S, Wong LM, Schneider A, Seritan A, Niese A, Yang JC, Laird K, Teichholtz S, Khan S, Tassone F, Hagerman R -
Gender differences in faculty development: a faculty needs survey.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2010 Seritan AL, Iosif AM, Hyvonen S, Lan MF, Boyum K, Hilty D -
Self-reported anxiety, depressive, and vasomotor symptoms: a study of perimenopausal women presenting to a specialized midlife assessment center.
Menopause (New York, N.Y.) 2010 Seritan AL, Iosif AM, Park JH, DeatherageHand D, Sweet RL, Gold EB -
Conversion disorder in women with the FMR1 premutation.
American journal of medical genetics. Part A 2009 Seritan AL, Schneider A, Olichney JM, Leehey MA, Akins RS, Hagerman RJ -
Dementia in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS): comparison with Alzheimer's disease.
American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008 Seritan AL, Nguyen DV, Farias ST, Hinton L, Grigsby J, Bourgeois JA, Hagerman RJ -
Gender stereotypes in pain diagnosis.
The virtual mentor : VM 2008 Seritan AL, Fishman SM -
Treatment of fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) and related neurological problems.
Clinical interventions in aging 2008 Hagerman RJ, Hall DA, Coffey S, Leehey M, Bourgeois J, Gould J, Zhang L, Seritan A, Berry-Kravis E, Olichney J, Miller JW, Fong AL, Carpenter R, Bodine C, Gane LW, Rainin E, Hagerman H, Hagerman PJ -
Society for women in academic psychiatry: a peer mentoring approach.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2007 Seritan AL, Bhangoo R, Garma S, Dubé J, Park JH, Hales R -
War and peace: psychotherapy with a holocaust survivor.
The American journal of psychiatry 2006 Seritan AL, Gabbard GO, Benjamin L -
Of rose gardens and forced terminations.
Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry 2005 Seritan AL -
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging.
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 2004 Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA -
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration.
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 2004 Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DH, Hurley RA, Taber KH