Amy Tso, MD
Associate Professor
School of Medicine


I am a Headache specialist who sees patients at the UCSF Headache Center. I have expertise in the management of migraine, trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias including cluster headache, and other rare headache disorders. I also have expertise in inpatient treatments of headache.

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I completed my medical degree at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. During medical school, I spent 2 years at the National Institutes of Health doing stroke imaging research as part of the Clinical Research Training Program. I completed my Neurology training and Headache fellowship at UCSF. I then worked as a Specialty Doctor in Headache at King’s College Hospital in London, UK in the National Health Service. After spending a few years as a Senior Research Fellow at University College London, I returned to the UCSF Headache Center in 2023.

Currently, my focus is on clinical care. In the past, my research interests have included functional neuroimaging studies in migraine and machine learning applications in both clinical and hospital operational domains.

Education & Training

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  • BA, Minor Human Biology, Psychology Stanford University
  • MD Medical School UCLA
  • Headache Fellowship UCSF
  • Neurology Residency UCSF

Publications (14)

Top publication keywords:
Cluster HeadacheDihydroergotamineParoxysmal HemicraniaPontine TegmentumHeadache DisordersMigraine without AuraInduced Pluripotent Stem CellsIndomethacinFunctional NeuroimagingVenous ThrombosisGray MatterHeadache Disorders, PrimaryAnalgesics, Non-NarcoticVagus Nerve StimulationVerapamil

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